A By-law to confirm By-law No. 1147 of
the Township of Southwold and By-law No.
1385 of the Towfiship of Dunwich being
by-laws to close the South end of the
Boundary Road between Dunwich and South-
wold Townships.
WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Southwold on
the 16th day of December 1946 and the Council of the Town-
ship of Dunwich· on the 13th day of January 1947 did pass
By-laws Numbers 1147 and 1385 respectively for closing all
that part of the Boundary Road between the Townships of
Dunwich and Southwold, more particularly described in the
said By-laws, true copies whereof are hereunto annexed.
AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of The Mun-
icipal Act the said Tovmship By-~aws shall not have any
force until confirmed by a by-law of the Council of the
County in which the township is situate passed at an ordin-
ary meeting of the Council held'not sooner than three months
nor later than one year after the passing of the by-law of
the Council of the Township.
AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Council
of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a by-law con-
firming said Township By-law$.
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the
County of Elgin enacts as follows:-
That By-law Number 1147 of the ;£ownship of Southwold
and By-law Number 1385 of the TownshiP of Dunwich,
being by-laws to close part of the Boundary Road be-
tween the 'rownships of Dunwich and Southwold, be and
the same are hereby confirmed.
READ a first time this 12th day of June A.D. 1947
READ a second time this 12th day of June A.D.
READ a third time and finally passed this 12th day
of June A.D. 1947.
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Warden. Clerk.
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~ ,ß:!ì],AIJ,¡f¡ thtr(t M.m\\> ttnt'l t:L;'!.lIll~pu¡¡¡¡¡¡(t :thi$ / $ z;,( Ü1A7f
of ¡}~:t~ A.I;I; 194~
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DY~LAW NO. . 1147
lJ.'ø cJ.ose pa.l't of Bomd,iry Hoad bli/tween
f)lmw1ch IIDd SouthWold'lovmsh1p1.h
~~'. ,. l 'I ".
The Counoil øt th$ :Co\~nahip of Southwo:Ld enacts u !'oUoW¡U...
l~ f£b.!'J.t .1':V0111 lAnd atte~ the dat¡¡¡ oi' th<a fina:1, pa¡¡sing of
th1$ by..+111/.W and, the Unù passing of a ¡¡imnar by...¡¡¡¡W by tM Couu""
oil 0$ thß ToWtl$hip of !)unw1(!h all thAt pz,rt of the tow.rui\hip
~QundAry Roa~ lying South of $ line o~ossing tha 3ätd Boundary Road
!I:tright angle$ 'tl) tha East and We~t 11mits ther",o:r,~ t11'" pout øt
lnters..n1rtion ot thØ ¡:Idd line with the Ea$t limit of the said roe;4
being Nina R\mdrad and Sixty;¡reet (9601) me!¡1¡$\U·é;i!. South alor¡.g th!f
$aid Ea.,$'\¡ Um$.t tX'Q!!ì tM l'o:in.t oS: intax-seotion ó the /iI~1d EQst
11mit with the $<::)'I).th"r~¡y l:imit Qf the LaM Road ¡Ln tXle Tt.\wp'$Ìd,p ot
6ou.thwoldi ia Þ.e:N¡¡by .atopped up.
2~ 'rÌ);\'¡¡¡ by..lv:w SÌ1~~1l l\ot h!iVé r,ny t'orc¡¡¡ w:Ùe,¡s and v.n:tU
confirmed by a by..1Õf<V of' the Council c!' the CÖl'prJrliht:l.Qß of the
Oounty of Elgin );ì~\¡,;;ed at 1;);(1 ordir!ary JûeetiJ:l€,. of that CO\1:wt:L h~eld
not /!Ioonar than three Ji',onths or la'ceJ1' tbEi.n one Y0ar after the I¡~"s'"
sing of tbi$ b:i'~1¡;¡w and. the: passing or ø. dmilar Þy""líi\.w b;)r the
Counc1:$. ot the 'Xo'lmßhip ;¡¡t J.)u:ilwicll.
,. !hU by~l!).w shall Xl.,t take ¡¡¡tfeet untU app:r.'oved by 'the
Liß1Xt en¡¡¡nt"i'GoV€i:t'IlQl'"..ill..COwcil.
:!Ui:AD à n,¡>¡¡¡t and ::ìeeondti!!l(¡) th..'t¡;. l<m:t'tb day of Hovem'"
bet' 19.<~6.
REAU a. third ''¡;i.Jn.;) <:U'ld til1,aUy 1'<),$$0<1 thitl Si:¡;;teentb day
of Ðaoømber 1946
'Stewart Bròwnll 1ìeeV(h
........... _"_.COh·'
tW G Blewett" bierfi.
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