1487 I: I· I' ,I :Ii :¡I ':! ,! ~ . THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW No. . 148y THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the municipality hereby acquires the right during the months of January, February, March and April in the year 1947 to enter on the hereinafter described parts of Lots Three and Four in the Fifth' Concession of the Town- ship of Yarmouth, in the County of Elgin, without the con- sent of the owners, for the purpose of moving a municipal hangar across the said lands, particularly described as follows: (a) ALL AND SINGULAR that certa~n parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Yarmouth, in the County of Elgin and Prov- ince of ontario, being composed of part of Lot Three, in the 5th C9ncession of the said Township of Yarmouth, being a strip of land 200 feet in width, the centre line of which may be more particularly described as follows: CObœENCING at a point in the Westerly limit of the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road, distant Fifteen hundred feet (15001), measured Northerly along the same from its intersection with the South- erly limit of said Lot 3; THENCE South 82 degrees 22 minutes 30 seconds West, a distance 'of Seventeen hundred feet (17001), more or less to a point in the Westerly limit of the . said Lot 3, distfnt Twelve Hundred and Thirty-seven I II , 11 I, :11 II I, II -2- feet (12371), measured Northerly along the same, from its intersection with the Soµtherly limit of said lot, HAVING a width of One hundred feet (1001) on each side of the hereinbefore described centre line and extending from the Westerly limit of the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road to the Westerly limit of said Lot ); . (b) ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Yarmouth, in the County of Elgin and Prov- ince of Ontario, being composed of Part of Lot F01~, in the Fifth. Concession of the said Township of Yarmouth, being a strip of land Two hundred feet (2001) in width, the centre line of which may be more particularly des- cribed as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the Northerly limit of said Lot 4, distan't One Hundred feet (1001), measured Westerly along the same, from its intersection with the Easterly 11mi t of said Lot; THENCE South 6 degrees 42 minutes West (astonomi- cally), a distance of Twenty-four hundred feet (24001); THENCE South 49 degrees 07 minutes West, a distance of Eighteen hlmdred feet (1$00 t) more or less .to a point in the Easterly limit of the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road which is distant Fifteen hundred feet '(15001), measured Northerly along the same from its interseçtion with the Southerly limit of said Lot 4, HAVING a width of One hundred feet (1001) on each side of the hereinbefore described centre line, measured at right angles thereto, and extending from the Northerly limit of the Lot to the Easterly limit of the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road ! RAS/W SANDERS &ì trUly, SANDERS 'loUt'S ~ Answering your: letter dated January 3rd and dßl1v~red~' to us on January 6'!;h, we wçulqadv1s6 you that it is impo$Sible to initiate expropriEltj,'9nproceedings 1n any matter until theCouncll has e~aeï;:~d a. pl'oper by-law. ~ ,~:We would refer you to Chap1;el'266, Sèet10n 3.46, Wb.icii reads in part as 1'ollowsi{ ~" , t, ';: .-' ""'1':" {; . ~At an;{ tiIne after the pa.ulngof a by- law for entering on or e:¡q¡ropda ting ;the land, the corporation by leave of the jUiige; ~d upon paymen;t into the Supreme Court of.· a spill suf- ficient in the opinion of the judgè ~o satisfY the cOmpensation may enter upon the ~Fdtf 4Ic. It is doubtful if the legislatUre contemplated that municipal C'..ouncils wouUl be empowexjed to exprop- t';tate for the purposes mentioned in YOU11 letter, ,and it may be tb,at the Courts would hold such iii: by-law ultra v:1res. '" I 1«1'. Ii'red A. :Bell, County Engineer, Court House, St. Thomas, Ontario Dear Sirt E. c. SANDERS,K.C. R. A. SANDERS, B.A. Øt" Yande?l'J- fØa'M'i4te'J'6, ~ticit()'J'6, JVot<M~ EDRASANDERS FERGUSON E. F. S.SAN DERS, B.A. $th January" 4 SOUTHWICK ST. !Ii. !!Æo/)na:i, {Jut:, 194'1 , ~~r ~Jl ..,""... ..,,¡¡:Q¡¡¡¡¡¡ 1i¡:¡W'Ð0 Yours truly, ) I am enolosing chequa at $100..00t:¡¡>o.¡¡¡ "W!.Æ)MX' re quashing 01' :ay..Law No.. 14e'1.. Jj'rMlt Deal' liJr..]'ra.nk SalldeX'ß. C/o. Sandors and Sande~a. 14 Southwiok stree~. 6t. æhoma.s. Ont!£1" io.. Si.1."# Ap:t'U 24th. 4/1 !$1 1'1:13 t;)iim,;r$~ th~~ ¡¡¡tdl' :t'\m¡¡¡ IàØ~O£1ß tbW1!Jø Whiøh 1,~ Äi\ t~:r.¡¡í \lØl(Ii:;g111íj; '~O th'i! GOUìlt¡y, :t'o!!ld :!ìf¡¡!:',¡,¡,Uø:L ,,,;I, th th:~ :ti:r.et n¡¡.mad Qn~ ~ ~ on t~~ ~o~tÌ' j!¡!J.(t$ øt w\,:\¡¡r!l tQW 1.700 hi;),\; # and, th~m Xìø(\¡j¡'ly dlUj ì!¡QÙ.'!;h t~ àrtQ'\:her CQ~nty ni!:\í:!: $,¡;:¡ t,h~lt (il:r(jøt,;l\} ~ lSOO t'€ì(/¡t,~ 1;h$íl 0$1 ~ 1\4g!l.e~ &ngJ.1'i l!Iou¡;h~ to,11 U.