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::,[~?_~i~{'~~Q£~ i.; ~_:~)lG ._1:];:.£~~~-ª-;!..2?;.gs . iµ~~11~;U~g_9~pal Oouncil of·t.he .Q.£:f:,:e.£:~~~:l·0..t O!~,.i?1;'LJ~J-2:.~__~~~:"~2:n~~i~_.5~.~~_}l~1{'; j-~~_~;,~]2d t }~~~~_ OJ~' f~h.£~c:E. ,:t'Jcl U(Y"Jl"'~ "-"-008 1.(1'10"-;'00-(·"1 ~""·::":"_~._""'L;1:..1<-~:::-~~~._,"~_~,~~':::".J:..~ .Po.Gsed J"anu"w::y, 1 9¿16. it i c< e ~\::j) (~d:L errc to 1'8(;ulc~te '[jhe p:coceec11n(>;s in Council , __u unél in Oor!Hi1i'l~tee3 of ·~J.1e SClW.O, and t.ho Off'ìce::cs 0:[' cche COJ::'pol""dGion of the Cou.o:cy (,f .:__ilC';in, and ·lie cLLlG j1 (1 and COìlsol:Ld ;3.11 O"lil:J.f0I: ~ay- Laìt\f'[;l I'elat,:Lnc; <~ü the 'pI'oceedinc;s in Ooux,1cil, r.e:~ Œ:J:{¡T:~¡?C:l'CH: 'C he I_::Ün:lc i::)LLICOllllcil of -li118 Corpora'cion of tIle Cou.nty of I:~lc)~n e:n.ac-cß "-'<,:' ÙJ1loi! S: O.fJ fllht::::c all otho:c' By-Lavvs relat.:l11.Qi' GO :qroceedil1f)3 in C01L.wil, or' 1:no ÖDDl stent '1."1 ith .1chi¡-::; ßy-J~aw , éLee he:ce by l'G}!EH11ed9 J?H OCBIGDI},:;GJ II·! COULCIJ". 1. Líeo'lJin{šs Llnêt J\.djOl.l.1.-'r.mlent 01' Council. 1. In all Gho proceedlnu;s hü.c1 or 'ljC:J.ç:el1 in tho 1.'..uni cipal COlUICil of tll.Ü Cox'¡ü:cat :Lon of, tb.e Count.y of ~:_~.; .!.,;., t.he i'olloVJj.rj<~~; rules and r(}(;"lll- p:c:Lons :3 11 C:1. 1 1 be o IJso:cved ", and sha~.l.l 'iJG '0116 rules LLllc1 ::cegulu:lïions fOl" the , orc1er l:1nd éLei3\X,rlJch of DUS:LLlGSS in -(;11e ßtJ.ìd Cou:rJ.cil, aúc1 (II' 'L,llO COJ.üluit-C80S of 'CLl8 fjL_lc1' COUI.~ci 1Q ~) IIlhe hour of liJ.<:j e-L tng on Ghe i'irst; cló.y of fi::cst session 011(111 (:""0 08 :3 o t clock In 'L:dl.G (1ft Ol'YlOOl1, ul1d foX' ove:cy Ü·CllÜ.:C (1[1':1 or !3it'lJi He; :Ln Ghe fJ8ß¡:jioll, such 110u1' }3}1ull bo J:'egulrtCOCl (xc the j;)1'8vlO"L!.B ad j OU:cJ:Jl1l8n-c It ex lJn.le;3 ¡j t.:i.lore ;:;ha11 be a \LUOl'U~il ~¡):.ceDGn_t :in IH-J.lf an 110U1' 1:-:'L1-'"I:.'0r Lhe o. ·c D,':..,):~)oin"L ad :t~o.r -(;h8 }:18rJ-cillg 0:1:.' Cm'.D.cLL, the CouD.cll 3b.<::;.11 'c.hen ßtL.ìJ.1d ;,lbßolu'liely ad.jo'u.l'lloét lu,Ô~il ·t:;'J.1.8 J,J.ex'l:, l' e guleu:' 11 our of .lüee\jJ~ng , "mcl t,he CI0I>J.ç: [3h8.11, if :.cequi~cod b); "c',\)0 J:¡,LeIü'bu.:c'S) "Galee dO\'Ill 'J,u.e JJ.8JÚOS of the Jl18Ed)()j.'i3 }):1~'8,S8:n:t. (:).-c, "Cl18 expiratlol1 o:j~> s U.C]~l h(11J~' hour Q 4" I.e:üo Council shall a li.:/aJ8 lldjoul'n (xl) the hou:cß or l;~ o'clock, noon, a:ud Ô o'clock, aí'ti~;J:'1100IL, if i.n SCS8:LOn at these hOlli'i3 , LllJ.les s OtJ18l:·"'Ni~:jcJ de·G;:;::c.i.,:nnod by b. vote o'f u. lilaj o:city of' 'che IÙGliJ.bG:c's ]!1'8sent'Q r- 111118 COUIJ,C i ~i. al":Lal1 d.lvvaY3 ad;j OUI"n at l.:.L10 110m:' of 11 0' clock p.m. '. ::J. íf . . . "tha'c 110Ul' , unless o-c}1(::;J..~v.fi3e d_e-liel'LJ,iLL0d by vot.e 0:[' ."1I1 DC:H3i3:LOll a."() "lJvJo-'Gllìrc1s 01:' 'G:::lG Lie J¡'j.:JG j:' S "iJ:ceß811t. ø / t~" N......,.·, ,':>t ",',:c. 64 '.L'Üe .u1.01ilÌ)UJ:S 0:[' -;;118 Couúcil Sh<:lJ_l EOti leh'TG ·iJhe:l.l.' .LüC8S on adjOtU~'l'1l¡i.~)nt , tLU.í.; il -(;.1.1.8 /:.Lcdüú O.:C O'lJ.J.16X· ~).:c8sj_cl:l.11c.-: Oi'i'ic8l' lec,vGs G!:l8 C hé;.:lr C) 11. 01"(;.or of r:L'oc0oc1il1{Cs in GOl)jlcil" ?fI, jtS soon U.i't,8:.L' '~J.2.e llolu:> o:c L.luG'tïiJ.1~~, u. ~J -¡;lJ.O:C8 ;31.1<:.111 ì)ü a quo :C'UDI lŒ'0DO):J."lJ , [;}.lO \'liJ..l'd.(:)H ¡;h~:(Jl ·0<,;;;.};:e \;118 chair u"IJ..d Ilexa.bers ,'31J:al1 ')0 called GO Q[" êlero l3. IJ.1 C2lt38 tIJ.e '~Icu:'do:u. sJ:u:Lll ncyc '" 1 tho alel>}~ sllt:').ll ue l:C1 ,U.·CI::'GJ.1CI:J.Ji.oe, cD..l1 "'i:~11o l;L('Je"Lin.C:; to eXr:c1cLc, Ullt 11 a Ghdil'I(lL.Il ,c::;ha 11 be c1l0;sen, {JJ:lcl '(,he meI¡ÚJoJ:" DO cJ::lOiJen 0U }!J:'c'~BidG [:31H::Ll1 -eel.ka the ChL:Lii' cll1.T t1J.o u.-l)SOLLCe 0:[' 'the erG t.l1emeGtin{~ OIlly at. v,;--hich 1'-8 lH1S ì dd.I'den, but ÖdOll 1::0 cho serlO) 9, InUt.Lediately (J.ftoJ.' the ,'jÙl'd8:U. or o'~h8r Fresiding Officer shall hD.V8 t,nJ.cen his 80[:).'0 el'G -GÜe l'ie st ses.slon 01' the èluy, then "Liho JD.inu"G<;)s of the pl'eceCLlne~ day' fJ DliJOtiu{:::;, oX' J.'¡jße"tJingn, sLlal1 be ~cead by -0ho Cle1'Ic, ìn OX'dei" thu.t Cl..l1Y mi ;:;-c, ,:; t; 118I'e i n JLI.C:.y be co::c:cecteO" b;jT -ells Council, èUld if é:ì·,PDl'ovec1 -c1.te Council, ßhdl1 be signed "iJ110 \'Ial'c1eH and Cle21c. 10. ::,~;vo:L"y JÜ:J.'Glbe:c; p:C()V'iOU:~3 to his DDeakillC~, -lJo cU1Y (Lu.es·cìo:u. or m.ot:Lon, shall I'i uo :::'l'O:U.L c' f::';OE"G uncovo ~."Gél ò.nd D_:.i.éLC'8SS hixdL:iolí' to the ,0 ',;-arden or othe:c J?rei3ic.1. Qf:i:'ieer~ 11. \/1101'.1. t\VO 01' LlOj" 8 Llulúoel's rise at O.ì.1Ce, t11(3 8hall I ,,' .. ,/1.10 j_¡~; :Cìrs-c to S})8él.!:c, o.nd otllGJ:' ü'L;J:1eJ:s }"lcl;\l na.ln8 GÜD :tüomÖ81' ·CX.l.0 or 8.g.'(Joal 'l:; 0 tIle C OtLi.LC 11, if di2:iséi.ti,sfic.hl '011 -C:iJ.d 'ß ddC:L;:-.>:Lon, tlß qU8fJ'tlo11, 1'1!,i'Jhlch LJ.8IÜb8:.c '¡."fas fi::cst U}!?il l' :U;V81'Y Iüêlllbul" :preiJGirL \)hon (::t. question is J?1XÌJ sh[:.11 VO'CB cilcœe- 0, on, un18f3s tJJ.8 GOlllJ.c:tl 811[;1.11 e~'~CUb 0 Id.lLi., 01' .Üe be ))GI'SOIJ.<;111y ill'c'cn'8f:1"Led in the (lUestion, Lnrc suell :Lüt UI'Ó,'3t J.ll1J.D'C 018 x'8001v·(i.1>le ill"ÎJO a pel's onal pecunl¡,1.:cy ,pl""o~Ci'G, ßUC.!J. as :ld J ' . not :lH O:_C .pocu _J~U.l' "GO -c :;;.11(1 co:mJfl.Oll wit.Ll 'iJ~:ld Inte:L'Gsts o:ì::' 'the C QUIl"'G Y a-cl l;Œ'Cel;t l~)o \Jllel1 '[:;]].0 '/h-:Ll'd e .'0. 01' ütJ1GJ:' P.:ce8:Lc1ing O:tl'ice:.c is I),LXG;~ 'G.i..1.G qlle 1::3ti. 011:, no :LueúLb':'~r ûh:J.11 u_c:'cOßS or Ol.fiJ o:C Glld l'OOlÜ, 110l--' lI.d;dj:'l~upt the s ~:!8al(e.:c , e~~::CGl)"L:. ·GO 0. CIUGs-cioll u:t ux'de:c, J.l.Ol' p dES ';)et-v'/GGll -~::'.1.e sJ;:JeaJç:eI' and the chE.llr, und no COUL cillo},:' ~3b.al1 lou.·'i/8 his ]!lacu élu:c' l~h0 ~3itti of' t.i1.EJ COUJIGil ithorrc to ,ttJ.8 chuJ.l' LU3 he~~·eti.:c8ß , CÚJ.d }_;.G.l~ [:1 DOiJ in ~3L1C .Ll i.:i. .ì-¡l<.:iD.1".LGJ: ~::L3 'cha t. é:":i:13T lllòuìJ0I' ~q:'C0;jQ.<~1-G r¡H;~Y- l1i;_~V8 flll OJ)": Ol'- tun:Lty to o IJ J e C\j to 'G~~.!.\:3 <..103ence 0:[' BUCÜ l'a·iJ:.l:.cin~; LOEDor 9 , ,- , "C ) l ~ D tJe , 18 , )~1 ¡.J o c 1. :" LU L' ,0 - ,-, " d..!.. 0~L b . u Cc;;J8b..1. GO t, o D _1\:) J. A..(J.:j" ;31..:e .L1 H:;;;:)(~ ie,: '" -,:--> , O~. o ) ) lJ ( UG o '.':'.-., ..L u~. 8el C~. uny ~'tlCt;J S't.) ed " " c; rJO L , , eo 1.( )0 1mB nü , )1 v 1 c GC) c :L 1 ):C' G , n'itl.': i::--s o , , v e c 'U GY bU'-.j J.O d_ ,u: ".0 e c J c 1 0.1c ti to " O'c t 0, .. ,~ U). O':";.:ldl.° LL ü-t;c~. c ) Œ!.8C~8 d t; le L, (ye 18 L !;\i'C[ CGr ):L> '_e_ "C () L.L <'/ o~' .),) t:JI..J ~ -,-,¿UE.,;s"L; La C' eo .[ , , ".~ " G ¡') J.L OPO.L () 'dOl' )( , U.0 f11i.;lY 0d 'CO G he 01:,],-:,)( r~3 VUllO o 1.>1 ü iU0,St i ()l1D \) o 1 (:l.ì. ile j be c;, " co D. , " d cll. i OIl GÜe Li ll"G()!5 ( .:) \:,ü e ( '0 .~J_ Jd OJ "C ,~ J '0 ;:.;8 8 Gll iy~r an} one .01 U)C::3 o . .L G 18 Go G i1 of '0 ,].()~~ (: \v.tlo vc , G l. u:e let ,'-'j u~l() e dho YIC) G ,:'> , ~ .,.... ,JV "tj .tlu IU.GS ¡~:L OIl uhc 11 be , -:.J 1 . Upo 1. a d '. v :L n ,0 :Lon )11 .J. c¡ues'c :L o !Jato ,'0 '0 l le Cen.n.D t 1 '0 e ncLLtOS GlU·I·1. ed Selid , ,ü'LiOJ. O_L 1"8 or"LQ G o () , bet' , i' i <:"i)_:1.0E t lO~;jG \'iLl.O vot.ed it o Le l~·. j Ol'i , '/ 'l~ 1. tJ.'C Got!. G 1 u_ J 08;'3 o > 0"0 1. o :1. t.o It'aj: 01' l,'J L1.' Vu .1 ,ld uGcon.i 8el bv d u..lte ())~ ~ij G , ,c1 l; 11.8 ,;..te( !