A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan or Count
Road Improvement and to Establish a County Road System
in the County or Elgin passed under the Highway Impro~
ment Act.
The Councilor the Corporation or the County or Elgin
enacts as By-Law as rollO'iT s:
1. Schedule or By-Law 1052 is amended as rollows:
That the portion or road No. 47 in the TO'iTnship or South
Dorchester cOInJ:Ĺ“ncing at the road between Core essions ten and
eleven and Lot three and rour thence southerly to the road be-
tween Concessions eleven and twelve.
Road No. 48 in the T~lnship or South Dorchester between
Concessions eleven and twelve rrom Lot six thence easterly to
Lot A at the boundary line between Counties or Elgin and
Oxrord are removed rrom the county road system, and the
ro¡lowing added thereto:
Road No. 49 in the Township or South Dorchester between Lots
six and seven comraencing at the road between
Concessions eleven and twelve thence northerly
./" to the road between Concessions ten and eleven.
( CòÞ'ffr {f"'....d. hiD fit-
Road No. 52 commencing at~ttie Village or Springfield thence
easterly on the townline between the Township or
South Dorchester and Malahide to the boundary
line between the County or Elgin and the County of
Ox::t'ord thence northerly on the bourd ary line
between the Counties or Elgin and Oxrord to the
road between Concessions eleven and twelve
South Dorchester.
Road No. 45 the townline between the Townships or Malahide and
Yarmouth comraencing at Jarra. the Junction of the
road between Com essions four and rive. Township or
Malahide thence northerly to Provincial Highway
No. 3 at Orwell.
Road No. 4 ~ueen Street in the Village of Rodney commencing at
FurnivalSt. thence easterly to the Village limits.,
2. This By-Law shall oome into foroe upon the approval
thereof by the Lieutene:nt-Governor in Counoil.
Dated at the City of St. Thomas this 25th day of
November, 1948.
Warden of the County of Elgin.
C rk of the County of Elgin.
Copy of an Order-in-Council approved by His
Honour the Lieutenant-Governor, dated the 31st day of
March, A.D. 1949.
Upon the recommendation of the Honourable the
Minister of Highways, the Committee of Council advise that
pursuant to subsections 7 and 8 of section 12 of The
Highway Improvement Ãct, approval be given to the following
bY"1aws which were passed to amend the county road systems
of the counties named:
Nos. 1031 and 1032 of the County of Dufferin
V'Nos. 1535 and 1537 of the¡ County of Elgin
Nos. 689 and 937 of the County of Lambton, execpting
Paragraph .2
No. 1626 of the United Countie$ of Leeds and Grenville
Nos. 1581, 1582 and 1583 of the United Counties of
Northumbèr1and and Durham
No. 1596 of the County of Ontario
No. 1435 of the County of Oxford
No. 1224 of the County of Waterloo
No. 1700 of the County of Welland
No. 1845 of the County of Wellington
Nos.. 2374 and 2376 of the County of York
Certified, ~
C1erk~ Executive Council.