1483 it s'l;Opl1ed and clo sed. as a public 'Ghroughfare and it i s therefore deemed expedienb to have been generally used by the public nor maintained by the Oorpora'bion .A.ND WHgHJ!JAS the said highway proposed to be cl. osed h''\s not 'south Dorchester. EJCPIIliiSS a newspaper pubEs led in Aylmer near 'the 'l:ownship of proposed '~o be closed and published for four weeks in the .L\YI.J\1f~H conspicuous places in the inKûedate neighborhood of the highway pass this By-law has been posed for one month and upwards in sÍ'x AN]) W1TillHEA.8 notices of 'bhe Oouncils intention 'b o consider and confirmed. DGJ'rche s'ber and. it appears proper that the said by-law sha11 be passing of said by-law :1'T0. 450 of the said OOl1.llC n of the Township of sputt not sooner than three months nor later than one year after 'bhe 'oommencing on 'bhe 18th day of November A. D., 1946 the same being held at the current ordinary and l'egular sit'bings of this Oounoil/ this Oouncil 'tö pass a by-law confirming the said by-law No. 450 of .u:lgin and the said Oouncil of the said rI10wnship lave applied to VvHE,iIœlili IA by-law of the council of a township, passed under ·the authority conferred by clause (c) of subsection 1, in the case of a township in unorganized territyry, shall not have any 1'orce unless and ~until approved by a Judge of the Dis trlct Oourt 01' the district in ;,vhich the township is situated, and in other cases unless and until confirmed by a by-law of the council of "[;he COlUlty in which the townshin is situate Dassed at an ordj.nary mee~blng of the counc5.1 held not sôoner than three moJ:r'Ghs or later than one year after the passing of the by-law oT 'bhe council of the township" and ". ." Sou'bh Dorchester the said ~b ownship of is situate in the Oounty enacted as follows: WIIE:}¡.ß.I-\.S by subsection 6 of Section 495 of the Municipal .A.at it is here inafter described , and and close ,that part of 'I;;he said Road in the said c . 'l'ownslÜp and day of' V.'IIEHEA.8 'bhe Oouncil August 1946 finally pass' of the Township of Soúth Dorchester did on their By-Law liro. 450 to stop up the 5th and opposite lots 10 , 11, and 12 in the said 'l'ownship. of a highway running between concessions 11, and. 12 South Dorchester for closing the Council of the up and stopping that part TownShip of ·1· ,I) County Clerk . //- :/ ~:~ ..0... _ po. Ward.en lead a thi:cd time and finally I)assed this 20th day of No vem.ber 194,6. Hes.d Head fl a second first tim.e time this thi s 20th 20th day of day of ]\Tovember November 1946. 1946. or resolution approve and direc·t. disposed of in such way as the Counc :L1 of -the Oorporat:Lon may by By-law and stoFped up and so d ü 'ected to be conveyed shall be sold and above mentioned wi thin the ;oeriod aforesaid t;he highway so closed I'"' L m~])'A(Jl,T of payment by t.he said ad j oining owners of the sum Township to such conveyances. as the ·.00 l,Ul cil may di rect, and af'f'ix the Corporat e Seal of ¡¡he respective parties owning the adjoining lands and in ßuch prapoJ ~,tiqn ances :L n fee simple of the highway so stopped up and closed to· the clo " c> ed up the Heeve and Clerk of the said Township may execute convey- Corporation by :I1he parties owning adjoining land on both s ides of to be sum of One Dollar within oorty days thereafter to the '.rreaslu'er of the by the COClIl"ty Co mcil of the County of I:lgin, and upon payment of the From and immediately af·ter the confirmation of this By-law of sold amI conveyed as hereinafter provided. highway and the said part of the highway so closed shall be disposed forever closed and the said part of the highway shall cease to 'be a opposHe lots number ten eleven and twelve shall be stop ped up and part of the higb:way running between the eleventh and twelth concessions 'I'hat from and after the passing of this By-law all that ~:'l{ , , COTJJ:\rl'Y m' :U;I,GIN:- Tlillrm:FORill 1'1' TiS :fENACr:P~WD BY I'l{ I .., caUNC [L O]~ i~lTl1 CaHPOli1~l'ION OF v \'r ··c/ -:- ~- ~- BJi;-LA\\f NO ~.?O-'- CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHI~ OF SOUTH ~1RCHESTER. 13eing a By-law for ..closi,ng uf1 anq. stopping that part of a hJ.Œhway runn:mg between concessJ.ons ana. 12 and opposite lots 10 1 'f and t' I 1 ii111 LL 12, in the sai d 'i.' ownship , " ~þ.1tr WHEREAS notices of the ConncUs intention to Qonsider ·ç¡,nd pass this By-law has been post ed f or one month and upwards in six conspicuous places in the immediate neighborhood ·of the highway' proposed to be closed and published for f our weeks in the AYL1ì1iER EXPRESS a newspaper published in Aylmer, near the Township of South Dorchester. AND ¡VHEREAS the said highway proposed to be closed has not been generally used by the lJU~blic nor maintained by the Corporation as a public thoroughfare, and it is therefore deemed expedient to have it stopped up and closed. BE IT THERF.FORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the -'r ownship of South Dorchester as follows:- 1. That from and after the passing of this By-law and the approval thereof by the CountyCounoil of the County of Elgin, all that part of the highway running between the e10venthand twelth concessions opposite lots numbered ten, el eve n an d t~""6"ä'set:~::ha"i~~ t w el v e ;.,.,,~ shall be stopped up and forever closed, F.nd the said part of the highway shall cease to be a highway and the said part of the highway so closed shall be di posed of,sold and conveyed as hereinafter provided. %. ",roB and immpdiatlc after the címfirmation of this By-law y the Courity ouncil 0 t',e ounty of ElgJ.n, and upon payme·nt of the sum of One Dollar within thirty days thereafter to the Treasurer of the Corporation by the parties owning adjoining land on both sides of to be closed.up, the Reeve and Clerk of the said Township may execute convey- ances in fee simple of the highway so stopped up and closed to the respective parties owning the adjoining lands, and in such propoætion as the Council may direct, and affix the Corporate Seal of the Township to such conveyances. 3. IN DEFAULT of payment by the said adjoining owners of the sum above mentioned within the perJ.od aforesaJ.d, the hJ.ghway so closed and stopped up, and so directed to be conveyed, shall be sold and dispose of in such way as the Council of the Corporation may by By-law or resol- ution approve and direct. 4 . Any By-law inconsistant with this By-law is hereby repealed Read a first, second and third time and finnaly passed in open CouncU thJ.8 5th day of August, 1946. Reeve Clerk, ~~d~~"¿'q~~T f.~ ~¿ .~ Z5-~r- ~. 7' . _ "é:~'.·.·40 4.ß ~ è ~ :;,. "! I''?'Y~ ~/cl - !V ~, TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH DORCHESTER NOTICE is hereby given that the Municipal Council of Scuth Dorchester prcposes to consider and pass a By~law providing for closing that portion of the road between concessions 11 'and 12, opposite lots 10, 11 and the Esat half of lot 12. The Council will hear and consider any representation made in 'connection with this proposal to close the pe¡etion of the road as mentioned above on 1Æonday,August 5th, 1946. Dated at Lyons this third day of June, 1946. J.C .Jenkins, Reeve. l\If .8 .Charl ton, Clerk. A Còpy of the proposed By-law is attached to this notice