1489 "...,/,. '."''''''''''''''. "~..,~,.-:~_..' By-LaW No. 1.4819.. TO CO~'IRM By-Law No. 1371 or the COLJ~oil or the Township or Yarmouth ror olosing and stopping up a portion or the Road known as part or the ninth Concession road of Yarmouth Township. WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Yarmouth did on the 5th day of OctoÞer 1946 finally pas? their By-Law No. 1371 to stop up and close that part of the said Road in the Said Township and hereinafter desoribed, and WHEREAS by subsection 6 of Section 495 of the Municipal Act it is enacted as follows: "A By-Law of the council of a township, passed under the. authority conferred by clause (c) of subsection 1, in the case of a township in unorganized territory, shall not have any force unless and until approved by a Judge of the District Court of the district in wtlch the township is situated, and in other cases unless and until confirmed by a by-law of the counci], of '(;he county in which the township is situated passed at an ordinary meeting of the conncil held not sooner than three months or later than one year after the passing of the by-law of the council of the township" and WHEREAS the said township of Yarmouth is situate in '(;he County of Elgin and the said Council of the said Township have applied to this Council to pass a by-law confirming the said by-law No. 1371 at the current, ordinary and regular sittings of this Council commencing on the 21st day of January A. D. , 1947 the same being held not sooner than three months nor later than one year after the passing of said By-Law No. 13'71 of the said Council of the Tbwnship of Yarmouth and it appears proper that the said by-law shall be confil'med. WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to close up the original road allowance, rumming between Concession nine and the Range South of the Edgeware Road, opposite Lots 16, 16, 17, 18, 19, and the westerly part of Lot 20, in the ninth Concession, and opposite Lots .13, 14,15, 16, and the westerly part of Lot 17, in the Range South Edgeware Road, Yarmouth Township. WIiEREAS notice of'the passing of this By-Law has been given for at least one month, previous to the date of passing this By-Law, by publication once a week for four successive weeks in the "Times Journal", newspaper published in the City .,,~ of S't ~.. Thomas. and ";;',,";. meeting clock P. M. in the Township office, Huron & Erie Build.ing, st Thomas, will hear all persons who claim to be opposed to the closing or the said road, who had given the Council notice thereor by September 28th. 1946. THEREFORE IT IS ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPDRATION OF TEE CCXJ:NTY OF ELGIN:- THAT the original road allowance running between Concession nine and the Range South Edgeware Road opposite Lots 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and the westerly part or Lot 20, in the ninth Concession and opposite Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, and the westerly part or Lot 17 in the Range South Edgeware Road, be stopped and olosed and cease to be a public thorougl1rare. Read a rirst time this 24tþ: day of January 1947. Read a second time this 24t:þ. day of January 1947. Read a third time and rinal1y passed this 24th day or January 1947. ~ .i!.~trJ:~~ ff ~ '¿;ø~ . . ...0.......0... Warden. C1 ark , II II' J I I' , I! " r¡ " I I il II, "'.$" ¿f . . 1:,"~:r:.:t:;....· lõ ...1 O..-.",-tt--'f..-,'.!!r' .> BY-LA.W .NO. 13'71 BE¡.NG A. BY-LAW to provide for Olosing and stopping up a portion of the road known as párt of the ninth Oonoession road of Yarmouth Township_ WHEREAS it is deemedneoessarY to alpse up "\ih" original , . road allowance, runningbetween¡oonaession nine ánd the Range south of the Edge"!flara Hoad, opposite Lots 16, 16, 17, lE3, 19, and the westerly part of Lot 20, in tha ninth Ooncession, and opposite Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, and the westerly' part of Lot 17. in the Hanga south I!1dgeware Road, Yarmm:rtlì Township. WIiEREJ\.S notice of the passing of this 13y...La~w has been given for at least one month~ previous to the date of passing this By-Law, by publioation onoe a Week for four sucoessive Weeks in the "Times Jou:rna.l". newspaper pub1:tshed iri'the City of at. Thomas, and WHEREAS the counoil of the Oorporation of Yarmouth Township at their -regular meeting held oáOotober7t;!ht946, atS o'clook P.M. in the Township otfice, Hu-ron & Erie Bldg., st. Thomas. will hear all persons who olail11 to be 0PJ?osed to the closing of the said road, whò had given the council notioe thereof by September 26th. 1946. THE COB:rOHA'J.'ION OF 'rHJ!1 TOW1'<¡~3RIP OJ)' YA.HMOU'fH 'l'Immo;'fi'ORE enacts as follows I 1. T}iJ.T the original road allowance running between Concess:!.()Il niXie and the Range South Ed$en1are Road op'pos1 te Lots 15, 16, ;1:1, 10, 19,' and the westar:ty, part of Lot 20, in the ninth Ooncession and opposite Lots 13, 14, 15 16, and the We~4terly :part of Lot 17 in the Rø.nge South 1tdgeware Road, be atop:psd up and olosed and cease to be a public thorou6Þface. I¡ :·1· i Ii ;;~ Iii I:,;¡ , I'i! I' II I, Ii! <$.~ """ 2.- 2~ THAT this By~Law, shall not Qornelnto force and effect until the sarna is confirmed by a By~Law of the Council of the Oounty of Elgin, passed at an ordinary meeting of such Council held not sooner than three months or later than one year after the passing of this By·ä¡law. ~EAÐ a first and seóqnd time this 5th. day of Au~at 19~ß. READ e. third time and finally þa$sed.th1a ú~4t: day ot 1946. ~i!k~~ J ~ Heeve :z,{¿~..- - -.~ ~~~... '--~~~- ~ Cler1\:. 'I"",;