By-Law Y~'o 1,524
'1'0 Amend By-Law J'[o. 1490.
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'.r.he ¡ElgIn Oounty Oouncl1 enact,s:
'j'!J.at the sula:cy o.f I'/~r,'3. l'Úa ri OJ1 hllkel" , 2011 ce
Oourt Olerk and UtenOf?l'E!pher be increased to One
'rholJuand 'r.hree lIund:ced cUJ.c1 '1'wenty J)o11i1rs per annum,
commencing January lwo, 1948.
'.r.hat By-Law No, 1490 be amended acc ordir¡.gly.
Head a first time this 23rd day o:f' JanLJ.u.:cy 19~b8Q
n"ad a ß8cond ti.rre this 23rd day ot JallUal'/ 194[3.
Hoad (:1 third tim(3 and' finally }!8.ssed -'chis 23rd c1<:-}.y
oj:' January 1948.
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Jarc1en Olerk