~~ ,> ,'311 11 t) e' C c18J:(3d l/lh ~:) ~,~. .~O Be ]'36 i o 1. of' ;30Q 1:~f'l;8 L (). ¡ ,.ü'C :L ) 1,3 ¿;3ßcd )j a Tü !)02t. t~d OIre. ed ~J.O lO'cia to "(iin.LOg intl'oc11..lCO () .a·l;·G8J. IE. .0 c ) \f8 ~ to. <:"'-,;. >:.J\... , > o ô " I Tlt1J c' ,0 ) ':0l,.lC CL ß0COllCl nis 31)8Ü Ci:l ;h L d, y hi. V8 ¡)ee L ;;:;00 caived ¡Jut 'C .1 8 J.1 18 :L s not¡ to Vlichou'c Ie ), '1'8 ).1. ·CJ.1C Ccu G i 1 eXC8pt, in 12Hla '0 L on :):{' (1 HU.t, 1 rt of 19. I\! o Jt LaJ. )8:C s hall speC-c),;': . ())~'e " Ian Yi.1C0 Oil u ::;Ulü8 \LUO ;TC OIl i J: 'CG:L u !) '0 tA ,18mbGl." "\ hl 18 dlJ8U. _,.Ct... ~¡o di '",' I:) CU, ') c' ," 1 OJ: l to i)3 ). u u, . ..L at any lIü8 chu'i j. ( the deìJLJ. li8 Dut at so G.G 'to lB. );Ü1Y nGl.u.boj: J..'el~ uire 'C1 G que;3t ü:c ,c:i. o 1 under 17. J, o 18:t, ~J<':')J.' sJ.H:J__Ll t3 J) 8 ü~ UG:Jid ) '0 n (;) (IUest :t on J. 1. c eb:. '0 .3.. is in se's~=)i O!J.o 16. o , 18w'iJeJ.' ,-, o lU. 1 01 Loko in "l~ e OOl 01 1 0 ¡-JJùÌJel' J 1. , " lJ..8 Gunnel 1 t ;,c I !:lst tHis G ) Ul c; il O:C '0 t::'clJ.Y v.Ller-eof. the DOH .L:Ì.OH OT 01 c ). I~S J, ovineG ü}: s H.L, 1 10 UBG oI':fe 115 Ie OTd,;:j ':;X1.c:111-b -d'OV81":;.10J. oJ. o G :.18 , ., po so ad l :':'L J.l :.LSli 01 (; .;,ov·e,:c:nÜle r c of nor of o:{' , e Jv -v 01' OJ "cl.1.;',) JÜ } ..Oé:-( c. -' e ·"u.l L,ielXC- 15 . () i ,,_\ " ¡)(:3 c' '" J :1. i;i. J " 'J pe d:i. 3'::' o d(; ijJ. ul o:c eo .L'..<"~ o '" 'c , n " ,PI'S , 1 f 01; ,':'!UC .. 1 I' L 1:1. ( . .t¡", 1::\' ( lûititïüd 14;0 t. " l cor sj' "GO ,J. c',,-F" ...:-...\ .1 bo .1 L :{' n , Ln uncI CL~110d .1 'C lL Ie ruline; L ~:; >~ '[:,0 c-..; () oi~ I. 'C se '1.8 Clec Ll:' Ú0 L 1 'led ,:'LG 0:::.103 :1, O.:C " "-' v.; L'--' o-cl1u_ i'c QÜ' c ;E J?J: lC asidìnc; unlBSB o l. Xl l)~; l.'- ) r;~ T' ,S}12',Jl ;)() 2.;,:'18 ..:. (~a:::..!. O~'. YL.J.IJ 1<,.· <3 b:::'t cL h_L1cu..., (J,~:J . ..~ v 3UOjuCC 1';0 ;;:.i: ...0 '0.18 C ' .---, v C>.·.l,;_. " C C,','JLunbo:c t() :)0 010'::; eëL; c.',J'.cl ...0 L~.,H~ (10 (':,-"-'L:; ..'..L /0 ,_'UC ._":; C.'_' ,,I, '.ill , o~,<Cü~¡Yli i),:lC . 'dJ'.·;](-)}'D :,'L1.i,d :~.[1rJ Glu:I~'Jc, ;3).1"., .. ;:;;'ù ~;,-~.,() <) 1110 O:L'd81.'S of ¡'j~;10 DLtYø 2<to Ilho C~L:,;:¡":;{ ~j}u;J..l .>.1. :.::_V'f:j eC,- :I.'OI" ~:i:J.ò U!3() oi' . . ¡j.üo ;(,Le.L'L;)Oj~~D ·c):':.e '-':e:u,cl'çll oJ:<1e:c of (;.:J.d , C : l~rG .. ,:::¿u¡,:, din.(;, ~j:i,}C) L1.iJJ.U-c Be;.. ;:3:U.dG CO],:', ,lUl].C.¡j.v~t()JI.!3.. 3:cd~ -':"', " ,,' .'l)u'Ll'Gio:(LSo J:-:C()UC;fjG tttho jl:rLCIu. :Lç :L a ~j by 1,:I.eJ.,,i,'jJc:cs.. btl.Lo Ci :u.o-clceo 6t:;h~ iLu.po.-ct ß of CÜJ.')};LLt, Loeso 'lGh. lhlj:> i D.l ;:~::'1 G d UUS:tJ.l3SD <) tJ'ljt.l.o I.:ov; b\i.iJ:Lu.O,8S <) 9th, C OJ1UJ ëLC:CLt'\,j:L 0.'1) OJ:' >3y·- rJ(,n:,¡s . ~~5o 11::J.8 l)ll~J]_ :0.0 8 U , :U"L ,-<11 CC,i.SC:;S, bet. ct\:Ol1 uJ.) iD.chG in c.b. 1'lj v.J)o)'.!. tJ.1.8 OJ:d0I',S of t.h8 1 ' , ' d ut 0.i'1.,iined 0",' UE eSß O·cjlü:L:\,....~Lbü ,J v , by a \rot8 uf Cl :C.i.cJ.,j o2it~T 01' C.;__~8 H:;~Ll:)():L'S 'i);l.'U8orÜ:. t CdCOi.L t,L.Lout dO;JELLiO ¡JX,:'~:j:cGono ;:~G ) 1:;0 :¡:'oßolutioxl, l'Oj: 0::' a {).'LLlJ.'C 01' nO/.iB;'l, uhu.ll ìJd vuc (.HI U";"10D. ï"':"iJ.'G:1.1 o:r.L8 cU,,<:rf ;:'J :i..}.o ¡¡:Lce ~)3Gn ~.:;i V\?.1J. u u'lJ.ch .,_'c,soluLiJ.Ull 11 bo offe:eedo r:3? 0 ¡\.~Ll .ùJ.Ol.:; 1. 01.1.;3 u.L.Lall in 'C:i.j:l{?; , u:;:;:co,p'i~ -GO d1 ,...;0 OJ:' :'_'ü ~¡)O:l"C /3 01' CO:U.lJ!,UIl.l c:L L.'L:t UJ!.U , C)'i" 1)0 /'UJ:'3: 'CO COLL": .~ 'lJ C~');3 , i3l.lLLJl ;:;3 ßòCOj:Jd cd :)E-:n'Ui'8 rJG1.:.l{,; d.O;);:iL; :.)(\. OJ:' ·r>u.·~~ l;o '\lU:,jO; ;')..:,1.(} ·}'iO'G:L,U:CJ.E:J ,,:;lJ.cLJ..l O~) .';.-8LJ1 i.J lc).,.:)1.Üi)J)." ,'s:l.nr'.: t' DUG."\:; :1.~.1..1. ~:J.:L ~~ tlaad unÜO'''ldJ__'ed, 2:.1 c1 ;.5110.11 l;n<'1Jl Ud CO.1.'iIU~V0c1 "to \:,;11.0 , \"he) :L'd[~~(J. ·GJl.d ~3¡J.lll.e~ )0 ()J.' G J;,lCYG:i. O~,J, ....' beG",I. I>(j;:.d' 0he ;,¡¿.-Lr.'O.d;..l OJ: U ;)J10.~ 0'" (..JUG ,- i;J .Lct:L::f,; Offi081' , :tt dee:: l8d ljO ;)'8 ~:; i.) O:U. ()/ U,C Cou.,.c:i.~, b'LJ.t '0 é,L'G (J.ÜY 'G CUj.1. )\r~ 01' c ('i.~]OI':1-.GJ U~¡~> ~~.iJ.e t,L')} :Ú) d l' [:) J):C08CIJ."G. no ':J. 1i.10·i::.:LOn GO :caI'uJ.. I~h() GO i..~ (' L' G ';j::J r)hL,~11 0- '::'¡ûo v clud.o 1 ;";,[J.;) m.<1J.ll LUdl3·ciol J..1 cl3c:Ld.ec1. 'I I¡' I '1'1 li;1 It! ~,' 1ii ¡Ii ¡ 'I i ¡ ! ~ t-' " '" 300 .d. [;0 ','..' ~.I:.:: 8:3 :::) :'-.8 /JOi,.i,l/ LU..';:8lJ. l,_'r; I!. 0 :,<)001,i.é1 lO'cfo -i:J 0 <-~O. ~¡ OLD:l S.'_lLJ.J..] J""' _<..c,-Î.ü LElc.:i.l ::....tje:e Iv 80':'::'.8 ;lJ.,;.'CU:c.:ti.()cl:1.;_ 'l;.u ;~¡. oC8ucl:t i-': ,'3_,1. 1 '.'_ '/3 U'-....j ~i.\_d . 310 ,,'hCI} ;J. 33t1on 1::3 ,'.' :10 :)(:\\ji:) J._!'C.i ." JYG:L 0 X'J, ;~)iJ.,:_jul ;);) ~¡.'80Giv,:~jCL ", \<, C' 'to rU,'_Lo:iJ.d :ì_ G, ;~ () 0 it, ·liO ;J (YlLC'H , OJ:' 'GO l:,U\"C":: '.', .!.__U'iJ·~LO'li.;J -J,,,.>,..) v, J.-__' (J.UOD 'J:1011o '-,,-."j 111.1C J):cuv:L 0'\18 U'l~ :L();,,~, 1H :LJ docic1ecl, ¡3:i.l.~Ll1 .p:L'uclude u,:i.1 ,'.){".Jo ~) 01' 'c}J,e CfUGU'C:LOX1, ,,:..d bo }?'lL'¡j \/:'LtJ1U'U.',~ d J ';)~::_t e :LLl 0J.1::) j~'Ollo-\ l.l..LC, '~\:O~('d;3: ¡¡IJhi.~~11 ,:./110 :; i.U.l11. cl"LFJ;::rcloD. ncn,,; ')0 ?\ì edlQ l:t' , 'c:t.1.iu ))() (-)(1 :'L:i.J. '(:ii'.Le: ttVG, 'GiJ.-8 Ol~ L10;:; i on -ell ))0 ¡ "/u:iJ to VO~jO -LI10V:C LL:C,Ü GCÜ:;.():i"J."G 01' d'o 1);;,1·e8. I ;I ;¡ f?P -"11 'G::3 shc.l1 be Trtl"G in --ell'0 :C8TI~,):CS8 ü:L'doI' iu Glley OD.. \, ¡!! u.re IJ1oved, (:;XC01)'lj 1.i:.i. J. I)lan.ks, _ hei1011e lOlL ~;OUG :.' -CJ.1e !i up '0 (.:.JJÜ lLt:cU,:3St, ~TUJ:L i3]:1(:Lll !:)o "¡YlIl;. :('1J."L3'C; e VOl'Y' [J.LJ.O r.ì.cln(-n~t. C t (jd. ullc~11 be ! I'educod ·LjO \'JI'i-c t .:"i.d. b3 dGcidctl lJ.lJOn. or cl1ct:CD.\T)' bO:L'U:C8 't,.iJ.8 Ji.Lç:1.in , I CJ.uu~:)·tì:Lon i d '110 'GO '\lOl,e .. " " ',I: 34. In e.l1 n:!.otioJ:J.8 _(OJ: -0",10 CLI»)oi.u,tl:1GU"l; of 01' ·G.iJ.8 CO\.E:t... 1:1 "i G:i.l, of D.nor Oi.J11C:C pl':Ü'SOLL to GUY oJ'i'icG in. ·L.nG ~~:L f·G 0:1.' iJl10 Cüu.lcl1, I:! or -cne ,,: ':, " IH.U:,LLCS 0:(' ",11 cal:.Lc1i(lc.:[::,z',):3 slJ.;.J.l1 ^,' :" DGfü:¡:'ü '.¡'o-i:-e 113 tjLdC811 éLLi.d i.! ')0 ßl,).OLn"C-CGl1 ;1 "Ch8 o¡J.néliÙL."GC¡J sh~).11 be> VO-tj8d on ~J eIJLn~L~t81y uLLG O:CdOI' 11). \;-~lJ~ch ';';:::10:y" ,~ are .'»:oJJOSE.Jll. I: ,.",:- OJ!.ly Oll() c'd":1.GndIi10J:'j:C ¡;;hal1 bo a110\'1ed <::13:.1. élúlondiu.<.3iTG, o.rul " to , a~) . " i:::;.ny LLlJ.lo:ndru.8nti J.üo:cü uhun one IJUß t De to tJ-.l8 ,"¡:.a..in CIUdstJioDo I ] 36. :,{i:lGD. 'l:il.l.o (llI88-t,~!.01l1JJI10:C cOJJ.uide:C'i..1'ci o:u. co:u."L, diD -cínc""c t ¡ ,I J)roJ?oßitio.c.!J , uroúcho I>e C.i.118 i3-G of 0118 vo-(;e U)CJ,1'0UCh propo- I U.IlJ 8 ii' n:ì.tioD, :3hdl1 oe ·(JuL:o:u b0:l.JLü';',fcel:vo ¡ ~3 r¡ . "',.. " ? " fii.JLLlly ))ut -0110 <,,'b.l'c1ex.L O-CJJ.0I' Ar·csr any qUSSGlOD l8 Oi' " I'l'() 01'l'100:c, no "1l1Gn.tiY31' C' 8J)8u.1=: -co the qU8,stioü, nOi' i3h~c.