1525 Id Clerk . passed ./ . . this 25rd day of . 1948. ? ) , . . . . . . . . 0 Warden Read a third time and finally March Read a ~econd time this 23rd day of March 1948. Read a first time this 25rd day of March 1948. A1db oro ugh Dunwich Southwo1d Yarmouth IVIalahide Bayham South Dorchester Aylmer Du tt on Port Stanley Spring:fie1d Vienna Hodney West Lorne 256,490. 29,163. 30,845. 59,921. 43,414. 32,045. 23,243. 16,335. 19,491. 4;425. 8,764. 1,139. 1,152. 3,293. 3.260. Municipality County Hate ~rha t a rate of 8.5 mills on the dollar be levi ed on all rat ea ble property in the several municipalities in the County of Elgin as ibove set forth for the year 1948: Elgin enacts THEFÅ’FORill the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the County of A1dborough Dunwich Southwo1d Yarmouth Ma1ahide Bayham South Dorchest$r Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley Springf.ie1d Vie una Rodney West Lorne 30,175,401. 3,430,949. 3,628,875. 4,696,675. 5,10'7,536. 3,769,999. 2,734,503. 1,921,'746. 2,293,013. 520,549. 1,031,123. 134,066. 135,484. 387,390. 383.493. Munici pali ty Total E~ua1ized Value assessment as determined in 1947 . . of the County during the year 1948 on the basis of the equalized tò be raised in the several municipalities for the lawful purposes and fifty-six thousand four hundred and ninety dollars is required VÅ’EREAS an estimate has been roade showing that the sum of Two hundred the Year 1948. ,~~.--;., To Raise ...,'.---':.-..."", Amounts for Count "-',"--"^ --,.,,"~:- .~-:~.-~~.;,.......... '~-."'~--'--""""".- By-Law No. l525. Hates durin ._-"'~