1535 r~~"-':~~~·"·"~-·C~._-"---~'7' -c .'-~-_. 73S'"=:t::i5:w-·j$fÕ..---- .J':'Vð·5~-- A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adópting a Plan of County Ho¡¡.d Improvement and to Establish a County Road System in the County of Elgin passed under the Highway Ir,aprovement Act. The Council of the Corporation of the CO\Jllty of Elgin enacts as By-Law 1535 as follows:. ",J .;_'\" 'rj ¡, ~', . .:--.. >", ""',) "" "t~ 1. Schedule of By-Law 1052 is ame,nded\by add·ing thereto the following roads to the county road system: ]'IJ!'TH AVENUE from the intersection of ,Talbot 9treet or Highway No. 3 southerly to South Street. SOlf.PH STllEET from Fifth Avenue easterly to Victoria Street. VICTORIA STRFET from South Street southerly to EJkStreet. ElK STREET from Victoria Street easterly to Highway No. 3 or 'falbot Ro~d. 2. This by-law shall come into force upon the approval thereof by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. Dated at the City of st. Thomas this 13th day of September 1948. . . " ' . .. . . . I> Warden of the Cotmty of Elgin. "'~;:~) ,"i",/ ~) I ~~:~'county of Elgin. -- -:.~~,:::._-;~ ~----