\.11 any 11' u 'il Ii ot.ho:c' :uì.o'L :LOI1.\)O LEù1e 'u.:u.-liil atLGc):1: 'Gild l'usul\J .1:'j decli::).l"eÜ; <3_üd "(;he å.0C:l3.iOll , , of (,L1.o ','/a.I'd.erl. 01' u~.Li.e.;. l>j:'oD idlnc; OJ'i:'i 081' 'C< t () ""i}J.ecJ:lej__~ ·(jJ.1eCJ.uoi::rl:; ion 0..0 í tU::j,f:'::; beo'c! :fl:o.u.J,ly ~)"llt Dhdl1 ¡)O Gonolusive. ¡J iÎ, 38., '.'I.h.enevoI' tJJ.G ð.ûl1 o:c 'otl1.8I' I'1'8sicling O~L':C i c U.i' o:f 0))ln1011 ,I J~L3 I I that a l(~tion offered 'co ,:;he C011HCil 1:3 CUJT"- to la\-J , I 0" LÜe I'u108 dúd .C I ¡ ¡ vl1cgeiJ of \:..1.16 001.Ülc:tl, Li.:;:; ~3ha11 :t ~~e ·0ho üe:C_LIJG L'fj t.iJ.(~ L'eoi' (U- I I a-cal;sr beI'O:l,G .1)UC·C ~I..\.ü (luel3'C:CO:i.l 'GJJ,,3:!:'C~OI1, V·JJ·d quote '~L_::.V;T OJ.' :i.'uIo oJ: I i exu,tlJo:ci'¡:.y ~: I)l:Lca'ole to t}lO Cí:1Se '0II0U-C or co ",L:L8nt.<:o I I ;1 I ! ~ 'I fl I' II 'I II :1 0"(..l:18J busj4ness. or ot:b.8r Tl"8S :LdiDE 01 fiCGX' Sllûj 1 eSlJl.18 o o oj: 1 ().ir dj d p ~c-oceGc1 Hh lüi'lit.e8 shall ¡) G co Cl::- Idol'eel l,,-,::1 dis:po[;; ed ai' une ive and the 'dl'den " De 3.1.L01,Jed Cl on. an , ~ ti:CIU.ati ve vete t.ùe ~-3U ) ject. _~"efeJ:.··1'8d " o "Í::,Üi.: COJil- t :11(e I: ) ceceèleJ.,Lce 0:1. any oGl 8r mot i 011.1/: On such :10"0io debb:l.ie sÜall o ( ·c hat t he:) c H:li.I'l:lt)"n leavo -L Ltc: cha 13 s wll -- 1\ ,vayu b e .tn o:ccleI 1 ,(l sua 1 1 'l6 .1.\.. Loti o:c. in COl nl 11 "ttee o l' "0110 ¡hole co c:i 80 GhOUG L' e II orti:L ,,. b LUGst.ior sha.l~ 08 èlo c1 ded "chou-L. de c ,too 450 Or cot jJ) .[ GOYJiJili b"Goe OJ. -cile 1101d -co :cl U( ¡luëL >d1?0J. 'C the J?~L' ef3:LdJ~Il{ Of ,C i ceT \ i :1 .L 1"0SULd.e G G G .lair' it 1 out my Clu8stiion be lng put~ suddoD. d i so cdeI sho-uld Ôl'il3;J i11 G 11 e Commlt.t.eo, 'C 11 e I'del1 OX' O'Gner deG :L cled iJ "Glle chai:Cl 1 11 1:311 ¡) , Gct 'GO alJ \: ~)1)e 0.1 -Co c1 e COUllGil cUHl i.L J.UY IJA;.... -¿ueB " ions of o:cde:c é1 :ci s :lne; in Co JJ'11\~ t 88 0) i;he IhÒle ß Ib. n DO ljlmGs oj: BpS on (J :lJ. v " qUUS·c,j. o 1 be 1ìJ LÌ.-ced. n xmes o L' 'G J. t;; r~eDÒe s 11 11 no-c be 1"0CO ,:dod no~ shcLl1 'G 18 nux ':J83:' of <::lc1 (] OUl'nment (:' ," a L 1 De r:L1J. OH3 èl 8j_1Ö~ tJ 2.:_king he \(0(L3 v and IJHYS T~ 1e t. I 'oe ,~, ., oc o (.lcled u " :10 ,1otioJ. -' l'O:.C' 'C 1 e p:cevl JUS qu :~Ci ....- Vo.)lJ o l o:c fC)l" an '.-.¡holo 80 ',' .L L' c- ,0 1 J.ay D " " C~ <' .! ,) :u G L:i. dle OXCG1)"G ·C 110 i o -Cion b l' -' 11 equi.i:.->e 430 .(lhe , JJ J s 0:[.' 1e CO'U.D. c:Ll 81H1.11 )8 ODS :H'V'e .1 )J Gar j.lJ ill C l~ oe 01' tl o 'C ne oCGed i 01' -cnG COJJL :rÜ'Liteee> whole, Vi 10 ;'::'J.J.() lILai rc ,1 :i J du i n 'cue CO] .u :LÌ'l:,-C8e tU. d " fÜa ;:.¡lláll l'C-D01"'G c-' ,0 1alJ l.eave .'C H3 G 11 ai.:c c' 'v H.J. "1 J...~,- \. ) ]:) oi:nt Ll Oho. of Co Ci it'~8 e o:t l~il8 into u COlilt!.it-cee OJ the vJ101e 1:J e , j. cle.n Y.C ot.i.lü:r ·.?l'()sidin O/f' eel> ~k~o ifheno'VGr ü ß ha~ 1 .,'" c~ 1':10 I] -ed B.nd cal"J. :t ell 'C ;lat the o )lU1 oU: go O:cd()j o:t :PJ. 0088 ::1 Cl :L J.g8 in 00. I' I' '1:1:t -c ð e of' u 10 ¡ho 1e. IV. 11a s vo ,I~ U e d , G CIunlì'c :/ oj ';'TC-G ) C.' >0 <'~ ü ldl1 De c1eexu.ecl ·CO ¡j.VG iJe u 1 III , v :Lv'ec1 :l:C t, " 8 LÜ.:den l'CLGlnbc3X' " co on [1 1 l)J)~ iJlons cl 1 D. p 'v ue:'J"G J on on l:l a 1 v ü()l.~e is .,11 410 r ,1 e 1al'den o C' otJ:lCJJ ~ej:"e;::) :L din; CiJ. :2ì eel' l:l<'~.LY vote \. it. 'G w o'cllo] J p pliea ö L.e [jO '0 18 o c n ,.:) ~ i 'G lout LL v o CC ~-8n v .Lon .:C 8 qu:L:cecl 0 dea de çJ. oi Lll.. xl' o 'll OJ OJ :L o 0) 18 ::rG , ü L I' v, , .'. e " " \,..~ '.1 ú~,_ ity 40. [ÜeJ.l "L~ J_G , d J !, O-l;Ü " " ~ ,.:) id c . ce.." _L,.:) G ,-, ,j.l ) ·CO o Iled 39. COX'. J;,~embel's sho. u iJJ.' D.:r,s -i· v :l.Ì:CG -¡; 18 :Lr ) laces -]-.'1¡,-311 J.llY c.1:Lviøion is V'. of' By-Lav'lS GIld :f:o.:'OCG8c1ill:'~S '.L1..le:_'0011. if,7 -,.~ve:cy IJ,y-1Ll1- :j(;} :LJTC:L'oduCdd. 1).,0,:_-:" EO-Gi ' '. J~_ ~:) : -. ~\j' '(~ , ~) ~¡UC~~. i'yine 'Gho tl'¡Jle uj' ·~J.lü ijçU:l8, 01' U{JOIJ. LDt.ion -CCj u. :L:',l',) Co~,~_j_-,..:. ,)80 -l~Ü P:L'0J)b.:CC IJ.nd b.:C'ln{; it :lll~ 480 WIlen cl by-laì¡J is J>~Hd ,in tl10 Council, th8 Clo~k shall certify t.he T'caCline;s, HJJ.d \).1.1.8 timo ,on 'G118 !Jack ·che:.:..'eof II ,I.\.:c-cdI' by-lavJs JH:~ve ])Ct::3;;'jed he c' 1 be ~;_ e~:¡J)()JJ_sible J:'CJl" tiheiI> co:cI'ec"L,ness f3houldthey be "' DJl1eD.dec1~ ~l:gll 111he Cluestion: dI1111<J.t. L;h,::Ls by-lsJ.} be no\-" :CJl:'Î.cJ. Lt first tilne, 'i'I ßhall be decided \', i'lilJ.olrlï .liG or døbô:liG, 31)),.1.'],1 be l'GD.c1 L~, second tiIne be:1:'oX"e Lt :I. ~3 COli'lUiì'c t¡ Gel , Cl.úèl I-eael u tllLc'd 'Giue before it :La slL:ned - '-.~ b:i/ tJ:le ·;\h;'~I'deno 50. A..ny by-léì.vJ f'o:c tho u]:) a-cion 0:[' l:i.OllUY·, bJ:'()"u.(~,ht :1..11 011 the :C8.T.JOJ:"G o:{' Ô. CÒÚG ;j~'GG;:e oj:' '/JhoJ.ò, :3hull ;;1 ·LhI'O "1 ., ;:rGac~us ,_J.U.O ('J.j. J. ·GEJ thout be:tr.1.¡',;: n :ce:i:"' ()l'l'e J. GO '__1 OOlLlIÙi·;,.;tG~~ O:l ~he "{Jllo1c~, unless ¡.JJ.IG upo:n. s.IJC) c:Lal J¡.ì.o·c:Lu.u. ":¡il:iting,~ 51. Jill ~ll:1endLLent d :uJ.uc1e il1 Co.ì¡}j,_d~ GGeo 01' thG '~Il101d shall be :ce 'po :r"ti G (1 I)V the cho.:Lr':cü::,n '00 'che Gou:ncil, thl'OU[)l cho ',o-¡"Lcdün O.:C O"(Jl1GI' ',-, .. l<cesidi.l.lg Cfi'.-J.öer, \'.(::10 i3~!J.al1 i:ecelvdIJJ.l(:3 Ek,<-L_lU :Co:c¡~lruit.J111 i~t-(.el' ~~'e~po:ct, '[¡b.B by-lavJ i'3hu.l1 ÌJ0 01H.::1} t. (j J.GDt:.ì."l:.e dD.cl u.:,:¡'iGJ.1dmGLrG 1JGi'()l~e it is oi.'dered 1:'o·:c Ct trJ.1J:"c1 :ceading. \nJ.GJ1 D. by-lavl i:3 I'GDO:ctJoêL \}i:eÜou"lJ LU,iO :u_dmOil tit. 18 t-"o:c-clnvith orc1el'od to be ,~Lc1 a tiLL :cc1 t lUG 8:0 SUCJl t.iLi.a a,s 1)(3 ap:pointGd by tl.ì.8 COluw:i.l. F') All by-laws al1o}/~ Gel ShL'L l~L 1)8 :C:H"inlJod in the 1 dnu'lie8 of tìJ..8 ;:)(..)0 CO\1J. cìl. Vl. )?e-cltions G.:u.d COl.d_Eiunlct'.."Glons. 5~3o ~:,ì1'1J'8ry pO'cltlon, :i:8j,}Ol.lS-GJ:"UIJCe, 0:(' otih8:r:' \'j'x-:'Ltt.en a}!})l:i.c ~)__Gion illtonded to De "Ol:>(;)8onteèL to the CcnuJ.cI1, mu,s'L be :{'arily \\T~L-cte:D.oI' ~priuted 011 JH::lJ?er or I)Ei..:L->cJ.1i¡::¡{):crc, 1:-nul .siC)18rl by at lOL,;.¿t OIJ.O pel~'son, an.d no let Gel'S af'fJ.dav:L't.-ß, OJ:"" o"Ghel" dOCUl"ilents sh.all be actaohed ~o it, and slJ.al1 be p:cese.I:.\.ted by a .nh)JiJ.ÏJe:c in C" C8 8.S soon b.S T:'.ì:).t.t"G 01'(18:C 01' hlH3iness co is reclollE-jd II 5<1:0 .i.Gver~'( .J Lcn:;J.bel' ]?:t·e~)eiJ.tin{< any :::)()'Gi-;:;ioJ.l, :ceL:~unSi.:¡ré.lr.Lce , O.:C o-chol' \vr:'L'li-co:n (.I.~PJ)licrit;lon to ·~:':::18 Conncll, 311a11 eXduiJ10 'C:::1G i3cU:;j_G, ;JJJû shu.ll DG U.llS\'-)GTé..lb18, thü'c ·t.hey do J.10-C C()Y1.'c:J..l..n FiTlY in)or·iJine:u.t o:c lrll)I'0lje:l.' Iilattel', LlIld -i.:¡ 'che sane J~.u :.cu ect~_-ul GJ.ld LCIÙrora-ce, in its 1a:c.c~ub.i.:.;)e ; heshnl1 also enclo:cse ·tJ1Jo:c'eon "\:;118 li.c(ji,Le 01' '~JIe G.ÐP1lceLl."C u1cl 'elle 8ubi3"Gance of fJuch al.J lJlic" lor .~ "LLG 112J.i ;;';;; ·.j.he~~·et.o /1.1.5~cil eXldo:'~'S(~Ll8nt, only 8 :Ll De C"OfJ.db.\r L;}_1.G Cl0)_".\:, unle~J,s <..:( L.8.i:':¡)0l." ,s}l21 :c'equi ~:'e tile ~c'eu.clìn{~: of' t;]:18 'pé3·POX' , 5.11. "',,',' 0:1 c,'-c"-, .