¡¡¡Oh\~j¡ l'l'O.l~ t:\, COlA \lty ¡;,'O.idl' th>1! '1 turnli\tb mol!. th"'i11i1$ t; <:'\nð run... ;¡'f~(t. $t~~þ iOO fQwt in W 1.(1:1111 t.hl'OU¡¡;hou t f t'\:Il!l1 ;truJ, ri~$t al~ost $Quth ! I I)J.' I¡ 11\1> l!ia:¡(~1ì:! t,~'t~(jtl\)å. ';!'h\~ l,$uh 11'1 \~Uê¡)Uon ( (IlU\Ì¡;¡i;¡ ot ...., . 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",."*J _¡ 'i'''~'~~\'~';'. 1\I~'ìt1l\Üd lj¡~ :t'\!')¡);¡¡¡t §ij),,. 11111111.1:. t, f i: tt(l t:i:.I:!.¡;:i; f¡!¡!ììIY¡~ j\í¡d )'~Á¡;¡d, iJl,~,,\? I'iI! ~.~~ wi t1, ~v~t,('ì'f; 'i'! l~lt (~¡¡¡!~i'¡; 1i1ii1 j¡ ~iJ.I~ ii\¡¡;¡r ~1i1tf.t~ <.;r lnt¡{¡ l'I¡¡ti!t i¡ 1i:\l';tt'~ixl. ~ni~ ~I\¡¡ ~';~í¡;bt OJ.' ¡¡¡¡HIO:¡., "*;¡',tMld t $Jii~U. ;1¡¡tllul:t~ ),$I¡dM. 'I;\\' n';)~1ønf¡¡¡¡ 1111':&11 h¡,,1'I'~... ~~¡¡¡''Ì$\1¡,J,1!tÞ¡):¡¡'!illt¡¡) ¡},«It;J,¡.lli11t.m %i>f :t~,'Mihn" !.1,\ 't;tM\' ,~q;~KU¡t#,~.·~;~,,~,~ :t!) t,~¡t.! :¡?Ià·~; ó\,'1;' î(Hl '¡"iH)'U.~mf,il; IiJt' th~f Jt.~'t t ,$l!Iíh lh¡;) \,!;l~tj,1!!1Iì ;r1,IA'IH;I(Ã,. " Ir$. ìII ,'¡¡¡¡t~.",,~;lnt¡ %!i£~.~ ~j"fk.I ¡\,l.¡'1!! (1"'I;,t l\1'iltfau~t 0:1.' t.!I'!If ß$¡¡¡~I,t¡~II'ít 'Iì~) 1\1J~n"~tt.. ~;¡¡; ;>:¡;:~:t>:;:~,~let!li IiiIn 4il1iI$H~,¡M)£1t (I\I~ Ot¡ 'i,4 .;ì;' 1fh,¡·M¡ l~' the ~~11\!~1) or IU;. ..'7 ~~)\i~I\,!1i11¡/lj ~ "", Mj, ~ ~:'~,~ 1;~A~.'ji~, i11IOl~ttj¡~,n í':ì dl'i1tJ~;¡)'..b'oJll~).\!t tilt' t:h,r!¡, );,M(Î ~ ~...~, ;U' t 'II 1~) ~n"~ï;¡G~!~¡i 'tit! ., "iÍ\. 91'Ì1Í'law fl:à'lt t~t~t~æ'h~¿¡¡ tm I,n~ t!:it~'f,'t¡p1'1Ii!Un.~ lìi1ftd 11$00 ~ ~~~¡4$t~:$ ,) t.]I\i.!&¡¡q ... ~r, l~tMU\'1Iib(\' ð.l~¡;,(j;*'¡ i):t ttt iii í<l1;¡~} ~b!!l~ "W lCI~g*.;¡:' ~IO '~IIi!'i¡¡tb"l)ib (}f t!;¡;I¡¡ (IO;'li"1lt),ir.li, '¡¡101'l., líiliiid t~~,· (¡!'~O'~il'¡ß j!¡¡~¡U.~lf1.g!l 'IZ~ì"f~01!$~ I\'In,~1 ~>!il1 lMUI !:~J: ¡'\ìu;t:'lnÍ,'¡ ¢If 1'I¡%':rí'X"·:P~'~,*il.1J;!,n~$ $1t!'I;ji ~-*t~\I,Z,~'I'!{I¡ ~'Q (' ttll!l ,~a~l.:':pf"t!i~1I! Q~,I!.IJ;¡dl ;r¡,t' Ø(~:¡:'JCí~~:tr'i~ti,Qn, 'm~1 ~1!ì$1~ 1)1'" ~¡i/! . 34::J \l} :¡'~~~dillif .. !&¡$ !,)!'ff;\~~ ll¡i.~;" :H l,~.,P:¡fl t Ii1h«iU l~~lu~f' ff~ ..~ ':1;'",,,, ~i\AA,,,.,;v~~~ t!'ìtN/j;¡;'~I!I' ¡ iti:i.t </,,,,", j~¡!;~~ ¡¡¡¡¡<I<II., {(;Iì &II,~I)},IÌII\! , ~ '*"" " " ;~,'¡lin~ ~i'4Ià (~ID *~':t" :rXI¡tU~~¡)¡~<'ii).;r M~t!Ð;¡¡tl~d ;1' .... :$ .. ,i, j, I' ::1: ';1' !i! i. II ;i' 'I I:' ,\ ¡ i~ I I I - 4 .;p¡,. øt a $øwe~ aø~O~$ the land of the pla.intift was held intra vires. But 1>.$ is J¡>QirrlJad OUt by M:I";ld,J.etO:á, J'.( as he thEl!:l \Vi!\$)t ~t 1h62'f, tl1.0 ¡r:>ight tó 1ircd.ld f~ SeW0);' :if¡! not in øt:ric't:n.e$s an e!i\$ø:rtlent. but !it lV¡\~'¢d:!.ttllIl(;U;¡.t($U M$t;l;'o:p(lHtan1.b-L..Jl~h. 11. ·1i'Øllø~(1692) .1. Q,. ¡;¡. ¡¡;S5). 