1467 Clerk . . -. . . . . Warden :-L ........ day January of 19 46 Read a third time and finally .passed this 18th Read a second time this 18th ..day of January day of January 19 46 Read a first time this 18th 19 46 made by the County Judge. equalization of assessment rolls That this Council is willing to have the final , in case of appeal, Aldborough Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Bayham South Dorchester Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley Springfield Vienna Rodney West Lorne 28 3.,395,300 3,628,785 4,643,656 4,964,222 3,670,850 2,488,074 1,891,651 1,587,468 497,798 963,919 124,718 133,194 367,256 383.493 ,740,384 Rolls of the COlUlty of Elgin for the year 1946: That the following be the equalizàtion of the Assessment , , The Elgin County Council enacts . . of the Count Year 1946. To Confirm the Equalization ,of the Assessment Rolls ~.~,..,.,....,.-,...-"'