~., n J,Lcl() ~.;_:L__l:L ;)0 ~,'O~ ,ct ~ <.'.>.-' V v.....v 550 LLGJ!.LiJú:C ;l:if ,'ova li () 'j,L;:e 11":') ',.l.'. ~.' () j:-(~ -'.' c..c". cu. ...,.:l.C v:i...I-;}'.. O.:C '..' .,.. . " or ;j ()J.dJ cÔ. C:¡.lU C vu._'_~ c =L~.l. erl :>e-CJ.·C:LUH .U.:.L1Ù8 CO ,-,JJ.ð ,';:8< '....L'. ;:.;;ucl.L l"\.:;J~()I.J. \/U.fJ i!_lade: 01' ]):CG'sG:n.G8cL, 0,' d ,~LtU I.lC).Jj IJ.'8G0 J;)L«": u.nd 'i.. 'hethu:¡: D'uel1 e c ~;,c \~':l OIl 01' :petl,~ion J.lc',8 bOSil ?ofeJ:red to a Com:ciJit"Leu LLlJ.d :CGI)O.:ctod U,\10n 01" Ilot; ))Ll\¡ no l:_LO";Jiun s110.11 DC) :Ln (jl'der -Go tedco 11[> OI> ]:'151':31' ;:1 C OLl;: LUl1.t C !J. 01011 or itlon L:::1(10 ()l," GSGlJ:L 3d En:. an.y -el.L:10 oe:.l'ore tho C or.LI ',:.-0 JJ.C 8U811-¡:' 0:[' "Gùo D,ðxt })I'8c'ed:LJJ,{:~; UUC:\.1 I.'lvcicJ11o 560 j,l.11 }!8"Gi t;10I1S U1" otJ1O.:C 'l~teJ.1 COLI(;).:L1nica0 ions on 2LÜY fJubJecti wii.JU.ncho oogIlizar1.ce of G.ny :'}l.JanclLJlg COI:'J.:ull-c-Ge8 shu.l1, on iJeJJ.C¡:I(i :Lon, be :cofer:ceCl to tho p:c'oper COllJl:li"li 'DOG by" 'L;,Üe (.ù'c1e:rl \Jitill01J."G cD-.LY HUlilon; CÜJ.d no xüe::HübGL i3hnl1 SDGG.lc u.-:,)o:n, no:L', "B},lall D.rr.} debato b8· ().llo\/e(1 O}.1 '[;118 p:cesentatløn of an] J.)et. 1'i:.i o~u o.:c o'l:;:i:J,;)~;_' COIUL1UnJ. Cb.\i,lO:U, 'GO -(;1-18.. COUIl.c:l.l; but any nl()~,J¡,])G,r }!ld,y J!i.OYO <:.h(-).'[; in TeJ:'e:i:'ring GCLid J)8Gition 01> oti18.l' o OELLlUJ.1Ì - o 8.:Li 1 OIl OOJ.""1.:;c,.J.J:l in;3·li:C'uc·cJ.ons nUiy :)e C~i";¡t)n bY0L1e GOUD.oil, or tÜLi'Lï tÜe Daid , . '.. . ,. oomr¡li~:lin of' - , pel;:L<;:Lon UJ:'· COIÜLi.'l)J.1LC(>,¡:;~.Lon BO::,~.le .}):i:0S oEa.l {>"l8VélllCe, , I I l'cclu:'Lr:Ln{,; (.:;."1;0 :C81ilady, ,:;:Ù8 e:c cont8.:L:n.act tl1dl'O:i.:u, .I:.i.éL;;,t be ;)1" ought 1:Lr[:;0 ~UJ:I."i; to (11 , :.,(:, 8 -, . dlspo !Joel. oT f":,;;:l:'·LJ~.n,Ji-chQ CU.I3CU8dJ.on 5?<! Tl.lt,·)..·L; all ()-l:;11.;i~ o orjJ'J.l.UJ.i CD. t , I) (f(:'ì-:;:¡iOllS , CLJ:.Lc1 I'eJ)o:c'Cs l¿L:1.d ·oo1"c1:' e t1.lc Oou.l}cil be 2·,)u.cl I)'S" G::18 Ol G.l..i,d handod. 'lio -GJJ.O ;~'J"al'd31l , \4ho ì slJ.u.,ll EtSCGx"'GG.:Lx.!. t.;.J.0 \J111 of tl1e CotH.Loll ec·s In{£ ·Gl.leJ.ü~ I V1I. I Ox·ca.xlizatioJ..l oj:' OOLmit.teeso 584 '1IJ.1G C()j~'!b:L:j tee· ·ti c EfG:clke 0J10 ~Jt(::.:u.dl·¡·J.L: OOlL¡Lli-l~tJG8S an.c1 cLll ;:30100'(, COLlì.;,Llt,tee~j f3}lU1J. De a~;)poii.l"(Joc3. on .!,..Lütionof u. mex:l'bsl by oo:us ent I of a,lJ.a;]o:ci·cy crL' tJ:'.Le 00u1::.-ci1, 8..Llc1 HUY o{ 'lihe C()U~:,:.cil l\.ay be I placc)cl on 2. o oru."I!'ii'C 'G 83 , :"lot~\',d "LilH3'l; 'CI1O C'~ fJi.3ence ot ~3uCll L~01TJ'.j:C· E~'G I 'j 'che tLu18 of be lU::U:1Oc1 upon ;JllCh OOLU,LQ'C'L;OG, the n ulIÓ.l1 , Iii bo, e:,If.:....of:Ltcio, [:1. ). 'J:)} .:. ;) ;:) r {) f (1::_10 :::J8 OO.ìl;nlttees 0 ,..j y~ 5~~. '.eJlq UŒ.L1Ll:Ltt(:)(3 'GO ;.:>~r:U{8 'GJ:lO OO}¡Hdi 'J'e-oeD .cOD.31st of 11.8CVO;3 of D.Il c~!..I-ìu.ll·i..Ji os 0 60. l.eJ'J.o :!~i.e}u.l)ex' \Y1..l0 nil, .11 :'_ntI'ocluce Q b:~r-1En'j , ])8'¡Ji-i..J .-Lon" o:c J-cvi..Jiorl. ~lI)On 8iliJjec'u 0::1 ,[ ue J:()):'Ui:'.l:eu. to CL ¡,julc)cc COL¡I tit 'L:, ()(; , ;JJ::u.;;J~:' rJG one 01' 011d 05.(11 COEDLLi'l;"LGe (:.0 "1c j."G 1 (:< íJ:CoI'red, \'. :LtllUU.'G b0 .'_1--' n t ::"J}'OOlio 'C 'J , L fJCU .! " µ 10 01' d J i.Jd:CGo thG o C.JJ .'J L , ee8 bl '0 rYG ) o o , l Gü ve G8 .J.i. ., LJ.,;:O , c:..:ct 11 I I [, " I! :1 " , ¡ " 'j II II I 1 rY70 OJ Co u 1 ,.è:: y Gu G (-j .cl '.0 ) ,.::, '::> . ~ . i.vv V , )f .T;I u. .. i , o .:city /i' 3l~Ú)ü o µ .., ).'. 'l>~:le COi: J i'c-be8o a " '" [ ,,) u IeJ. Gt .\ J 08·3 eneV'G..L L o 'jd I .1 j to l o ~0 ! L u .l 8 C ld:ll"l. ¿' 11 :c , , ;,j,'3(; Loe G ,.-.-> ."-' (; ., '. , u TO ;0 ! c:L , , o J L .u 1 \' l(J I. ,'-', .' VC~I~ .\. J o ) -' 'G , CUi:':U-,?c 'G o CLU ,'::~ () :l'll ) 8 '("Ü0 ü Lïy :;(jo o 1. I , )l; "C of o 'GeG " " .~ 1)8 o J..l1;:)cl \) lU Co J.11oL1 0' :t '.1 b3 . L .,' oc;e c ) 010 ',1 u i.d :c, ot:L c () u u eof "003\) > LllOJ G e G1,,-, .C u ). o of o U u 11 '..' ':'», l ô. ], I.:, V o I. G 18 010 J IJ 'C (1.8 :L ! s CH50 1J.lhe tJi ~e u. .LeI lU.c0 Oi) , Jet of COl l I L; í:J 8813 Be;:; uio s u ). 8 lOUJ. , v ( eao.l1 ': s U c l at i n i3ha .1 DO ¡Ie lel. u 18 Co , l\iÍJd sl1;: , J 1 e d ',.? C01-'j J..l1Ud Ti Lr,'':' .v '--,' v t -~" , '--'~, GO L d dlso o c'LJ.:C.! :1 l " v IJ~ , J Le L l ,,;. ClLj.Ø 01 u 10 " u u v. i'" 1'0 :ul " ~lue 'j" " of nee c I ,GO ¡j a :1':(' OJ J.l, ) 'linCj ,S ulv ( s '," u,...:.> 80011 _', c' CL>:< sttch G'~L '. ü c' µ () " v ., C,il C 01 . L u G C)( 'C C G i :l' fi~;~·ut. 'J' ., , LU '" uf'o :cc C- ," J. :L è1 I' ,I I! ,I I I. O"L ex COGd ., '.:> v c IJ ) - .. 00.C. c :LJ~,}lli·Gy (J.B , 10 COLf.. c 1 2', ',-'-'- - L t~ c ," ,:;> 01 cl LLJ !l'ovl dod ,j I LJ c 8\) l. :£ uuc '1 , .'-.-'. b ....:' o o:L '01 e c()\. cj~ 1 G 17 <:)0 c ! 'C , ':;:,~ ü 1 . , o C u .0 .L ., .L )~'·~CO p 'C J. o G ) ¡)1' 1 Uth. CC:J ) 'cio i:.L ( , "C ., '0 . 10tn. c lc1J ) 8 -,-.lid 9"G l,. CJ·'·· UU (1. Co 'U. 'G , !.o'j.cls '1 , I: 1 o OlUl'G Y ,,OJ: H) Gtllo , , " '.l H -"cre L ., bGh d cu-clon 0.1 4th I) !:,,, " G G :)j c< '" (1 }J) 10:1; fo 3:ccì J. c OIJ cœty 2r (1 u 1 l'CUI'ul ], c''''· ,.:.>u tno CO] iii i ûTiüð3 ) I: 'C 8 Co C' . , 1 J. D '0 o ~/eÒI' . Hij\{ 1y () I. Gct o o o '- L " 101 1.0 G ! i Lt eG,s \ o >3 L,. e )J i o " .,') e i3 , ". .L] 1. oro u ,j ,-, c I G C<. ,) :LL'S'C . , ., .- .. ) e 11 de) IJ L :) 1 , J.() L OOL u OOLLI .1 !Í·ì;'I.;G0 OJ~o 'C ee O~_:':O 01 ;JLl o J 1':·' ..,-, (LV I"': i. .--r'~ V';;'- iJ ;:,)0;; ( " " "' 1d ~ ~, ) I) o .> C()~ 1.~_ v 1'- ,. , )".-, " os:L ,-, ,) ¿.lJ. G ,:";'-0 <:LCld i._" o u 0'_)lGC't. o '~~','- GOJ7:11ilit,tee LestinfsS 0 (2i!,o s OJ. ';J1(-) ~CU;3'poc'2;t vo ,<3tù:· ':d ~"(:. ,j Gct CO,1 ,i'G"LjUd,'3 . slwll be COJld.uc-i;,od !.J.du,.. 'C.r..L8 1'o11o\' " u ;.,,0. (1) J.e.i:.ì.o cJl0.1I'X ~an ~j}H;L!"l blde Cell G'J .i _,;G-C:i~ ;" "'. i.J1Ü'~,_. ";j'i..;{;,C O:U. CoLll C,:.U8S'L; i o J.ì. [-:¡ C;UIJl;.'.:tt'(~8d , c ,- c:' ,'~ 0:( " , o~':u,--;tl d:ï.\d.8ìon \:'.::1.8 es'lilon "'.00 sJ1all be ßcd ùÜe ne{)J.t.lVGo (;ò) Ho SlHLLl sIgn all sucÜ o:cde:cs c1oc'wJ,ontlJ as -eli8 C Ol:..iLJ.i t"tj 8 G l'iHJ.y loC;t.:tlly Oj~'dUI' 0 (3) In Ü:i.i3 aonel1.ce, OJ1ü O~( -,th8 0'0J..t01" };L8L,:.bGI'S S ~(,li.J.ll JJ8 Glee-Led to '. J)T'odido, 'lJlho d:i 8chclrc;e "(i':J,O cltrLiìes oJ' CEO c:i.1ò.ir'Iilbn I'O':;:' t JJ.8 H()8tiDf~ urL'G:l.l the b_1'1'lval of 'cb.o 0118.:L3:1\;.<::;.n. (4) 1/0 ordor 01' ,:~utïh():ci-G~\/ 'l,O c10 lllU:C,ï::'Ol' or ;:Jhò_l1 be , rec0ß.<n:Lzed QS OXi..i.anfrl:. :LI1{:; . -"- --. . .- ' :' -. "- (,",., ". . '"ì --' ..'.. - '" ~;:, .... 1 .::' -:< C:' :LG is in YJricinQ;, nor .!..L O.1..l Li..ll,y ,;U.t;U,\_'._.. u Gí:...\:.:;. U.IL".{,J,.J..:.> unle;3s 1t lß 8 ì(:-;11ed by ·ch(-.-) c::,lc),i:cIÜo.n, 01' dC'GillC:: o.JJ.aJ.l'lìlêÜl, ox' secJ~'e"Cary tiho,:ceof, c:1.nd :ce:l':Jrs ti () 'G J18 L,.iD:U~ 8 of 'i.:.lJ.G ,130 d.r cl Oi" COl:)l:Ü'cceo Ulld8:C ell it is ii:3,suedo DU.-cl0 s of COl:ICI:t0tOCiS. 69. i.Ll}lG' ·L:;01J.tJl"D.l (lu:liles ot' all -cJ.1é dtC'uJ.din{,;' éi.':u.dGelecti OOJ:ilLJ.i-..i 'Gee s .