11net'!; thø 01 ty M" qu.:LI."e4 1n real1t:f ;!.$ ·tXle Øøne Q1: landséCìcUpied bytM sew!'.ì¡;O. n is an :1ntø:¡¡est in Q;e a :¡:';!.Sh1l in llmdlil in !4Y' ö:pin:ì.o:n.. ¡t iff a þerD'ta.ne1.1t 1¡hhlg. In this øase:U ¡:¡E!e:rtl$ tQ !úÆI tb,at we óught tø look at the au.1:H'$tanè(;¡ tt\'lJhe:t' thlm the wording 01' tM t1\''i;Ul$Mtlon in (,lu6stion.. What tl1¢0owrl¡y wi¡¡¡11!3s lŠ$ to e¡ntel' ontO :L!J.l:t\ls tow a 'terll~oj;!a~y :pu~:pol$e anl'3, to br1ng Q. huilc1;!.p,g aø:t'oes tt..¡¡S¢ la.nd$. !'IJ i$ nøta<H1.111r1ng a.nU t'igh1! Or inU:rèst in l$.ndth wha.1ï1$ l$øW~ht 113 at the blil$11 at! ßiJ.se¡¡¡en't over 1and!ii!. ·';1 !i¡;¡\1ß\I<¡;¡C. l'løt1!i;l.1¡·Mtll.ndinèJ; the u.!ii!<!1 ot l;!omee:X:]ì:t'$s" $;ton$ wl:t1(íh m1ght pøir¡:1J to a.n inte;1i'ìi'st in 91' an easerllen'lJonir h.xî.d. hâvinê: regà:li'd 1;ó the wl,qh S(íoJ,j$ of,··the bY"la\V¡ I ¡a¡ri ø,!,ö:pi:rdon t1,$:t: no. S¡IOn in·~€!:r.ø$1ï or eâs.eJ1¡~t 1s(í·:t'Gai;¡¡¡d. '31hetl'ansMlIiøn is not in :tfea.;J.ity the taking Qi'an inteteíi\tin l.ands put m!fí:t'ely thetaldng øt a. p;rivilMø Þy 'way of l:!.Q\\!nSe to tM øounty< ja'rli'-'íiklarr &¡Öo,¡. Ltð..'V'.. :t,oni!!on aO\lM:(oottnQil, (:t!iìQ4,ì :I. K. B. 7tø at 'JIla !:\p:d n¡o. In gall¡¡ on Ea.aenH!nt$, l:Lth Jijd., 1h 1,. tl1etøxt cø¡¡)):nen(ji$1\I .. "In a.ddition '\;othfJi or,Unary :righ.t$ of: :pro:per'~Y ¡ 'W'hløh ä;r.'e ð.lilte:rro¡Ïn.$Q; try n"" Mll:nda~'1e~ of /¡\ \nan'S OVID $QU, tM ).à\v :¡:eøogn:hles tl1øe;¡¡::\.$'\iaMe¡ as i;\(j(H~I¡j$Oj;';tal t¡¡¡ th¢se gen(j:t'al :rií);ht$..¡ o:f' oø~tt:~,itl Qt/Mr riiJ:J.1¡¡SI to bø (~xe:çøi$M Q'Ve):,' the prøpe;);''ÌiY øf a néigh~or, a!ld tht\\:t'Øto;V'¡¡ i~1)poS:!.J:).g a Þu:r4øn u:pon h:!.¡!!. "'.!:'l1ø¡¡¡e !:\ecé$Sorial rightiSl whiøh ÖO!lt!$;¡:> rt1er¡Ùy .1:1 ø¢ïl1ven1<møø to be exeW4\lliled ø'Ve:t' thø Mie;l1\)OU;¡:,>2.rJ¡G; lánd.., ~'titho'U.t a¡¡Y pe,:I1'''P:!;¡¡1Ì:ps:t il1>l1 in. tha 1?I'<i>t'i'J¡ of it. ¡¡¡1'e called. by thfiJ l¡¡:w of Engl$!1d ì IEé:S(1nler~1i!$I; íi.\$ a~igW1>(¡¡f way · . . ... li'31h¡¡¡1iøMrtl(;1nt to' w}:d.~h the :r;Ll£b.t is ¡¡¡:btMhel$, ~"'~.~ ~. 5 .... is ca;J,).ed the dom!nanf¡, that on whion thE! burden ie :i.II,:posed the se;¡;o... v;i..¡nt, texH\$.el1t. 'l'he h;rm' se:t'vitude' is used to eJt]Jreì;!S both the ;right and t.he <ib).1gaU();p.; the tern!. '.