1476 each year, or before operating in any year, and shall expire ferable, and shall be taken out on the 1st day of January in 4 All licenses shall be non-assignable and non-trans- licenses shall be deemed a breach of this By-law. operating such a vehicle, by the person and failure to so possess such a vehicle must be carried so licensed whenever prominently displayed on the premises, and licenses to operatª 3. Licenses for the Use of lands or 'buildings must be ¡ shall be applicant $5 .00 of the , s municipality The fee for such a li"cense produce a letter of recommendation from the Chief Constable Upon application for such a license the applicant shall another person, without first obtaining a license to 40 so. shop, either on his own account or as the agent or servant of purposes of a salvage shop , a salvage yard or a second-hand 2 No person shall operate any vehicle for any· of th~ for such a license shall be.$15.OO. ality in which the lands or buildings are situate. The fèe and an approving resolution from the Council of the municip- from the Medical Officer of the Elgin-St Thomas Health Unit license there shall be produced a certificate of approval Clerk and Treasurer thereof Upon the. application for such a granted under the seal of the Corporation, and signed b! the Shop unless and until the occupant obta:ins a license therefor be used as a salvage shop, a salvagè yard, or a second-hand 1 No lands or buildings in the County of Elgin shall 266 , Section 430 and amendments thereto, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS : Elgin, pursuant to 1937 Revised Statutes of The Council of the Corporation of the County of Ontario, Chapter A By-law for l1censing,regUlatingand governing salvage shops, salvage yards, second-hand shops and dealers in second- hand goods. 1IIWI!f1'~ "' .:y:)~\"""; '; By",LAW NUMBER 14'76 -2- on the 31st day of December in the same year. The Council may revoke any license issued under this,By~law at any time with or without cause. In all cases where the license iis in force for any part of a year, the fee shall be the same as for a full year. 5. All lands and buildings licensed under this ~-law shall be subject to inspection at all reasonable times by any police officer or other person having municipal authority. 6. Provided always that nothing contained in this By-law,shall apply to persons engaged in collecting, purchasing or obtaining second-hand goods for patriotic or charitable purposes. 7. Any person convicted of a breach of any of the provisions of this By-law shall forfeit and pay a penalty not exceeding the sum of Fifty Dollars (exclusive of costs) for each offense, or for each day that each offence continues, and in default of payment of the said penalty and costs the con- victing Magistrate may commit the offender to the common gaol of the County of Elgin for a period not exceeding twenty-one days. 8. In addition to all other penalties, any contravention of Section One of this By-law may be restrained by action at the instance of a ratepayer or the Corporation pursuant to 1937 Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 266, Section 525. 9. This By_law s~all repeal By-law Number 1471. and all other by-laws/ Bnsistent therewith. and shall come into force and take effect on the date of final passing thereof. READ a first time this 13th day of June, 1946. " READ a second time this 13th day of June, 1946. READ a third time and finally passed this 13th day of June, 1946. ~A~ ~------ ,,/' ~;::;?./ __ .. . . ç:? ./,... -7' ~ ~ _,-- =tf2-z-~¿_",4// /'~);: . . . W~DËÑ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (~...""'/ TY CLERK (Corporate Seal)