1499 I· ! II , ,.~-...._.-.....,~),.e~~________,. .,..,~,...,--",,,__ ,. By..,Law Number 1.499 or the Municipal Corporation of' the County of Elgin "1:;0 regulate the Cut'bing of Treeso , , WIiEREAS it has become expedient for the general welfare of' the County that the woodlands therein be preserved and improved AND WHEREAS the Trees Conservation Act Statutes of Ontario J 1946, Chapter 102, Section 1, empowers the Council of' any County to pass by-laws, (a) restricting and regulating the cutting of' trees in any part of the county; and (b) providing for the appointment of of:ficers to enforce the provisions of any by-law passed under this section Tlr:a;REFORE IT IS HEREBY ENACTED: 10 That no cedar or black locust tree of a diameter of less than five inches nor any other tree of a diameter le¡¡¡s than twelve inches, measured four and one-half feet from the ground shall be cut by any person within the Count Yo I 2. This by-law shall not apply to (a) Thinning operations and improvement cuttings but these operations must be carried out according to approved forestry prtcticesi (b) The -cutting of Christmas trees. 3. Where in the considered opinion of the tree conservation officers special conditions exist which warrant the cutting of trees protected by section 1 of this by-law the officers may issue a permit for the cutting of such treeso or 4. In the cutting ~ removal óf any trees no person shall conduct his operations as to unnecessarily injure or damage any other trees. 50 No person shall cut trees or carryon Imabering or other forest' operations adjacent to a public road within the County unless there shall be left along the said road or roads a belt of trees sixty-six feet in width from the adjacent limit of the road allowance from.whic¡h may be removed only such trees as may be approved and marked by someone· authorized by the County Tree Conservation Officers. - """......".,.,..~:::--- --",," ----';~ ,.~';j -2-2 6. There is hereby establishèd and oonstituted as offioers to enforoe the prvisions of this by-law a oommission of three members to be kno\~ as The Tree Conservation qommission of the County of Elgin to be appointed by resolutionCof the Counoil and to hold offioe during the pleasure of the Council at a remuneration for eaoh member thereof of sixty oents (60¢) per hour while engaged in the duty of the Commission and mileage while engaged in neoessary travelling on the dutùes of the Commission to be allowed at the rate of six oents (6¢). per mile. The members of the above Commission and their, agents may in the performanoe of their duties under this by-law, pass through or over private property. Read a first time this 24th day of J"anuary 1947. Read a seoond time this .24th day of J"anuary 1947. Read a third time and finally passed this 24th day of J"anuary 194'7. It&·, f ~~. 'Þcß~ 1H-P o . 0 . 0 ......0............0 Clerk Warden I , Minister. , I II :1 the January session, 1947. passed by the Corporation of the County of Elgin at 1946, Seotion 1, I herebyapp~ove of By-law No. 1499, Pursuant toth~ Trees Conservation Aot, Dear Sir Mr. J. D. Thomson, Clerk of the County of Elgin, ST. THOMAS, Ontario . . TORONTO, Ontario April 15th., 1947 ,:ë '';;<' ONTARIO ~,l ~ :;::),:: DEPARTMENT Of' L-À~DS AND F.9:RESTS OFFICE OF,THE MINISTERf'