Ta AJ2J2.oint.2.. B.oard .of .!.udtl:;__in the CalmtL...:1' lÜgin
f.or the yea! 1948.
'rhe 1£1gin Caunty Cauncil enacts:
That the ,Judge .of the Caunty Caurt and
Mr. Daugal Canüichael be ,and are hereby
aPl,.ointed members .of the B.oard of Audit
t.o perf.orm the duties l'equired .of them by
the Hevised StaGutes .of Ontfü'ia.
~Chat the members .of the said B.oard .of Audit
be paid the SUlI1 .of ,Seven D.ollars per dcy
far their services and fi.ve cents pel: mile
gaing t.o and fram (òach aucHt.
[(ead a first time this 23rd day .of January 1948.
Head a sec.ond time' this 23rd day .of ,January 1948.
Head a third time and finally IJassed this 23rd day .of
January 19M3.
;/..4, '.;:41 -1 ,
~~ !
. . . . .
Clerk >TarcIen.