~ of 'li1).(::,) Gou.u.c:Ll ul1a1,l fJe au 1'o110',_Æ: (1) 1110 :C0DO,:cli '[:,0 ti)!.8 Co :.: toil t:LJ.<iO ' '" T,)ilenove:c è:l"s:lrocl 1:' 0 1:' :u.,:~e , 1J'7 "GIla Oou.~:,Lcil , <:'ÜlCJ. ui3 oft; G.d. ~::LfJ ·iJl.J.0 ince,:cerj'Ls 0:1:' Glle o GlJ3rt; "; J:8 qLLL :i:-e .j /' ,- OJl all l:J.atteL'S CO,í:JJectod ith t,j.10 à.lJ.t.iøs ililJ}Osed on :i~'esI',eot:L'ir81y , and '00 :L"GCOhu_:.l.0nd such ao lilC)ll by t11e OOlu.wil in :celu'l.:¡lon GhOr8"~O ci.[j hB., Y be deewed necessary. (03) I.L10 CtlUSe CO De l)l'el,)()·l.'>oét , in-c:coduce 'U1GOGhs CouHc:Ll, (-.1.11 3UCJl l)y-l¡:1v,j's as be IlGeGSsL.r:::, 'Gü ('1'\78 G:r:L'e ct; 'CO 'clle J:'epo.l'\J8 or 1'8 COlJl.iÙ0J:ldí:i.t.:i UIIß of i:;}1e :ce,'3.pec·ci ve C OJjjJ:ll'G t G e:-3 th~1."t.:. cü'e ,-1dü:pli (:Jet bIT v GJ18 CouIJ.cilll (3) 110 C01.1b i dO:l.' ClJJ.c1 ~;~'G :)o:~'"l:. ec-clvely on allY and all l:.iLt'i::.tJel's re:C'eJ:rec1 ·c 0 lihell the 0011JJ.011, the ChL'ti:i'TJFÜ'.l si{.~nin[~; such J.'0PO,:C't and bl'ilJ.(çln{'; 11J) l:i118 8í)jLL8o (LJ) :C]"o 1" 8 I) 0 :'¡:"C of Ll.U.y Gonlw-Ì'c"COc ,Bl:1<.;Lll oe ô.:uoncleû Gxee III h OOIj.ìU1t -cee ot' -C11C',nJ.ole. ~ ,- COIÚLd 'c ti'Ge--. iJe t¡l.JG du-cj'- 01' ;";,[L0 .'u1i.!J.ance COlill,~i ",) 'i;de t.o p-.c'u,sen-c 'GO :In JU.,J.d, . . G;;~:._.' , ':,,'.____L . c, J.:U, a,iO,1 L.. (::.. ':.L ., u :i:'iJJDJJ.cl D..l a:C:(i:J.l1'U 01' 'cÚe C UL~ :,LC 11 '.. t:; 'C.ilC ·C~:Ú·.j ;'C ~LO: UJ. , 0O,).). u.,,_,---, :C:LLJGJJ.ci al ctr, 'C Oe;G·GJ-.ll~~C 011 an est, G8 o:c 'liLLO L:_ount 1'C':;zJLli.l_ eel 'GO oe l'aIDed by as seD ,'3l'Lle.U:c. dUrllJ.(, "G.ne cU.:cren:c Y;:eû.l' .. (6) 111u :;.'8J),ort. to 'L118 COtL,.ì.cil at ·c lJ.e ~rU1JG Jos,'.:;;lon, in. 0LLCh yeLlX', us \ ·¡:.o Gho i!lé:tnnOl' in ell tl.l8 revenue i'equi :cod i'o:c thü CUi:>:r:'en:c :T8t~).l" 81lOuld be raif3ed" ('7) IJlo co:ns :Ldol" :':-~.o.d .I'8j)Ol"t on. c:lll .a:Ci';:i:li.';J cOI:Lr.O,ec·l; ed ""lith che le['lslng or ;.3ellinU; of OO'U3J.t:.y p:eoj?f)l't,Ya (8) fllo adv::L 8e tihe iX1.t'edSLt_CGr, ·\-iiJ.on. cD.lIed upon 'co eI0 S (), 11::. all Úi.u:ctcn'r::; pül·t~111J.illl-'~ to S otJ:'icoo (£) ) ::[10 see 'l:.ha"L all clut,ìes and :3 GJ:vi co u C}.L OUf::;}J.-t; t.o DG 1.1 u.l':fOI'lQ.- 3d by 'GJ..te 1¡l'GE~SUI'el' , crud (;110 üÌ':Cicori:ì in ,his dGpG.I"cL~ont , a:CG i'nll:/, eXGcut,edo County ~'{oads COjUJ.D.it~tee 0 '71. It shall be -c :10 d.':.xL;/ 01' 'line OUUÜG,j' HoaëL3 (Jol.D.:J.itt:.'38 to co- oporat.o \:;¡ith IJ,nd d:Lrect tJ18 OOUn.t~1 ,Ltoud .Jupe~cl:n'Gondcn'G in ·Cll8COll;.=dj:cuc- Lion DJJ,d rJlo.lHG Ujlu.:rlce Oi' eOUl i.'liJ l"o,::lds, dJ.lc1 -IJ tIlG sHid GOJ:Ú;,.1'0 -Ge;0 ))G Cì:u.thGL" ized to a:p:UI"ove u.nd « all ":ì. CCOUlrtJ 8 I'O~C \,iO~L'J.( on. said I'Ci';. ds £UJd " to issue orden's on tb.8 County '11:.;:e.c,SUJ:eJ.> i}Oj~' J)aYL (:JILt:. of S8j]1e~ Pro~pert,Y COL1I,i.i·c·Gee. ?;'~o In addition to the dUliles p,:cuf:3cl'i 'oed b 'f la\v, OJ:' oy any othe :e By- IoWN 01' t:i:lG Cou.':rcy 01' n, '('.he duti~'~3 8.'::,; ci¡).11y :LlilJìosec1 on the I>ro:Dertïy OOJnJ.Ult·G88 B.hall De cO :['01101'J ,s: '.,.) f1lo :ceC;111u.te étll l''Lat,to1'S COHJ1GC-C ucl -cJI thG Jail, Court) },1011,3e, G OU,i.l 01 1 Gh,)J!lOdI' , ',:" ,Si.~ J::Y Ol:C:L08, i:lJ.lcL all gl'üuncls aLLd buIld i112;8 :.~V Lldjdcej.",;.t~ ,-, ' :p:co.P(LCtjF at '0110 Co.:e]!ol'u'1;J.o.ü. , suiJ,) dC'C al\JëL,IS 'Lo t.b.e G.i.101'O·C 0, .Pl~ov:i..ßi O.nfJ of Liy-I.¿-xv1 1'':00 GOO C . , 'Lo Ü¡-;.ve ·[;.11e a))j)o:LJXG JOj.,Ü:LL,~):3 lOIJ.eI' (:' ,., ca:!:"<:; ofUouj.-·C IIouse i-JJ:ld ;rallo Le {~2l1 GOX:,úiLÌ."'C"0e8o .- duty o:f' 'S.ile .. '13'11 rc fJ}H111 ',')8 t:;:18 1.8 C OlilLli' eli.:. (:; 8 to u(lvisu \}i'(j:I::L 'che Ccru .:~'L;/ ;3011 cd'c 01' l'xi.ld dct 8:.c-Yu.J.n8 J)rocedlLtG ....lldXl E~c'Gioni:J t:ì.:ce e~J.t e,:ced 11[JC the Oountyo ::3 ri:J.l cl CQJ;.u;li"L·1;ee to have ô.u·L;hol'ìty -Co :LEJ,sue O:CcldX'S on, CO'uIr(i~.r 111:ceL¡BUr';;:;J tor of costs, ~lU.J:)lélg0!3 , a:LJ.d 0:;:; Densos l...~.P i.~o ,000000 1.ti CU.~38 as LLOY bo 1:1.80:30 )J.J.d 8'p01"0 to t.!.1is OouüciL :Jduco OJ: CL J o )U.l't o l' ~LtX\' 01 o 1.1it ~To n v OUJJt Uolio :Lto:l' j~'Ol: us o. " i n 1,' , ~ LL L oceêllU~',(,3 o:c o , .10 )1 leI GO , ~e 0011 .0 j 1 Oj~ j GJl e 1:L ;3i'cio l.\.d , (~~ oeiJrG üJ 0.110 COUï:i'0 l Cl~.jl·~{ or "t .Ie s i~Hl OI.Ùy ;;). lcy Gn ,-, 8[13:10 t,0 DO ·Cc ::OJT i'l."Ol , :l '" oi:~CJ.ee on 01.1..0 o.:cdOJ of :L lS"G:.c'UJ. .81rljb L .3 t,:L ( l, o the J oper'G:,/ auc1 (-) :cu.ls oL GilG o ounGY J.J Id deeds L 'JßUl'¡-: loe: pol:L o ies laOl"l:, , ;c."lges LG ,sou ])OYlt5.s aCi. ee:t",lOIrc :~) OJ:> O"0.cD l' '79 i: e C' ,,' lal e 'C .10 o 1U ,,~ 13 oc1 a 1 ) GLL l 183 aJu1 ;v·idG1J.C() S J:['tÜle le )J.."oceI3ßo 'INhere 1 e co ç' ~) Se ',I'Y e i'o ('C , C}lG ,S " ¡Ie by a PI' OJ .})"C J GCO" I, 38 'GO Hl ri.~ GüfJ ta:x:es intc:c"er; G o .1 to..ls or o ¡~he:.L êl lies o e -C11G CO:CJ/O:C' ·re :L on, dnd '/0 He C' ,~ wl1 , 8 21 i,l diE , dl1ce .1 8 I' .COl~O I, 18 ~¡):COLiJ!t 0011000 i. on )1' :L 11 to ~ r', c-' ,I.. I. Q,::; u ,".."., O:J..I-. 'Cant s of' ·C he Sö..IÙ8 and i,11 o '0 I 10X" aIle.llges in Güe SEÚ , .~ . LiTle 18 ;)8 crLiUl'8 d :; he )1' tJ 18 Cü:cpOI>a-c :LOJ1, G '.ì.U j 8 t:L1:' UiC.LCHT:' :)1' ,-,.>18 00 U Jons OJ: '7'7 1 c .-::" ~ ,'~Jhê ¡ 1 -).ls o .keep o ial "0 0 01G3 u.üd ,", 8 FG ,:);'Cö ,- OX' :ce C'Qi' 'd ing no c'teèt :Lth i; e lil.O at '0 L'(,;~n8aOG i ons of '0 10 GO.:r: or, tioJ.l.ò (YG a:t> 1'8 cKO D. i ;, "c C< '0 ,'::1 Lld aCCOllnt in{;.s of H..'L 'C llU..:GU:'VG ü:'C ,~(i :ncL soeve c oon- nece ~~ (:' ,0 l":1 to ,':311.0 Cli ;:..) no c' 1"" " 'GÜG (3 co 11Y0 D dlß íJlT.l. ;3U1;18 u ,:;, (lEd 111 ,c5!:;; ..c C.L ) )3 oV'ed , , y;::¡"beJ.; l ):1. 1)00J5.--:-1(8 GJ!:Ll1i: ,3UC 1 OJ.. ac CoU.! v .s LC' y be '76. 10 11:1_' ) .' C' U..~J LCOJ " " lb.. 1 ep o,:c () 111,'38 GO DC I,r,-", '_'-.0 ) i:; c c.oj~'d tiC Tj 8 aJ 1 o'lillÒ , :1 Ttl o 1 1 <;':I.::C:3 òhu.l1 De ~)UDJ e ()G ., o t.:.l~) OJ. o e CO'LÜl o:L 1. p I t:Lc u .Li. ) leli iJ()si"Li " ~) .Ll ,., " (] 'G.:cust ~ , 'to i.:.Üe éHJiO Ii ," of 'che s _me cUld \" j;;J..µ c' " oo:L , 'Liioll él .1 J"" 'if -,j i. J o () " 01 at 3d. COl: ,'anG bOHcL3 ,', n Buret " TS hiD .i.·or 3h CL ], 1 b,j ]j' " (?llCJ..:cal1 t ee rJo ld 01' ÜlY ¿-- ooel 31.:tJ:' :Lo:L G 1 o CO) J.ny or 759 rrl1G C' " CC'llI'l"liy 'CO :)e " iVGll b;y ., ),--:, "0 ',i.IJ. e ~1.3Urel' d. c--:' ,0 ], G\Lllìl'ed by law, Comrby credit. \) l e 1 n 1 OXP8 nd:LtuI'G J itl1 D. Ol.)..:£,01'u.1 1'\3 <::..1..rd t.o , e }tB 1 co of t; .> .> 18 ")I'O'V' di it·'" "C';' '(¡ho \ '-). y c' "' a , /1 :COLCU. .1 <,:< "' fo:c }j:cotec'c }.lG S';JJJJ.G l;loe"L :L t b. I e gal'd ~o 1 "0 ,)'-) lebt , c, Id 'ûn ) 8St:L :1C;'¡."¿'Ø;3 'Go :JG p:ce g, 2œeÇl e'CL .Uel.tly :L' 01' 13} ~.. ~ c; 10ne·c élry e111 ð. f i 1. a.no illl o ) GI'U'-C :Î.. ons of ,J.he Co J. 'C,y d:i d es eo :Lal1y C ox o I '0 ) \ ¡ rou, (Jhe ~'1JJ.[-__1 .c.G C OJ: , 5.. ctee :L u Ll 'iJ"Cors c o lu.ti '"" J.c to of .:iileCoJ I ) l"t '0 :L on duel ,"" ~ (J. u. 1', .L ::)G 'C 10 :p:.cinci ~qûl o {'i'i OO:C t)J:1U. ¿t d v ise:'t OJ 'che ?iJ" (Ihe IL1:cou.