d By-Law of the Co:C'pox:ati.ºD· of the County of ·,Ür;in
t2....:i.\stablish a County Libral'Y C()-oDerai;:1ve.
WHEilliA8 it is provided by °che Fublic )~i braries Amendment
Act, 1947, Section 5, that the Council 0:[' the C01mty may ¡::a ss
a by-law establishing a County Li brary Co-operative to be
known as "'l'he .ingin County l,i brary Co-operative"
111m WHJ~m~Ai:3 a petition has been received from a majority
of the Public I,ibraries of the County of JUgin requesting
a County I,ibrary Co-operative
AND liIIIER!\AS by resolution of the Council of the
Corpor.ation of th13¡ Coun'cy of Elgin passed in Council on
the 22nd day of ,January, 1948, it waS resolved that a Co lillty
I,ibrary Co-operative be established in the County of ]JJlgin,
and that a County J.,i brary Board be ap~poj.nted, the swne to
eonsist of the Warden, three members of the County Couneil
and three members who mayor may not be members of Council.
']~HrlmRb'OHE the Council of the Cor.po:C'ation of the C .
of¡llgin adopts °che p:covisions ofehe saÜl resolution and
establishes, so far as it has power so to do, a Co-operative
I,ibrary for the County of iUgin under the ]H'ovisions of 'J'he
Publi c L:1. braries Amendment Act, 1948, under the conditions
set out :Ln the resolutions aforesaid, and enacts that the
members of the sald Board, in addition to the!i'iarden of
the County, s.hall be ap}Jointed by resolutlon of the Council.
Head a first time this,23rd day of January, 1948.
Read a second time this 23rd day of January, 1948.
Read a third time and finally passed t¡Üs 23rd day
of JFJ,lllw.ry 1948.
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Clerk Ii:.:ll'den