1484 '. .>\1- ··Cr'- -~- -- .'" 13y....La.w 2484. '20 Authorize the Warden and Clerk to (3ign Eenewal Agree.merrb with the I,ondon Hailvlay Comra:ì.ssion re lease of IÆ\l1d. '2he JUgin County Oouncil enacts: 'I'hatthe'Narden and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign Renewal Agreement v¡j:bh the ]~ondon Railway Commission re lease of à.and. Read a first time this 20th day of NoveDlber 1946. Read a second time this 20th day of ]\Tovember 1946. Head a third time and finally passed' 'Ghis 20th day of Novøraber 1946. .r/d. ~ ~ . "0 " . ".0 Clerk Warden.