ø ( 8J:' ,,"I 0.:.>1- .I. iJ..l1 iJG G 18 leu.U O~' 'G 18 .Loia 1 Du ;..:~ J. ¡ L811."G 1.[lI'easu~ceX'ø ';:' "' 1[- 11 lJa ), L ~ /0110\ " ,0 : tJ1 0' G 0', ,C :¡"I.1J.G iU;)l:'-QI1"/i.Fi.·L:J} cl :L utio,'?j iJad ü l ...0' '0 L) Ie. 10 V<:,,"u::·j.Ollo'3 Di ,/ ¡~eT.iEU o u Œ;? . ui':t' , c :1- 'XG..i.E C3 ¡;¡ .::...> G..,}' O.L u~ u ce .) 'L-X~ 00:':'0::' :.> CJ )O~!. v c , ~'"'. ° '~IC>l ~ 'v l>i , .l. () " o be tile custödian o:f' all !Joilds and secul'it.ies 01' ·i:;h:Cul d:LsollLll'l~:;() 0_(' 'i:;J1::; dUt:l.8S Oi? 01' í'j_ci ;;",1.'3 :.,_v_ SGrValJ.li {3 01 the GOl'.POj:' o.n, Sé:ì.\TO hi,3 () "{'~'" :.'LLC, ' ,·...:...L,._ )(;; u;.~ "!. v,) v, i;he C (/cu:rt; J/ OlGi'J( or otL1.('.)X·',.,i se uS G,[lO Gou .J.cil Li:</ CLl J.'U C'G <:> D10 L{e shall be e;uicled iü. 'cÌ.1e u.lJ.Q clisiJUY·:3811GD.G s of 1113 of}:'ì ce by t;J..Le j::3y~·La\¡'ls , lLules i:1J:ld lL()b'~11u:tlous of -C.l.18 COl"po:cL:lt.ion '/:Ì tJh ~('et:)::u:"d t.o tl1G pCiSS élJ.J.d. vel':L:ticcl'clon of account. s G.tJ.e ~38-ilel"G.l 00:01'-· 'c'bees, or by s·C a-cut o:cjf üJ:' 0·011<):...· LJ.utl.1.oT1t~/ , c;Lnd b~l 'C.1C u. 'j)":co])):'l ixi;i·oJJ.s Iüade :Co:c '011e li q.-u.i dat i Oil, <:J_dv'iLJ \IitJ} 'C.:18 o onr:.';.i -u -li (::U of J?iJ:l~).nce or Lillo OOU,i"i.cil \'/Ll.on J:G(.L1J.lsìtoQ 8(,3<1 Ho S11U.l1, as 8cll'1:./ a,s be CLCt ei' the C lex.,; 0 0:[' 't~he l' :l1l2G1C i8.1 :pX'8~pEll'G t'cr J)ubli cU.tilon d.l('/ s'G l.;:iJ GD.ì.G JIG 8 of' 'j.8,sets f.1Ild liabil:l ti dB, EUJ.cl ;;;;uch o-GIwr ilL('O:L'Hr:. 'CiOJ:1 the COUJfC :/ deb"l:; , and L~tiy· (yeller S Decl CJ.I aCC01J.rrcß of 'Cll0 Go:crJorat:ì..on, ,';', (~. be :C'8qU:U~ Gel Öy t.he Oouncilo wo 817. :i.Iu .811[1.].1 c·.;one:c;:111y ßU]ìOrint8j:J.cl t;he ' ; . ol 111;3 c1ell:l I't- C" Gl'Ld:U3ac-¡) :,Lons mOLLt, bÜe () :Cfl co~cs of tJ18 ~.:)a:C,LG , u.J1cl duly' 0 , CÌ.\.O cJ:.;::, 8. nd ve J_'ii:"y ·(;J].o cn.tl':l os of race :3 and clt,~b"LLCU01i.cents \J:LtJI -c:u.e aCCüullts and voucher's of t.ho ,':3 LUl1G , Lind ',iÜ"¡jh ·t.hë books 01' '[)lle oi'fi co 0 8Ll(j '..eho UCOOl1.l1·Û;:) ¿,.üd -i.J:~>ansac'Gions of hi~) clap shall be i3ubjec-c t. 0 . ~:LCi. cUl¿tl G ·u1.18 Oou,..L'G." i-lJO~CB as the rl., ..'-1 d:Lcecti , 00\1J:.C.!. _!.. EU.lc1 'ljiJOi:)() shu.ll 111.' u~;,!.e ilJ.ülu..b~l DD-cuilod .Audlû ":'lbst;Lc:~c'L LiODOI'"G of' 1.(8 Ci::J :L))t s U~.LJ,d ,iJ.dit; lJ.:ce 0 Co lIfey' 01 81"lro 05. It ,31'1al1 ûe 'u 1..1. 8 dut:y 01' tl18 COUD.t~/ Cle~J:'k to :p 8J.':CorJil -cho dutI0s rO(jJl.L!:' 0d of llLuJ. b./ tuto:cy 0:":- Q'('j.::1O:::" é.H.J:c}Hxj:l-cy <I (1) 1110 r.Lo-cii'::l erj.C.l.L ,LLdj;,:.!J;;C;)l'"' 01' ·l.¡}'L8 COI,,:.uit·coes 'CO 0)..1, cÚ'G . . l cJ -Ghiß ::3J-Lu:w,so 0.h.l:.) Oill-L.IÙOlJ.C hrJ"S D8en éL]X!}OlIl'C0C un.'.l.J:I:' ,SOOJ..i. c>"~~! l.iH:lc1e, 0:;:' Cj}e ·G~U:.0 cHJ.Œ :pltlce dt 01:1 ';:;::.18 :¿"i:C;'j^C x/Lue"i:;lüc; o{ cIle COLlui'Ltee vd,11 bd held. (;~ ) Ira l.:u:':u-ish GtlCl1 o:t such n101~J.b8:CS Cll d COI\Y oi' tJ.1:J..s ßy-l.!cyv;¡ at L}u) tJi:nJ8 O,C ,'30:c'vi:rJ.n; '[:;110 nuttco oi' 'che J.:'il'st li18otlnc;. (3) '110 f U.l'JLL 811 Ghe '.L1:eoai3U:CGJ:' oi"" tho Co; D.-C:'! í).l:J.d "LJ.18 chul:Vlilé~;J1 of oac.l]. COl~J1nittoe \'it-ell C8I"l.¡:i./:Leci CO,l;)). e;j ot all J:'G.sollrGloJ1s, entlcLu8:U.'CH, o~cderf3 oI l~h(~~ CouJ..I.c:LL, 01' ot.:tlo:e ej:'u :celu:lJivG 'CO ·C.Li.;:) ,Uéllj·ceJ.:s ovcr \'/b.:L CJl -ch(:; ßu.id C ·C00 re8~oc'~ively h[~ve j uI'i sdì OG , Oil che Cl'i.:ly next suece 'l;ha'c U)OJl ell 'úhe (Jcljlol.L O:L> the Cuu.I:Lcil in 'os.pect tj18:C80J ta}\:oD ·()lu.cu ~ OJ EJOO):).-31' if 0clu:L:c'edo the Council 'C L'U 1J :J:J. " e (JOUI 'C ,i " Load COl Jil ,.l"G'Gee" ,;:.> c'. pol t; .0 'G8 dJ :,d disr~:LÌ.s;=Jals c.' û L~l ,1 U8 " a por ,'. v 8d ..L or'cll'. i·l:.ll 'C ]. ;')I'GC:':C-c e~c -bo to "t r "IT J otl ce 0:[ o o 01; ,) 0:(1.80.'0:L 0 ,'-~ - J, C I> 8 uo 1. dis :Cll " " cal cell :') uch di s .:.1 a'c a IY G JY 1111 0:(' y t:' o Go ÜJ ]. oil iG l(YU\':' :)0 e r Gl'cled .\~11 ino e1' C' Û 013 'ci:C:l o GO :.:8 -ceû 'GO L~ l'·"- .V gild 1 08 81..1,b j eet to by 00 t,l"}ÜU'LJ ","_ 'I ,.:;..ilU :31 C:1:1 ) 10;1'U8;-3 l " .L DO paid 'C ]. ,j CO'll 1. 'C , " r:J 011 tüe t L e ( )l' U,Ll c \; i [ I. ]. )l"'J,C u ,:1do.L is C OJ.1 01' o I. eh 1, ,':::; l O'G aGO lot; hi s.pec"t )i'S 8CJH:.llJ.:L os U.ùO ce ß &8 .a:'/ D8 ree :L tÔ_j \~ zl i~ro "0].1 <0 to ( <I: 10 o J~ Ò.G u po u , Luc v 0J o 81 o :1 J:( fOi:'GJ ..1.)1 LY'C li-c8Ct~ c' û , ) s c 1 l<.iYld ,.:;.,.;::, ûv out.l."us-cod t.o SOI,l.G o u 81' e i eel' or .1 :I f.·iuch v..¡o IJ I. 10 , s ):7 th e ". e sol lX G )Il by-luw 01' c 8i: 1'0 ~ olrLiJ at :Cor 'G.ile (u () eu De i.'8;J-pOI:Lß 1 iJlc) to .'.,', u.\ .0 Gon o'j fOJ 'Gn o duo e ei ); o () of Cl <1 :ce'oa:L:c .,. of' bui LeUn, ,., û Ol'dGl'oëL JY t 10 0 OU} ell 0.1' :r C()i"iJjd~ t'¡;o 8 'C d üof~ 8es 01 , CJ tc) .1..' G , ,,0 lG . v 10 out oj: all , OJ:.i.GJ of CL, Ilst.:C Jct i on ,~ 1.[10 nave t; 1:10 ':0 Gl.~LLl :::rupe ,:1 CiS [:ldel CG o 03..1.'(.J:'o 1 uf u.1_ e:' " loy p:cocoCli :>e:pOl''G Luc1eI"b i:;.:e 1 (leu: "GJlü 'reu,]. EUJ,d In o \ 8 "j:'0 nut J_llC Luclucl 1n lu.¡:;TJ J.errt.<1ry rGpo :ct, <..:1..':::'> to a q c' cld ti u nal iIÚj):eO VGlii.G 1. 'GO (1 l"'epairs to be by 'C , üo Cor ,01' G on n 11 , .[ Lso 'C o )1'( Bel :c to the s aiel COlUJaittoG D. UUI)})le- il:1': ( 'JV81,:.l8 .1 t " ,0 u Jd j ü )'~'~ c :. V.-I~J ',~' ~ c 1 liD o 01 10ll should 1)(:~ UILllGrtalcen (1) " o CJ)O:C"t. to "Ghe (' Vu 1.' oLl n-," Ll U '5 c , SG~;8lüÜ if .1 00 ( D ,;5 LlJ~ dS to t G 86ó IG c' ~ li~~l L be -c ,L e c'luty 01' \.:..n8 Coünty l~nc:;ine e:c eX' CJJ, " i 'llldJJ. .t,~C·G j " CJ.ld. J.I',C.d I ()l~ "l'de n , " c 2.0"0 ,;~8 ~j:...':¡C J ,;- u £11' t l.dl 801'0 n u ',l'o [j t.eJJ,cl d Ll ee-c oj C Ol lJ 1 C·C ., 8 >' .., J '.' " ,L'G :J ues "u([ ;)Jt )1: :.ci Ges oJ' l:.1.:. \/ u o c'i' o :t D.Is J 01' o Gl1e UOH 1"C .~ '.J J' n . ,0 c as OD.si bIe ~ o (f 1. c J ,uPDLtd n .0 j ,0, .'.' J, lLCJ.1 l'GUl' e l"0Cl"lJ..i ;c1 'Ln C e u o CGG o:c for '[jÜ8 r¡ [iTI ,L.C.1.G COlE 'C ) Glü.'_ "~( 'J.v'e 8018 ,-ŒGL )l>it t.o c:1 (). e L~_ 1 t .1.0 c o l .0 3. L. ., (J .J,ny .1 üClli.':.e ).1 t 00 GCt.oc1.. 0h8 u 01'jJOl' ., iJ=I_ 011 o ,[ c, ",:;" ,.J,'J () l~êLJ~~ of' ( 6 Co > "\) '0 01' C .1.8 COHD, 'C y so d.1. d ) Ll: t o a u 'JUC l u 1 G S .L.lG dence 01' '0 :I ce or' bu.si C, '.', (', \"";""""0 lIe '-;;' ~ J t n(~.s ·GhÒ.L CO) '," ,~ ai (l 110C i 0t3 "G :) os lULL GO Ü ( 1 ) '-' ,~,;. ..L ( .he ~c 5 (4) ) dOCl.uu,GJ:ruc OQJ ¡llo :f'o 'le u ) OJ.. HI l v aX·j~'8d C/:.~~ L o tie l C Ol> u )):T 1.8 v COllvey 19 c CJ )O.L' t~ () " 0110 "(:';lJ..8 i '=L' o " 0-'- ," '-,-,-..i'v-Gee , , .l )0-(;. G ~L o ,ll;:> :£' ¡i I 'I I " :1 i -' ',"'-,,-~~~. ~,-- -...-"_.:~ -' ".~-,,,,.,,~ l(,lat;e~~:Lal aDd l:abo.l.'" ac;aiIE-\:' to fd.1:3.Jç:Ð aT C,,:lusa ·1;0 be ,.1" 'c, L~ tJ.lG "U.:L" 10.3 C:)~ 6) LIO .i.lCi.VG con"i..;:col of 11 ,.-'.;],-.<l ;3'(:; -CS OJ' ;1,.-"2\..1 --,-- ',-', '-~ 'LJ, ; ::';;,'.'.0 , 8JLd o:t tIll GOX'PO:CL,.