1534 A By-Law to Provide ror Contributions ror Superannuation to Gaol Orficials and Employees. .'" 1 Wl~rtÊAS The Public Service Act, Chapter 74, Section 5 R. S. O. 1948 and '1'he Public Service Act H. s. O. 1947 provides ror the deduction rrom salaries ot'Gao1 Orricia1s and Employees for Superannuation Allowances and the contribution or an equal amount by the County or Elgin The Corporation or the Councilor the County of Elgin enacts as By-Law 1534 as rol10ws: 1. THÚ.T the Treasurer of the County of Jngin shall deduct rrom 'the sH1ery or every Gaol Official and Employee, who is eligible, the amount set forth under Section 13; Chapter 89 R. S. O. 1947, Public Service Act. 2. 1'HAT the County or Elgin shall cont;ribute an equal amount as provided under Section 5, Ohapter '74, R. s. O. 1948, Public Service Act. 3. ~L~l' the County of Elgin enter into an agreement to pay into the Fund in respect of service of such persons prior to the first day of July 1948 such sums as may be agreed upon and approved by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. This By-Law ßha11 be deemed to have had effect on and after the first day of July 1948. mead a first time this 13th day of September 1948. Read a second time this 13th day of September 1948. Read a third time and finally passed this 13th day of Septenlber 1948. .ýl?.: ~ ~ . . . . . . .. . . . . .. ... . . 0 . Clerk Warden .~ ~ ~cl. ,.-~/~~~ their hands and seals Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of· ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) The Corporation of the \ ;¡'vu~b-or __.L2Þ;;2, ber-) - of The PUbli:f1C S'. y, ce supe.. ~tion Boa,' . ¡(/J¿- - '_TIÑ i.,ttT-rziL/.4A.) "-,meiñbê-;:: In witness whereof the parties have hereunto set prior to the 1st of July 1948. Fund in respect of service of the gaoler and gaol employees municipality may pay into the Public Service Superannuation agree that the gaoler and gaol employees and the the i,pproval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council limitatiom1 trleroof the Board and the Council ",d. th The Public C! . ,:JerVlce Act 1947 and subject to the Witnesseth that under subsection 3 of se ction 32a of of the second part hereinafter The Council of the Corporation called the Council of the j~ ofl~ and of the first part hereinafter called the Board The day of Between Public Service Superannuation Board 1948 " The agreement made in triplicate this \ . , \ '1 , '¡ ¡ '." ,¡ f'~ ¡\ " " 1 \9[\\', \ ' \ ;,,~ ¡,\ , LiI,r\@'óI .) .~....""'~~' __-2~ ~<~~ ~~..... ,~to-"'~_ .=--. ~ '- ¿: .: .. ONTARIO - THE PUBLIC SERVICE SUPERANNUATION BOARD Toronto, May 6 1949. Mr. J. D. Thomson; Clerk, County or Elgin, St. ThQrias, Ontario. Dear Sir: Enclosed is a completed agreement between the County or Elgin and The Public Service Superannuation Board. This was approved by Order-in-Council ?26!49. Under its terms options will now be sent to the Sªpl employees to determine if they wish to pay contributions in respect or service prior to Xuly 1, 1948. My reoords indicate that the County or Elgin is willing to pay equivalent contributions ror any employees who may accept the option. You will be advised later with respect to any payments which may be required ror this purpose. Yours ver<y truly, ~,~ ALW!MSh Personnel Orricer. :ENCL. rr ~",