øa.semønt' gøneralJ:Y e;¡¡:;þ):'eS$Ii)S the:t':!,ght (;\41ly. . I jo 11'- t!Aga1ntan easø¡¡¡sp:t Çl:!.:C:I;'è;r:1ii t:r:om å <I.icetle$. W1J.e!l onì';.e a.n eMet\1.etrt ;is va1.idly êlreE\ted ;it 1$ arthe:¡ted. to llMld. Thill b¡¡¡nefit øt it , -. -,-, ; ;!í1.SíilI!I!S w:i:I¡,:!:i thedÓ¡d,nant tenEWlent W,d the þU\t'deJl ()1! í!,;t Þa.sSeS "\11th 1)h$ senient h!len\an"\¡ to eVerY Jþ<!lrso n into wJ1OíH!i oM'U,;Dat19:1l t¡hêdOXt\in~t and 1!!\1í.l"Vlent tene!rient.s )('es:peÓt:lVliily t' ome. A liGenao, on 1;;he <)J:;hè!' ha:n.().. 1.1de$$ (\oú,whØ- with ø. gra!r!ì, is »<ð:t'$Ollàl to both g:¡¡'a¡j:l¡oi ana gX'ålltøØ ø.nd nd'!;b,JíI;I1 b1nl1;1,ng on the a$$1~$~ of 'ti4ø li<:el1$oW:1J,ot gerl$I'l:J.llY 11<$$1g!).a;lalE> ~V 1¡hel¡\.¢¡¡l1$ìiíllil. fA ()'1$1?o¡¡¡;I,1¡1on o:¡;' :u.Ø'ånèl$~¡tQ]ìe:¡.'ly þa$sas no intøteøt. 'nQ;!1 ø.lî1e:¡:'$ ow tran$førø ;P:J:'opt¡î:r:1¡y ill ø.Xlylfhlxl$. tju'I¡ onlY <OI;lK$!$ an ø.øti.o!). ).l\\wt;\1.l.Whiøh w11;Ìlotl.i1 :!.t; haå. bèa!1 1J.!llø.wttl.l · id . .:t An øase1ilent 1s in fine a right \thiGh a person has to Cl:tH¡tzfI¡ <$a:t'tnin lan¢, bøl.ønliiiingtQ àl1otllå:t' :1.<1. apartiø.lllaill :lJ1E.Vl¡t(¡:!7. 'fMte Qanl1øt, nowe'Vø:t', be an $à$!!i¡Jl!ðll'lí.1n €!;;I.'ÞsJj¡; Ad.$l$QníJ.Ee),l 'fe11ø;phÞnØOOlO'... ;!Àut.! 4.80.Lâl.24! and tM;t'¢ !\ì}),!;¡,ti ~ø a dø!lJ.iI,nant /i.1J,d aIH~td$!lt tøneme):).t.t Ren~l;):4øX y. . t\'ièij.~ø.f\¡Y:' CO~ (),$6(3) i3 Øh. A:P1h 306 at 3$;1;. J.n t!;,;i, $ J}1i.\),''' ti~V\la:t' (¡EUìe 1¡hø;¡?ø :i.ß nO domina!!'\; tønamønt. ~11Ø ' ;'è$ult is tha,t Iiilthpug:h th¢ ;t"$.ght SQ\J.ght to be , tli.\~en 'by i;¡þ,¢ by..l¡¡¡.\'I' å1?pea:l!$in tM JitI;(;\\J.:4I;).:t' aanS\!! to bø an (!IašèxlJ.ønt. :It 1$ nQt $uøn fOt the añoVê ;¡Jsli.\aons. ;£1'1. tny oJ}inM>p.¡¡Ù$Ç) 1 i;¡ is not. M Wa$ at€;'ll!iíd at1:!:\nuQusly 'b~ th¢ cøu.nty ool:tc:!.tPl"t a lea.aø-hPld :interest 1!1. '¡¡he .lí>n<1ß litflð, â:t is not ø::¡'J)welilsecl!à$$UØ.h. ,vhat 1!i!ßought M:r:e is Ii ))'lO'ÞØ ]lerß$na1. ;t':!.gJ:J:t for Ule øonven3..enøe <:¡j; 'f¡h'i\ Oi;)'Wlty tø (10 ßi)¡¡).¢thin~ at l!¡)'J!@,lløo$t w4~<}h w()1.I;ld b¢¡ 'Ver/ye:íl.1;Ienfl,:tv(.'I t\þ dô in aX).oî:;he:r 1.'eø..sibJ.e w&,y.,. :c eììnf!øt Gee i;há't. 'the:r1ght. ßö1ilght to þ ¡ì ê:¡t:p;¡,<o:p1?~a:it.. ei!løQ!nf,\)$ w:!.tL¡1¡::\ t.he ø.!:¡Q1I'e døt'1ni1'l:tQ!i$ W'J,ð. J: ¡¡).1l$1¡ very r",;Lu<)i;aD:t¡:l,y find, 1;\1J#'I¡ the 'by-l~~W 1$ ùltrø. Vi;¡?es the ()01J.n'ty COl1nel1. ~)M b;¡..¡äW m11st 1¡M:r¡¡\Í'orø M q\i.l,a$l,e(!, 'i:)u.t unMr'\;hl,'l Ç:!.:t'<lUIX\l\!t8.lI(¡$s w1t)l()ut ØOl$t. I,!:': 11 [" l' iJ I i I , I I, i! II I, \1 i'l )¡