1500 ",/'~- -- --,..~,.'.-~~-"'--'--'~--'---.'~ ,..--,-.~- By-Law No. l500. To Author~z~the.J{a:r_<!en to Sißn J~ßreement re AdriÜnistration of' ;rustice EXDenses Pay- able ·~he_City of' St. 'I'homas. The JHgin County 00uncil enacts: 'rhat the Warden be and is hereby authorized to sign an agreement with the City of' St. '~homas f'or the payment by the City of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars as their share of Admin- istration of ;rustice expenses during five years, commencinß the first day of ,Tanuary A. D. Nine- teen Hundred and forty-seven. Read a first time this 12th day of ;rune 194'7. Read a second time this 12th day of ;rune 194'7. Head. a third time and finally passed. this 12th day of ;rune 194'7. )~d;(' (¡~A. ~~ . ·'~'vtrÞtA.<:. ~ ... . ........ ~ . 110 ~/.. . 0 . . .. . . . .. . . 0 .. . .. Q .0 U / / Clerk (/ Warden ~.~',~ ~. '1'o,the Eli!i;lnCounty (Joane!;!., , .. "" Gen.t:¡'QDlent . 'your ()omnd1¡.tee appointtJd to negotla.ta an a~$eml;)n' with ·the O:l.ty 01' St~ Thomas tor division 01' costs .o:f Administration of ;rua,tioa ,beg leave .to. re)?ort that t1.ey met 'I :','.' ':'. -..... :' ;.:' :: ':..,.'...:.:.,..... . , with .the Oo.mmit1ïee, appointed by the01ty:of ßt. '.l'homaaand aftar lQokitl,g1nto tMaooounts of the paat t1veyears·and. statøment prepared by ,the Oounty ~.l'.t'aaaLIX:er; t;lle amountagre uponwhiÒh,ahóuld.bl'l paid annuallý'by the City,tor the·ne:JI:t :t'ive ye8.J;'s was $'1,500.00. All 01' ,whioh is.l''Elspaot~ullysubmitteò.. .~.~.:.(.~.~~~._~..'.'!. Oha.irl!\?n .rune 194'1. June 1947. Ohdl'lIiQ.. 1 :.. .4.-,';t'-. :~f.'.,::~'. .t.;t"t~j'.'(~":~'..':. All' Qtwb,iøh :La ...es:poQ1:¡tul1y $ubm1trl¡ed. (~_~";;' f' ii) ;'.'" , "J, 1.Íhø .~ paa'íi ·1'1 vu ... . :..- ','-', ,\ ,,,..,,,./> I'-_~,L', -0,.'-' ;;'" ~" ),"',:":;¡:<'::;: ':.'(\.\' ,>i}\Y:-':,:::";;::",. s'iia:l¡$ment. p...epo,l'adby th.$ OO\.Ulty ~.t'eilal.¡rarJ .1JM II11.\ount , -' "\:': <-<', -,':.",: :-" ,:., \',..:_h or_ >""::,"_ ":,,'::,'<) ''-'::_:'' 1":':",0"'-<''''':-:' ,"::',:< ahould bapåid amlu.aÚy· bY tJÍG oitŸ" 16..." the $7.~OÓ.OO. A(lm1n:La1:¡raUon 01' J'¡¡atiO$ beg leave to 3.'aport that they '-,,)~"'<J )',:..:'_<", !:~ ):':>:::',""'" ,,'_" , ___":' ':,:: :'. ,:,,:,::':,:<',: with the OotanÌlt~ae appò1ntedby tha Oity of ~t. i,ri,,:_:,;",', . : atterlooking' tile five yaÐ.rs upon whioh was next ;.,.;. into MOOU1,ts of 'l'hom8.s r ". yeEJ.1!S and and '.i.'ø tIle Elgin OOW11>yCouno:!.l. Gentlemen, ., Your oo.nunittee åppo:!.nt,:¡d to negotiate an agreEunent with ·the 01'1;,;\1' 01' St. Thomas 1'0,1.' d.iv1aion 01" oosta of