·(j :1. OIl c OnGJ:'~-,~ C'G:, :['13, UU.D j U CiJ -CO '(JiLt.:) -G8.i'/:.:..,'J OJ, ,).Ll.(';:i..i' :CeS})8 ctive cont l'i:.::..c-c.,g 0 (r;) 1.(10 f'::':'OJ;.i, -I:j11.,',iO ' ,. c " ' 1 COI;ûüìt-cee, :c'(:):o 0 ,:.<'·c GC) .tj ·~o ·C.iJ8 oun-c:I hOtLC OJ:" "GO t.U.e CorLu.c:Ll. , 21.'s· 'Gild C¡'.SO L,ay :coqul:ce, i:'.ny ob;::;-cru,ct;io11 118 lilay .me e;c 1JJlt;l.l -l,;Üe COrn"58 of hi ~:j dlrbie3 O}:' u·ch(~J,.' :C¡:iL\.-cte:c urOE \/fJl:L 011 he i'GQ11i i'(; ~.Hl vi co 0:,:0 lnst~cuc-cion~ ((J ) i.[10 furnif3l1 td:.t800lU1Cil EUJcl "l,;110 Vct:CiOU8 C01J'tli t 'GGO S 'thGI'Gof vlitih ¿Ùl .i)l:J.r.lß <:11].d s:pGciticuclons l'equìred in cOilnection with the :COLt(l,S, b'J:>ide~08 , d J: ,.:~ _:i.. :u.s , culve:ctjs, othe:c CO:Cl10J:L(L;1on \}oJ_',;<i::3, ó.u.d t.o"::ce ti{d I'ul"JJ.J.uh c:Ll1 10ve18, 'J.nc1 f"L,::'¡1;::e u.ll 8Ul'V'eys in cO}J.3.ec·L.iOj.1 "CJl l.,;he ;3dL'.d, D"11Q u..lso 1>8 :.'fOl'jii. all enc:::ì sel'vices C0l1{I_0C'G8c1 ')/i'cll -G11e CO:L'.TJ01'u.t:lon of' 'i.;}.lC) C olurc J 0:( :i'~l{",in GS t:tJ.e CDtL1cil LLÚY :L'ro.ul '0 irüe co l,j :cequi:c.'8, UJ1Ò~ be I'eßj)o.l}'s:lble l' O:C -C'JIG 8UP0j:'v:lsion u.nd O:K8cut.ion o i.' 'lib.8 Sc,üil8<> (9) 1.Llo, CE\.USG L\. r.l.o·~J..ce· 01' Et S -I) eol a1 Ll8e'c 0:":' the OU':ŒLt.:/ ,Lo...,' cl. COJUu.'.i'c'¡,j8e to i)ü .u,i.ót18d '[:;0 eac 1o,:'0/.J.'b0:;: of' ,;.Jéi:Lc1 CO,L:L.ti G -ceu (> (10) :.L1o cOT~c1uc'l,j the co ~c:L'e.s ~)ojlcleno(} o:{' 'iJ110 ,St\:Ld COLjli.:.il/l.;GO , c.:Lud kee]) cO'i)leD of all 10'c-GeI's \'II'i·l.;'GOIJ. by lliú'j, on of'fico bU;-3:LnessQ (11) i:eo c Oc,L'(:,O ()}1 ·L;.ì..lO Clay c:Ü'tOI" cUJ.;:r j,:.l3 Ü'G of G.ÌJ.O sdi'¿l C Ol,.LÚli"L 'C 8\3 a copy of anY' o:ccle.:c Ol' :,~';~nut.G of -;:';110 8uiêL CO.ì::'li.ùit-Geu ri~l de at suoh :c.!.8e-c ,. -C'O suc}:J. oi:ricia,l,~j oj:' ¡)JleCoJ:".pü:C~J:ljio:Cl or Ò·i.J:J.ÜI' J) Ul' E; ons (J.S Id.LJ,y !J3 D..J'l'C-)C'ljod 'che:cèD:I, Ol' 'GO \,'fLt.OILL -GilG COJiiLJ.it-\JGO l~Lay 0 "lj],1e S,--ÚJ8 to oe G CÚi.üDun;L C ó:G e d <> ( :Li¿) I.PO 8,'::.iOJ:-VO and file u,11 COL!lanli Cd·G:LOl.l8 t. eJ,ldo.:cs ().dd:l'8Sß- eel 'Lo 01' r8ud. before the sa:LeJ. COL:J;Ü(j'cee, L-l.IJ.è:L to ~C\l.:L'lLU:;h t;j18LJ. ',,:11811 I'G(lui.:veèl , ö copy of' a:ny LlC COlllrc , lettjox' , l"UJ)O':C-C , --:'C'I-,"'¡ C'jt"Lon 01' otJ.lOl' \.J .,,~--'--._ C'. _ __, do CtU,.LOJ.TG ;)':10 pes session ü:L' lj::J.e . ",), , ' . f.iél:LCl J u:),Ü,"\jlilOlrC 0) (13) r110 l")1"o:pcire auel :hav8 t.!J.G e'u.s'cOc1~T of, ¡,",Li.{I 00 ':CCßJ)OJlsiblo 1'01' , aLL 3'\.10.11 D~L(3,:r.l~3 e¡:ri.:; eß r':COEL t.:LL,~e -co t be' p.:c e pax' 8 cl I'or tll.O uue oJ:" Cl.l8 CCYlurcy (> (Jil) fj.!O keG:p [-1. H:Plan :30oh:';/, \)hlc.\.ì i:;h().l.l oorl 111 Ll l:Lßt o:f (:).11 .-:}lans, ])I'o:Ci 10 U , c1:C' U.\l i :iJ. ill v118 df;I>~'_1'-~~r:lent ; L¡,:C:l.d :Ll0 ·"jl:..·u..l BJj.d.l1 08 ó.J_1O\'Ied , to '(';o O'Ln;, oJ:' G.:..I.8 offic(:-) l1il\j i1 u .:coceilrb füi> the ;-jLJ,r~O J.l~:'. iJ boen 81 r'_ t..iJ.0 porson 'GO \-'Í110.1U. ,it ib VOll00 (15) I~(lo .kGGl) 'che t,l.ìL;.e 01" 2\.11 rIelJ 81Ü.1.J1oyecl 011 \,..OI'};':;J in, hi.s o llÍ;::U' (:;8 <> (16 ) 'il 0 ,ii,:.,~,.J.ce 11 Cl8<::è3Ul-· dL.;.811'C ß of xcd 1¡li).'l.J0:L':UJ.l clt u::I be ":;)Q'u.li."edo (1'1) "'0 '~'e ') " I':-ODJ31LCC1:LCr~ ).t BookH, in. ";/hi C~_1 1:1':; shall sn."GôY.' all .,. i.\.V J.t <"c lUe (';LDlí..:C0J:1.dJlt,::3 01' ~'jo:cJ. () >~' :.1 >: -~ ,J L" d ,., u ,3._':L ~. _LLI ,,) -'- - ~ ,Ss): e, .'.", d'L-i~().u S.Lu:1 I.i.¡~¡j;1.0,(:), <-"LoS " ~<:/- i):3 28 .L'Ocl.o;o u.!.!. (w) úVJ.18 :;.3.8 V0:c' \,} () ;.' .:-;: clu, ;.8 01' .i:;Ú:J.'C8J:'J.¿.',1 , ,clu '.F.i.:__':' vC c, c.'. COll"CJ:':;JO-C , no a,cootu.d; 0:1..' C3i3G i.::J .-_'o.:c ~:3UC}l '\-,./OJ:"_!';: 01' ;1:, bG (3j: Je C01't ied by -li1J.(:') ex' , 01' j)u.:Ld by tJJ.e '11:C'Ga.suJ>J:('· , lL:LL 80S 8 a:u.cYLE:dJ i 1 "'Che COj_IOi.l11ute Gxocut,:LO:i.1 of 'Lillo co:u.:L.x·(;'.ctJ bO:i.-:rÜ, (H ) u.l.1LL11 j:'J_l--'st, n.ô.ve hoen c8~tiried by ','\,',,:;' COU:i..I.\j~/ ì301icitor" l.Júc. i,e.i.1e Cou/.l.ty dolic:Ltorø 8'7. 1i.1:L18 peI>:30n LL.')::)oì.i·:"G 0,'1 ¡).L., :Jolicito.:c 3.1[,_11 u.:{j:t8ncl (j'-' DUC~J dU'Gles u <:lD.d V'e {JUC:!:.!, 1 o~91n.lolJ.IJ 2t S J.:lt::iY !) 8 :L'e q~uj~ t,JJ.e Co 1, u:c the Ch;).:lJ:.m.LIl or C OlÎJ.i,Jd~ '~0e e ·c}.10:cGof, ij'lIC:Ll (1)llJ.:L,011ß t 0 '-~jd :Lu, \0:cit ing. oe. lJ.i]:l;:,xt it.; ,:3.:_1\:.11 bo tIle dlXCY of D.l1 ot::J.ü:J:" UI'):lcoJ:13 0" LhiiJ CO:I:})Oi'a- "~ t:LoJ]. to :tLll'JJ,i ;311 G.IJ.e C()lUr~.'/ ISolic:UJoj~', uJ)on l'C:H;;.U8~3'G, It~:J. êL 0 C Ul:,.~.nJ:'0 ;3 , 'i)OO)<:d, 01" , (,;':C OOI)i;::,;2, ():( bU-, ,.8, :t:;_L -GJ1G ClJ.iTG ocly Dr ,SeUa:lOll 0:( ,':JlJ.C::J. U:í.'t":Lcei·U, CO '\f"~ to tJ.l8 ,:::> c1 ~3clicl ~O:L.-' uu.c,,:, aid G_,_ct cU3s1~)'(J- <.:Ulce L1U L.!.e l,;;.~ ',¡ :c tho j);J :c:t 0 :~>:dCLJ.1Ce ci' -iJJ1,O rlU.tiuB (J.L. 0:;,18 >:5 d ceo .LiO:iJ.8Y liJ.OjJ.:3, ,;':,.ceou:¡'.-;J';\ ttU;'83, o U}J,-lJI'¿:l.C-C. 3, i.LU.d IJÚ))J_"OVOI,_LG:U.'C G c> f'.Jo ;.1 .1~;: ); ~\ t. .n.u ,)() <':':,0 " OJ.~ of t.iJ.O COl.' t:i_O:i'J, ():L' ..)')0) v (jCL 0.:,1.\'3 OO'l:L^,I.t 01' Xc<c C;.J.i../ X0 CC:" ::J'L.:~C.¡ li ul.J.d.02 Uí3 (;\CO òc1 U'v f.):~l L( üe:c'lJ'i:C:L"-Jd c ;:'LO iJl18 :j1J.C}1 t:LL:,ü'U.i_i.t <,}.,:J '1;110 C ¡j-CG3 'GO cl0 ItLJ. 'GI1G .t:..~,,-:)'t;\)~i~·' clc·lJ . SJOQ G.I:l t~:,'i.~:; V:i.,)\ OJ:' ;,..0],' è:'c-':,:.c1 o:t:f:LCdl's uf' clle G :L'I'O:: 8"1 Ill.:.; '~) ~,~' (0 8 '(::, cel ·C:lO:iJ. CCIJ:<J1'dC-ij;J, , , :t;,~ 1:18:C (3 'O·Y :Lïj ui31,'V d,':JC lj tUj,'~ nu JD..ul:Lf),':)r o:¡·, '~~::JU COUJ::J:c:Ll, 0 ...lU cJ:'j:':L eOl' (J:( ~Li.O U_1.:~.C~ Gucpox'c-.¡.'iJl 0.1..1., ,',):11,)11 be ixre (;,)j~OU iJ ':,J ~jd 1n. (.1. l)l'lvo:liG ty, d.:L2~Ge'tly or :Li-_u11 :CGct.-· J;\{, :1.n. G.]J.;"/, co Ire :J: ,). C -~) O~t' d.; ,_<,~.~.,.'~ l~}:Jo:c , o j:' i'():,~o _:.¿:.-li 0i'ic.~1's , ('::OOCLS '\"i'c,:..I'OU, O}" J!lü:ccLL._:,ì.:¡,ld:L~JO :(L~:I.'JJ.l d:::J.8d C(..i .[J] Le v,j' , '8 ~J ,;.1 () COILrc :t;3 a :l) :) j~',; :3 ti e Cl c> n. J,Li:-i.Y b.'L'C2J.ch o:f 'l¡}:LG duty i:¡.ll::¡08,jd ï.ij.Lü J):r~>ücediJ:1(; DGc-:~ioJI of 'G.\,J.:!.;:::, B:T-Lu:vr, OIl. 'C::1G I'-C of 01' tlJ.8 COi'}JOI'C,,'_ t.10JJ., s:::'u).ll 'J' . a·,,;'Y CGj: ;3UiJJ eCli :h.l1iL t 0 fOl'fe:.L·cll:Cü o:{' ,'J office \; \3 :):"8J :i.Òval 'ljl.:L0}:e:L'I"Ol¡J." (1") ,0 accou.ctt OJ: c1,~, 'Û.i.18 County, c.:'._'- out C)~c O'i" 'G}{..JO c01111ec"Ged til U.U,] co L:t'C:L'c!.C'C, Îj,,;, ~:,:..'8dI.l8.:r::'-G, ::) c :.1:.3, 0:(' :3ulc, I,i.c.',de cO.r(~ J.' V to ,,,) ::3;T-l,,-XVI, ,::i II ;JO GO:i:.' 0J./idd .LJ \,"'-,,-,:_,-,, U )-C 1e:c c G8':1.' 0 0::18 J.'._V,'_ ;c ;OJ_\!.-CJ.üIJ., O:L" <.. i'o".red (_Li:.r.y 001'; .i.l'\:;'lJ'.Jß u i.Le l:;heJ."dO·" xc ] U~:Lc:l ,JjJ.d ¡·Ii." BUT'Uí.' 9~3.. con·(:;::";,~i.C~; nÜL(.ll Co.;::L·0;:.,~L i..i oJ.,;. ,.3·S dGoJ.,. ;>:i.. -0.;}"'::0 \:'j\O CO::::l:. .\C-C; :LxLLo (;:LJ. 'i~]1() .~; :'." G r"iJ: '..I; '.8 ,-¡ ';0 ; u 'XC' Gn.o GOt?. ~oil, )_~d jjJ" 0--L ~'~LC:3:1.· , )._.L<-' lJ /..'.. 'J.',_ , ì,vll,- :iJ 0\/::)1' ¡;JJe:; U:.'ì.I1, <.;JJ/l :tUJ.