1539 .~ " . "'--,-,. By-Law NO$ 1539 To Amend By-Law No. 1499. The Elgin County Council enacts: That By-Law No. 1499 "To Regulate the Cutting of Trees", be amended as follows: Clause 1: That no oedar or black looust tree of a diameter of less than five inches nor any other tree of a diameter less than fourteen inohes, measured sixteen inohes from the ground shall be out by any person within the County. Clause 2: This By-law shall not apply to (a) Thinning operations and improvement outtings but these operations must be carried out according to approved forestry praotioes and the approval of the Tree Conservation Comrrlssion. Clause 5: No person shall .cut trees adjacent to a public road within the County unless there shall be left along the said road or roads a belt of trees sixty-six feet in width from the adjaoent limit of the road allÅ’lance from which may be removed only" such trees as may be approved and marked by someone authorized by the County Tree Conservation Offioers. That By-Law No. 1499 is hereby amended aocordingly. Read a first time this 25th day of November 1948. Read a second time this 25th day. of November 1948. Read a third time and finally passed this 25th day of November 1948. ./.~. Uti4J , µ)~ - . . . . . ..... ....4 .......0.0.....0. Clerk Warden 'I N , ~¡: OJ --. Q"'''llur~zed 'f and empowered to construct telephone _..........vvu. us and it lines Yours 1948 , to restrict and regulate the cutting of trees. of the County of Elgin on the 25th day of November, (amending By-Law No . 1499) , passed by the Corporation 1946, Section 1 Pursuant to the Trees Conservation Act, , I hereby approve of By-Law No . 1539 Dear Sir Mr. ~. D. Thomson, Clerk, County of Elgin St. Thomas, Ontario . . , TORONTO, 9th December, 1948 ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND FORESTS OFFICE OFTHE MINISTER '1 ROad .. t\\\td 19~~' J.1}. 'j.1Ø:O~' OIet\< ¡:¡,ead :Read î\".t tin>e Ú).I. second ttroe tb.\!:' .g,;o.d tlwe ~ b.~C~· 'W9;rden . t tile gene,al well are 01 _~m\AIS It \\a. become e,,-ped;e; ~~t p,e"""ed and iX"ptG,ed _,-::-- t"at t\\e woodl.nd. t\\e,e n . Ú).e (j011nt1 t &t.t11te. 01 ont."o J\INIP '\1'1~ tbe T,ee. OGn.e,,~~on ~ur:c\l 01 "n1 0011nt1 to 1MIS, ()b.apte' l()2."sectlon 1, eml'°wer. e -paSs )::r9'~1a;W&, (a.) restricting 'arid: of tine cO\lP-tY'~ and . I oll\ce,. to enlotCe tbe pro- .' I tb- \.\;ppol.ntwent 0 (0) PtOV.'d'ng ot e .ed "nde' ttÜ. .eetlon A_j~ ~1.IOn. oi ..n1 'l>1-laW paS . """"I)' ", . . ._ ._~ 1T 113 :a.~1B1'l ~"".- . ~'_ ~._ ttee 01" dlamete' p.!tle.. t n ~ , _,~_.,_-".¢~..ø~-¢- .~ ...~... ~~~ ~ ""~, _ ~ ... ,;;J )J1.easur~~C\~th~ lC'ount)1. an"'1' ope..;:rv 2. T1M b1-1aVl ."an not .1'1'11 ((I.) '!b1'p:n"h1g o'Pet,z"tions o.,..,erations must be If '-",eG. " 4: 1n tb.e c'\1ttin~ .aT d11ct '\l\5 opet"tlon. a. to ",ee.. ,t- O .",..", .,.,,~ "." ~"' .,.". ~. ~."..,- ~ v:~5 adjaCent to . 1''' IC' t toadS a belt 01 ttee. si,M' ~i>;;'ll "'" lelt along t\le dS'~lcde~~'l~m~t oi tbe toad "'1l0Vl.ncedîrQ~ » . 'dt\l i'c'" t\le . 1'" » be app,o,e ""W si'X. ;íeet 1'0. Vlb' te",oved onlY 5"c\l tïeOS ~os Ø~1 ,!~ee oo-nsetV'atìon W\llel' ",aY e ."ú)'o,IWd bY t\lC G"n Y fD;ßX\t:.ed '101 so'J}).e.Qne . Qiîïicers. T\le c"ttlng 01 (j\l,I.t""s . (1)) . t\le tree conse,~·tlon 01- , """",. '0 .,ø"""' ~;;;;"'.:,"~ ø' ~"'"' .. .~ ~ ,,",,, ","",_,::::;' .;.\.. ø' -, ,.., - ' ""~, p",tected 'oY .ectlon to· tot t\le cü,tlng 01 süc\l t,Ces. ° .tltÜted a. ollice's to en- ~ Is \\e,0"01 establis\le'l and c ..,;'~iSslon 01 t\l,ee ",.",bet' 6. "p.e,e .' î t\ll. by-l"W a 0'''''''-' . Ion oi t\le oo""tY iotce ;):le p,o",Slon. ° Tree 'OO)1.,tvation OOn>"'lS~c\l ø,nd t{) \lold 01- to be l<now" as Tn\ed bY te.01\1t\on 01 t\le \OO~"ne'I>tlon iet eac\l 01 Jjj\gln to be appOIns",e 01 t\le Co"noil at I> t 'nile engaged in t\lc i1.c.e during t\le,pl~a ßI,,-t1 cent. (600) I'e' ~Iol:ut :gaged in p,ec.essa;r'Y ",e",bet t\le,eo> ° .' . d :nlleage VI" e , d t ,M tate d"'1 "I t'neOo"''':~~~~: ot~\\e ,OO",wiS.lon to ~~e'~~~e Òo"",,,IS.lon tra~elllng on ;~) ~e' ",ile, >r1,e ",e",bet. 01 t'nelt dütles ünde' ,\lI. 01 sP< cent.' " . t\l' _e,IGt",anoe 01 and t\lelt agents ",aY In ^,'~T ë;,tWate ptOpeT'1. t'bt'OUgb. ot \ V' '" b1-1aw, 1'",,5 d" -. Janüa<Y'. 1Mn. Q;Jb\:iO. 'J.,J U..\. a , 24t\l Janüa<Y'. 1M~ ~ '1 ');~t\\ da1 ün3,~:Y daY 01 passed: this 01 Jailtlarj' persOn. snal1 con- ,e",o'l'al 01 any tyeeS ~o d"Øge "nY ot\le' \1tlnecess'ò;ri11 iD)\lte 0 "" to þ regulatiP-g O! tile ~un\C\I>"ICorpot"t\OIl .,1 tM O\lt,;ng 01 tM cutÜJI.g 01 trees In an)' part By-LaW No County Trees· 01 ß¡gÏ1'l to ~la.te tl1.C