1540 BY-LAW NUMBER 1540 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN To authorize the Ingersoll Telephone Company Limited, of Ingersoll, Ontario, to erect and maintain poles, wires or cables upon the highways in the said County. WHEREAS the Ingersoll Telephone Company, Limited, of Ingersoll, Ontario, is empowered by its Letters Patent dated the 3rd day of August, 1906, to construct, erect and maintain its line or lines of telephone along the sides of and across or under any public highways, streets, bridges, watercourses, o~ other such places, or across or under any navigable waters in , certain parts of the Province of Ontario, subject to the terms therein set forth; and WHEREAS Part III, Section 79, of The Telephone Act of Ontario, R.S. O. 1937, provides that no telephone line with- in the legislative authority of the Province of Qntario shall, except as therein provided, be constructed upon, along or aClOss any highway or square without the legal consent of the municipal i ty having jurisdiction over .such highway or squa:t'e; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Corporation of the County of Elgin as a by-law, and it is hereby enacted as a by-la as follows, that is to say: e- (1) THAT The Ingersoll Telephone Company Limited be and it is hereby authorized and empowered to construct telephone lines , -2- and to erect the necessary poles and wires for the same, and to maintain and keep up the same upon any and all of the highways, squares, bridges or lanes within the County of Elgin over which the said cor~ation ha$ jurisdiction, and to use the said high- ways, squares, bridges or lanes within the said Cou¡:¡¡ty over whic the said Corporation has jurisdiction for placing in, upon, over or under the same the poles, cables, ducts and wires neces- sary for the purpose of its business. (2) THAT the construction of the said telephone lines and the erection of the said polßs, cables, ducts and wires shall be carried out in accordance with the specifications prescribed by The Ontario Municipal Board and under the supervision of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin or its COlmty Engineer, whose written approval of locations of lines and whose certificates as to supervision shall be binding upon the Corporation, and a plan showing the location of the said line or lines shall be filed in the ~fice of the Municipal Clerk or County Engineer of the said County before the said line shall be constructed. (3) THAT upon , obtaining the consent of the abutting land- owners, the Company may, at it ovm expense, and with the approva and under the supervision; of the said County Engineer, trim all trees growing or standing upon the highways of the Corporation so as to keep its lines and wires free from interference there- with. (1+) TliAT the Clerk of the said Corporation is hereby authoriz~d and directed to certify from time to time under the Seal of the Corporation, to tile Ingersoll Telephone Company, Limited, Ingersoll, Ontario, the appointm<n t and the name of Corporation's County Engineer authorized to act under this By-law. (5) THAT the said telephone lines, poles, wires or cables shall be erected so as not to interfere with the lines, poles and works of any other telephone or telegraph company at present constructed upon any such highway. 