>t;}J.C~C c1u OJ.: .::_' U~ v.:'.LC )... "JG-..,-, o _"~~_.l.i :l.-~;LC- v~L:,·u J t]JO CIJ:Ll.L'lj , ,:i:'8 'Le J. ,-_,'.C'I',:j:l.·i:; U._ ._L Gl~,l:L _,.~ ;L' i:~~. :):~ l.i.,,:.C CUL!'-Cc,C v .c.·.d :tOI" ell or,\.: dO:i:.tC, O:i:' .' 1 (),oorLc< --",1,' ';-"<'\'-' O:i.' LLO:':'C}l(_~,:,LêLl ;3(') f;.;hed 'ljO:.c:UL a, l:.:) ,\.,.-:) 'x-. '..'JU.~_ '-',,), lLJ.der It;, if :L-t; l; '(- ,", ."- '~T' '\1'" '-" ',,:~'- .., ")--:" '--. ':,-:>' .'. '~-, '::\ C lUlU.S.:!.. ()I' oi'fic:3l" of' , ,,1<.-'. G c.~~l<i J__".XJ,I, .....J. OJ_ lu_I.'-' Gl1.~') '-:;ìO:':'(:'i.·c:Lo:!'.'!. iiJ d'C 'l;::J.() " Gj!ested tll~3~:ein, Ul--O ' , u c:~..;J.y 'C ,'<': U !3"G 11,:. lfJ uJ:'-c,)}'ï//(J.:¡:';1;) vu:n C:I:' ;;tC~::'u ed ·c 0 ;)G '18.Ü '00 :lli."c;, Ül,g th(~L,t; 110 \j l~J to be :L'eqU:L:,_"dÚ tho-ut, 'Cll0 doc '\:j:ì.OD. ;') (1·:;; li vC:.cod at t1.!.c t 11;_18 o:.L' :L<O '" ;..:, (_~'t..l¡J.G " ad Ih:)l' CJ: IJ.l'ovldoc1. è~JlC 9<hQ j,'"i.()Hcæy ;jJ.ID.l1 be J.) ·cc c:Ül~¡ or ·CJ.1ü CUlEJ.ci 1, O:C· to of:C:tccI' of 'L;1.l0 (Jorj)o:e(:,.-c10Il, c< en' í.Xi,:;"Cch'l.-,e;;r :(OI' ;:)3({ c, ¡~) cO:U.'GI"CL.C"GO:C. 95~ o:t C(YU J.0.;.1 lú:,-v'e J)o\"ex·~o ,1~Li'oct o:c " - " ·Gd.:i:- fore ,:'ltJ:.l t::10 :pe:cforLl2LD..CG o:r fo:c -L.i.:1.8 o CJI'})O:C\_.-i:; 1 (J:;,,!., the ot':C i C I:::LL' bo E)llbJoc"~ "ljQ h:L,'3 uU.:)l_J::::ioJ:' o:t:Ci eel' (ie ) UJ.J.d "to tl18 COlJJwll, OX' 'CO OO.i,úùl'ctu8 ( 10 ,~,-Cv c(l~)b.ci -G"JT, édld D.O-C u·, ) 'GO \.. tCl011 t }1.G C;)'l.:ulcll j,.(\\'/, L___. C(;.,':']'3 , C;:Lvo ~.1.u.tJlo:L'i -(:, y- ,<)\... , (;11;:'1'0 bohcò.l:f II 960 }To cOiJ."G:i;'i.>_C'G o:c OJ:' o-l.JIJ.ü}." .'po:c-SOJ1 fouJJ.d !)j 'Lhe UULLllJ ,)-!~j.lgill~-:;e:c , or P01'i;:;OJ1. c 011 1,J0:::1:::.11' of ·0j.18 UO'!)J,1cil, 01' GorCln,i:L;'cee 01' tl1e CotLJ.c:Ll, (Jr, docl<:::j_:¡:"ed Öy I..J. ",(esolu:Gion of -iJl.lt3 U o'UJ,1.cI1 , OJ." (,L;~jca.1'-ca_il1ed by u. ~¡rl.c'l:Lci¡_:,LJ. dGci~310.Ll" 'co }l',:.VC:.3 UOCJ.1. l'cy- ot' deL':t'(;LUd , OI" i;1'{:' \~ to dol:cC"lld t118 CC'll..Ü"Lj], , uhaJl be er.rplo;'/od i11. U.J <:,- cu.]) :;.cl't;:,/ on !)eÌl¡J,lf of or I'ecui ve LLI({ COJ.}-t.:C'\:J.C-~' :t':!~'Ol,L tJ.1.e;) C, ;,tUTC /, ''c::J.O-U:C l.I L8 "":,) c' c' 8~ÜJ.c'L;ion V,.J0 o:c t:u.e COlLD.eilo It '811u.11 bo dQby of -Gho v~riou.s 0,:[':('1 C81'S o:C the Corporation tü :i:'eJ:L"GJ:.lì"i-c:d. :cGJ)o:e-c ::Juch :~':C'iXUo.iJ, OJ:" aG'G uJ ~CJ.'nuÖ.b, of' 0.;:1 'cI.lC:Y be) COJ'_~,O cor.:nizarrb, 'co . , " 1:;u.,-d f'o:.c such CLlel:t BUPOI'lOj:'i.:), S'LIJ) 8 c10:(.'u 'GO :i.'8.!)o:et; tho Sl::tL:~\j to tl1C [,<':)0 -Co ,'3<; t. the Gll.b j oct of '011.0 ~L'I>L~lIC1 -0ul0J1t'ßo Gu:clc:cu.l Clauses. \)'7. J,)d:eso:o., excc;qyc Oi'ficGi'8 61~ 'cÜe Council, shall be allowed to COLle ·~.b.:Ln ljhe ":J<': J:: dU:C~U,l(; the fJi tti.nc:,;s of ·l:-,:r:l.e COH,; l.cl1 \lithouti ¡.!.1C r8l"J :.1,'.::'[3io:n of '0.\:18 \).:cderl or O'uhOI' rOiJ~Ld.iJ:1 ce1'6 O;i.· ()j'~~del:' oi.~ uile C()i.J.J.Lc~Ll ;SJlb.J.:L 08 t:öußgeJ.lcLec1. V'otaoi' tjTi.:O-ci:LLx'dß o:C' u.:!.8 Lidl ~[J0.\'L -~:~',;:jU:¡:!:G " 990 In. (-lJ:.l un}).J:ovj~Clcd. c ;,jU,.... ,',j ',__ C C ., , L:;1:J.0 Jjj.\,J ü:C >,..,..!-;~l.i¡-':jüo:u.t -,0 J:C_;_l.. C (; OJ ,U'LL'C"Cee, ;..J_iLc _.'. ~ , . ,,",'" tho decir~do]J. o:L' ·cJJ.e -'.{,X'den 01' o·,.;Ild"L' :e:;.'u {,j -,i':Le,j.,. iJ.¡.Li __,__J... ¡je :L' 1, t:ljJ.d aec:{lLLo seed lü \vi'Ghü'!X~ do 'ceo 100, )-:\.:1:1';/ OI'ftce:c' '\,j110 uhc,ll'l :,L'efuso', (ii" \)ilflll1y .L<:1 01" j].f) Gee 'GO a.iJ.:;r dL_rLy ø:ujoir!.()d Ul)O:ll h:Llil by UJ.lY :U-;/-IJÔ.Vl OX" J,Ll)r:jolu~:;loj1 oj:"" t.lle Cü Ll1cJ.l, o:c V¡llo 1.n. \;j LC dl G clJ.i-~~J: CG o:f c.' 0 ic:Lal CL1J.ty ;)8 i;u:1.Hy " of fJ'u.ud, e:.;cLo:C'tion, oJ)})l>e ;3;31 ürl, 1'cJ.vo:.cl·G:LJ3nl, .paJ:'c,1al:Lt.y, OX' \1ilful V11'or1C 0:(' lnj"Lurti co " ;311(.:,11 !J8 " , '. ····1 fj.~Olf'l ot'j:'iC8ø StLO;j eCl~' 'GO :C81HOì!iL 101. :i'V" ^(>'Vly.. L'" iN oh 11t'U3 J)D.U ~:ioc1 the OOL:~:u.cil [:Jhal1, :l.LÙ:18dl- .,..:¡ ""-.J __ c.l atGlyu:CtüriJo d1t~)·18d by the /-/¡.-:.l'den, dJJ.cl Dealo(l \IitlL t;j1C3 ~j 8 [i.1 0 l' -~l.le COI'J)Ol'¡).'i;:L on, be d:JJiOE):Ltìcc1 b:y- '0 }.H.~ Cle:cL /01' s8cu:city in -Lho V,~dllt GŒ.J.D3 cteèl i:;ll c< oi'ficGQ ,~ :;:i;J..oc'Gio:n of ¿,loden. 102. (1) IJIj,18 01e:I."1£ of tIle COUJ_J:G,1 GIlu.II ·ca.1.-,:c~ 'C~:lO Chi.;li:c at "lj\i/O 0' eloclc in tlLG (J..ftc::'.'nooJJ. of the thi:cd i:e'u'ei3èlu__y of eLl\:; J:10IJ:(:jh of ;ranuo.J:-'Y in OL:'cb. yeu.:c, o:c ;::.'1; )~-)UCJ.1 hOU:CU.Jld on Eyu.ch Gai't8l~ ~U3 110 i:.Ù:U:Ll1 fi:l'J.ð. "iJJ..lO :ulo.;jo:_city of ·C1J.0 :l',h"J.1úbex's 0:[' 'the Councll ])l'e;:Jent i:i.l 'L;IL8 COUD-oil GÜLJJ:i.Lbe:cø (;3) iJ:ll ~;:'lt '0 he ClG~i:'.t:: sha,11 pI'epôX'o lists o:i~' the n¿~~LJ.8 S 0 f ¡.l.Ö.8 l:lŒilbe:cs , .' (' 1 G.Ilc1 :iJ.o:cl~¿on"i:ial linG B, and n. cLLrd /0:(' eC_GIl 1,L8J:übul' th J~n .PUl'.Pf):U.C:t ·ou . ¡Xi:' t}1G llUX'd.G o:L' tllO .LLo.El.be:c v...:citten or :p:cirlted thoJ:-eon4 1° ,0 (3) flIÌu·.J.-L t.Ile Clerk r:<iJ.all ini'or:cll 'GlJ.e j _:.0Llbe~¡:8 tl1a i.J .1,h3l.!~'G¿,-'.dy "to :proceed. -c,ll t118 elec-ciol.l of Oi18 ():¡~ t;J1elr nUnb01' to b d',Ic;:..r-CL on 0 (I, ) ..G hd 8.1:.1.0_11 3:~:eUDOLi. ·GL~.~ce j:"ron a :caceD-cuele i:¡:l \'¡].1ich the cU.l'dE) Ì1u,ve boo:u, .!:.'ilu.ced" OIJ.e c{,:-':,~cd a·i.J a ·C , as jj; OOI;'i j,S --'c 0 ILLs l1hIlc1, c. üd'. ea11 (~1J_o X'LOLIDel' \,jhose n~Ll'r..ì.8 urs tlureon ~o say tor YJhOTIl hc C':J.:3"bU J.l:ls \/oc G , Cc 1êl ;:'he. CIel"1:: :-;le'.ca -cLt.(:; :i:' 1 CUI'G Lll1du.:L' t Jie HCL",.0 of '(,;he Tu,e:I,,tH3:C' :[\)1' GIlD voto \J;::.3 C, sto .Ih.on all th3 ;3 h<'>.ve voted, ~~ho GIUl'L: fJhí.J.ll fortIn .1',jll :LnJ:'c;':LTl the 01' '~lì.G :CG ~3 ul'L, , and "t}.ì.8 ClcJ:k :3ÜélJl continue 'C::'.ì.G Si...tiL8 J;U~"OCdduj.'e HIlL.; Jle l~ c.J:1C'. 'û a :rÜ(;.1..jOJ:iL~V oj:' '(;he VO"liðS 1v 0 _'00 en, Ci. S-C :(u:[' ü}:.!.8 ;i.8Llb,Ji' l:U,Ò. dlJ.(.-J..J_l 'CJ:181'eOn d.ocl~LL'8 Ule Glactiol10 iJU ü 11 '.01::1.b81:'o ([j)""'l"C ~èj", k,~.:cd811-G].GOt :t'u.:.ct~j_n 'it ,:;; :l::-:.d dejck, -,:"3 'cud. -,.J ..... ...¡.v o~d a lou.d ()Üo dOCJ_é~:C¿::"";:LU':!. u:(' , c co, ~.". .~'.t. J j ._ J. 'j BJ.ldlJ "I;u..\:o "i.;}1.8 ch(Jix' 0 lOoQ ij.]:,18 ,h:Lcden 0/ t1.u:.:: OULU{~Y , 1· <.1.e'(j ,'':; on ,,::u__, 80.]._.1 c'cc,';, -'~ ::;;}kll1 :cec('Jív8 i.J.lJ.c; ~)<. .:.,¡.8 ,::cJ..l0 .<L· .co G.D.d 1(::')(:')-C:8 (.'.1.3 CLL'G 'co \~.;lO OTi.l.l0I' raenl'bo:c f3 of' DGid C::Yii.Ü\:L'c"Gee<l 10~,. r.1111;::;:(:, all j)as' lir~-L;d :{'o:c Ll:;;38'C o:{' OC/lu1c2.-1 Or' C 'L~)os be cort:Lfiocl 'l.j}le Co ':,}JrL ,',! 01 or ÓdfuJ."() bd [) t}18 COU~.ltS· \JreafJV3>e:co 105. ',',',' :dy-]j¡.\1 1Too 940 culcL" all otJJ.e:c :!3y-L(:~'v¡fd' iO(-.~lc;.t iilC'; t; () (,.,'J p}.'oceodixJ.C;s COll.LJ.c::_l OJ.' J.:nc()J.l81ste.D:~ ':':;:L.i. t11is L)J-L(r~·J CU:0 hG~C8-by .- . l'e:pealecl..¡ Read a third time ¡md passed at County Council Chambers this 18th day of Co .'/, OUU.ilciJ. O.:J.ClLLbeJ:>ij fj\j i_(lhOJ;LüS , January 1946. ·IÆ.~ 'Á4 ~. . . 110 \I 0 \I <> \I <>0 \I "". County Glel>k fnrden