1522 t=':' .~ ¡':""-,-, I' ~" - "- ___. ._,', _,"",' ___ _~.___..__,._. _"_._ ___ 'n __ ........-..,., -.--...--....--.-"'..-,~'",....- '- ,--,- -- --------.. - - " By-Law No 1522, !2..J\mend By-Law No,_:1495, The lJagin County COlmcil enacts: 'J:hat the salary of liV. G. I,umley County 'j~reasurer , be increased to ']:wo 'I'housand Six Hundre~d Dollars per annum, payable monthly, commencing January 1st, 194(3, '.L'hat By-Law No, 1495 be amended acco:cdingly. Head a first time this 23rd day of J~anuary 194,(3, Head a seconÙ time th:L s ~3:3rd day of January 1948. }tf3sd a UÜrd time and finally passed this 23rd day 0 Jamwry 194[3, Clerk , , )/) \'iarden .,