'I (6) THAT the said telephone lines, poles, wires or cables shall be so constructed, erected and maintained as shall not interfere with the public right of travelling on or using high- ways, roads, streets, bridges, waters or water courses. (7) THAT the said Ingersoll Telephone Company, Limited shall indemnify the Corporation of the County of Elgin against any actions or claims for damages which may be brought against the said Corporation for or by reason of the construction, operation and maintenance of the said works. (8) THIS By-law shall come into force and effect upon being approved by The Ontario Municipal Board, and to the issue of Supplementary Letters Patent authorizing tr~ said Company to operate and carryon a general system or business within this County. READ a first time this 25th of November 1948. READ a second time this 25th of November 1948. READ a third time and finally passed this 25th day of November 1948. ;.'(2..~ ..cf~ . . . . . Clerk f{ I{' V':t('¡:r~"CHURMA,N . l¡1:£10¡\LT¡¡;1J;A:ÞPl,:JX.i,/t?;>¡ØNt>f! 11M a.þavel'J1iAllII1H1 A.,!?pliO(in:b .t:¡nd u,þun ;t'liIa(¡¡ng tr11>1,1(1.I'1;(I ør1ginJJi.J. at !3Y"'lawNum.ber:l,Þ40 'Øt th~M¡;¡n;l.Q1i>,"Uty·¡¡¡.t' th¡¡¡ QØul'lt¡¡ro;t':£iJ'¡¡¡;i!;1n, 'l':Þ ,aOlIJ1D ()R¡)r~RS .Þu:t"åuMt to ·tM p:t'ovh;ions 1111' 13ØQt.10:l\ '}$! 01' "'l'hl$! 'J!alliiphötlß AØtpt (¡hE! ,0, 193'1. öh~þtß;t' ISH). ¡;¡ïlli $ub;1$Q'\; to the l1on~iitions hex-ail!. p:uoddØd. that tÍ\fJ$¡¡¡iil :I\¡ìI...J.fÀwt~twlbQ:I:' .1,540 of tha M¡;¡n~.øi;pti\l CD:I.'{)l.'IratiQ}1 ot: t1~1'J County ot ¡Ug:b~ ß'!:'âl);t,lng to th~¡ Ingersoll Tda:pho.l1¡¡¡ Cl.'llüPl.m:r,Lim1hd, the righ:¡¡ to UIiH¡ tM Highways .in ·I;,h<.¡¡ (ì-f'oI'uaid 1i!'u.niø;t¡nt.li tiT h:v the ar¡¡¡ot!lH! 1:)1: pöli\ll\ì IiInd Wil'EJI3 fO:r the l)Ul'!}o$.e Df 1<11" buab.t1$$ (')1' the $d(t Oømpa.:a;¡I', be !ì\nd t11(1 s$,I¡¡e 1a haraby ap'pl'cvlild t Aïm ;J.:XU¡: .tlOt~Im )¡,1J!ì!:rJ:¡J1J~ ØW.>l'lf'¡S tl1&.t t1l$ ;¡::t:\~ersQll. T!iI:LEI:p}~f)n¡) O¡:¡¡npa:tiJt{hi1nihd al1al1not erect; ;pole$! u;pø:n oX' a,lDnìJ; or ad.1M6:tit to an4 PI.\'¡;¡;'l!tlld with a.ny :po;r(¡ion "t' anY' .h1,~;h.1IIa.¥ U:!;IO!1. O:t' ~ÜOl.\~r ,'/h;toÌ¡ the ¡¡10.tß løåð. bt<.ill\òth<lJr Q.() ¡J·Þä:t\:¡r IitrEl fÙ:1t"Ðady (.));'åot<;\\ø.. U.'fil~¡¡lS by aor¡aè¡:¡t of t1\é:BOfÁ.t'd. !i!eal'.1JiI1lÇj. ..B,lI..So. v¡(m..(:rU,:rw.fM~ . IN. P. O'Qlter,""aq. .E:.C.. cm:AX, H:M1\.))¡ .: ) ) ) ) ) î XIV WIm !¡iL,I\TTJ9Røf the Appl:1.ø!ltion of tha In~era()ll Telepho:t:\ø C~~p~y ¡,iwltad, u.ufAsr. 'l.;hèprov:1-aiona of $1i.lOt:!.Dn71lof "~M Tdaphone A<lt" (11\.8.0. 19if¡'l. <:ht(þtø:r J\1Gl) I 1!o'i't! .<i\¥ì ();t'O,eI' IJJ;PP:l!avhlJ)¡ By"lª-wNt¡¡nbaX' 154() of the ~hmiQi:Pa.l Q01'pora'liion ot tho Otnurl;,y ot El¡gln. If H. S'jf 13 '" ,éJ (,) n :WI '.\?l1\û'sday . tho :anI. l)l\.y fit.' J'õi.:nual'Y I A.D. U4!ì. .r "r'" ONTARIO THE .DNTAFÜO MUNICIPAL e.DAFD P.F.ij",¡;¡S€j9