1521 --- .0. '- 1 ".'.'. ~"." ".';i'~'""'" '~..V¡'.'~"'.:.'.i"Y¡:.'i" .',~ P· " . "I't/"· ." '.'f~' ¡j¡~~ 'l'~" ··)·,\·.1\"1'" ! f~"·i.I;1 òl '''ä I~·· . i'l " Ni '/1.',,;, ,: I!.C\'. ~ , ~a_ ";~"",1:~; ,.,¿", ,Clerk corporatio;1of the County of do hereby certify that the fore'going is a true copy of By...law No. 1521-,--passed by the. council ·ofthe 's,Üd corporation on the 231'11 day of .19 4B (3) Thè clerk ¡¡hall transmit duplicate copies of this by-'law to the district office dfthe MunicipaJ:Roads Br~~h, DepartmentofHighways of Ontario, ·for approval on or bef\Jre thè3lst, of Ja.nua:ry,òf, the, pret'ient year t; I ~ ' '. . A.D. 1948 PaS'sed aß",. Whøtœls this 231'<1. day 0 f Janu~ "8 'EI AL 2') The~a¡i d¡nonie·s :'shållbe appointed ¿ounty r(:riÙì'superintendent the H'ighwaY'!mprövement 'Act. expended U!1dertheditè~tion o[the duly arrd Qn'W\J):'k perfQrmedll1"ca:cèo,rda;IlG'E¡JWith TOTALS $ 347..000.00 MAII-ITENANCE Roads Bt'idge~ ßi: MACHINERY New Repairs MI $ $ $ 64...650.00 16,000.00 a '000 "0 . ..'" CuI verts $ $ 131,600.00 a,.S50.,QQ. " CONSTRUCTION Rei ads Bri'dges & Culverts $ $ 68,000.00 58,000..00 Total 1,1 I ¡! ... (1.. The sum of $347.000.00 ishër~byappropriatedfrommorties raised, byI<;JVY ,debent,uresandgpVèrnmèn t,subSi dy for to taJ..expendi~µreupon 'cons,tfuction.andmaintenanc,e of. the ro.ads and bridges under its. juris1iiction during.the year 194a . as follows: as·· follows . WHEREAS The 'Highway 'Impròvement Act, ¡¡mendments, requiresth'lt the total expenditure Pfovidedforannuai1.1yby county by-law. o.f THEREFORE the.council the corporation C:hapteí:55, R.S. 0., on county roads and of thesa,td county.enacts 1937, and bridges be b;yO.rder...in--Council, A BY-LAW,TO PROVIDE FOR· THE TOTAL and suburban roads county roads/in the County of ~ls1n dUring theYéar 19'!a . as approved !:XPENDITURE on the system 0 f