By-LaW No. 1.506
To Annex Area to theEast Elgin H :h School District and
Amend By-Law No. 1478.
WIiEREAS the Township of Bayham has requested the addition
of the following area to the East Elgin High School District
AND WHEREAS Chapter 37, Section 1 R. S. O. 1946 makes
provision for the same,
The Counoil of the v orporation of the County of Elgin enaots:
That the following area be and is hereby annexed
to the East Elgin High Sohool Distriot:
North Gore - All lots 11 to 14 inolusive
Cono. 7 _ North halves lots 121 and ·122 and all
lots 115 to 120 inolusive.
Cono. 6 _ North halves lots 115 to 118 inolusive.
Cono. 4 - South halves lots 6 and 7ô
Cono. 3 _ South halves lots 2 and 11 and all lots
3 to 10 inolusive.
Cono. 2 - North halves lots 1 to 11 inolusive.
in the Township of Bayham, County of Elgin.
That subjeot to the approval of the Minister of Eduoation
By-Law No. 1478 is amended aooordingly.
Read a first time this 12th day of June 1947.
Read a seoond time this 12th day of June 1947.
Read a third time and finally passed this 12th day of June 1947.
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Clerk Ward.en.