1541 ::' ,'J __'-.:,'::';¡__...__.:...:_ _ _ ~....., of the member employee, or any of them, or be repealed unless such amendment or repe~l shall first have been approved by a two-thirds vote of all member employees; nor shaF the said By-law be repealed þi thoutthe apprl'val of the Pepartmen t of Municipal Affair or amended ~dj¡ f¡ the Plan as provided required as therein . . the Plan shall be a condition of his employment to join given a 6 Every person who becomes an employee of application. e,f'terthe effective date of copy employee of this by-law at the time 5. Every who applies for membership in thePl¿'n shall be under the Plan . ali t Y in writing to deduct frcm his salåry or wages his municip- payments applice,tion for membership in the Plan and authorize the 4 . Every employee who elects to join the Plan shall sign a form of ment or the Insurer. said 3. the Plan in a separate Treasurer I account and she,ll pay same t 0 or the Insurer by members of the Govern- The Municipal shall keep the the payments sum in quarterly insta,lment s to Government . to time become members of the Plan ; änd annua,lly employees " , shall pay the the sum municipality under the l'lan f' or annuities those who from time annual required to pay for the to be purchased by 2;. 'rhe Counci 1 annuall.y shall provide in the current eùtimates the all things necessary in connection therewith, author:lzed ~nddirected to affi:x:Úie seal such documents. and the Clerk is hereby of the rriGnicipaIi ty to a,nd hereby authorized and directed to execute ail documents , Clerk are. and do all to f'orming part of this form by-law , and the in Warden and the Ânnuities Act (Canåda) , in the set out the Plan attached here- 1. The Annui t y Codtract with shall the Government p ura uan t to the Government municipality enter £rito en employe'es Retirement lULGIN ENACtS AS .I!'OLLOWS: THWHE]'ORE theOounci1 of the Corporation of' COUNTY of ing pensi ons J -'_ ,'), ' for employees of any class there of'. provides that by-Ia,ws WHEREAS Paragraph 4la ",c, " may be passed by all munic:ipalifies .' " the ]/iuriic:i pal Act for provid- , of Section 404 of lieingaJjy·",lt;\w to provide 'Òf the Municipali ty. Pensions for Employees , : " ' . , ~" " . " , ' '-, , ,--', BY-LAW NO CO\JNl''y of ELGIN ...J..~i-J..,~"...... .. . . ... . .. . . e. .. .. GOI¡PORATIOlíf ·O.1!' 1'HE ':""- -.-':.'.......,¡ --~ .:-.. "'''::--":''-.;..-:.-''::' ...;.- --=---- of the member employee, or any of them, or be repealed unless s~ch amendment or repe~l shall first have been approved by a two-thirds vote of all member employees; nor shal:. the said By-law be repealedfvithoutthe apprpval of the Department of Municipal Affair: or amended ~lfJ, fJ-' By-law. to enable the Clerk and Tree,surer to car ry out their duties under this ery , postage , printing, office and filing equipment clerical assistance, as may be necessary stati on- 10 . 'l'he municipali ty shall provide such report thereon to council. the shall claim and make his claim to the treasurer who shall consider his normal or earlier retirement age on account to be entitled to be retired before of di sa.bi li t? 9. Any member. employee who claims admini strati on of the plan. ( e ) Generally to do all things necessary in connection with the (3) The cause of retirement time of his retirement or death member employee at the ( 2 ) The salary or wages of each the last calendar year. from the service of the municipality or have died dUring who have retired i ( 1 ) ï'he names of all member employees .B'ebruary in each year. the council on oroefore 'the first i day of ( d ) To report to to the Plan as may be reqUired. relative (c) To keep such other statistical and other records t it led to under the Pla.n. each became or will ÞE¥come en- amount of the annuity to whi ch or whose employment has been terminated and the ~mployment (0 member keep employees who list have all member employees retired or who have t ermina t ed and former their ) ~ominated by him under the his earlier retirement age ~eo a correct of his according Normal Retirement to the Plan. Plan , Age and time, the name , a.ddress age and re18,tionship of each beneficiary of entered his service , the amount of hi s salary of wages from time to he the set service of name the municipality , a cumulative when record ( which To shall be list out the employees and age of each under , the time a) keep the a of all member the Plan in 8. It shall be duty condi ti ons the of Treasurer: it 7. upon the terms and employee who joins contained the Plan in shall be deêmed this By-law. to have joinèd -'"'" '.' - - '.:.i...., _.......-::....:.::.:: ~..:..;..:.- - _ __ .:;:. ..;. -0--.- of the member employee, or any of them, or be repealed unless s~ch amendment or repe~l shall first have been approved by a two-thirds vote of all member employees; nor shaE the said By-law be repealed /Hi thoutthe appr\"va+ of the Department of Municipal Affair: or amended ~"J, I' . . ;;l.. ~ . . ... Clerk .../ . . . .. . , . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warden . . . . . . . ' . H:É .READ a 'l'hird time and finally passed this . .2õth. day of .¡¡¡oOTember. . .19 .48 HEAD a first and Second time thjs . . 25th . . . day of . .Movember.... 19.48 said By-law be repealed without Municipal Affairs. the approval of the lJepartment of approved by à. two-thirds vote of all member employees . , nor shall the repealed unless such amendment or repeal shall first have been benefits or rights of the member employee, or any of them, or be 11. :i.'his By-law shall not be amended so a.s to adversely effect the -~ I ~~ ·J,Wl.V~' J.V:.L;.J:'fi;Lj' ,~·_tl·A·J.:'l'ti:) - :J.'.I:JE PLAN DEli'I.NTJ:lONS: . . fa) Wherever use.d. herein., uEnrpJ.oyerU meansOoullty of .lHgin, Ontario. (b) "EMPLOYEE!' shal.l. me¡¡.nanysal.aried officer ,clerk, workman, servant or other p.erson i.nthee¡npl.oy of a nrunicipaJ.ity or of á 10.c1;Ü boa.rd,. and. as design¡¡>ted by the Department shall include any peráonwhose salary .or remuneration is paid or contributed to in whole or in part by the municipality or local board thereof whether or not appointed by the municip- ality or local board. (c) .tGOVE.RNJI1ŒN:J.'" means, ilis lVfaj esty the King, represented by the ]jIinister of Labour for Canada, for and on be.half of the Annuities Branch, Department o{La:bour, Canada. (d) "INSURER" shal.l mean .åll insurance company licensed un.der 'the Insurance .!tct. (e) 'l'he ma,sculinepronoun wherever used incl.udes fema,l.e empl.oyee, unless the context indiqated otherwise. (f) UD}~P.AR:J.'jvŒ.N1'u means ¡'he Department of . Municipal Affairs for Ontario. (g) "PEillirAN:ru.N':C .IJ:MPLOYJ!:1!:"shall mean any employee who serves at least the equivalent of 75% of a yeß,r in a ye¡¡.r. (h) "l\I1.I!:J\iIDER.J11\1!PLOYEE" shall mean an employee registered wi th the Government ç:>r .In.surer under the terms of the .Retirement Annuity Cç:>ntrac.t is.sued in respect of. the Plan. (i) "Cü1[[vŒl'!CElVŒlifT DA1~" shaJ.1 mean the date upon which a. member commences payments under the Plan. (j) "EJ!'1!'lLG1'.l\[¡jJ DA'I1i:" shall mean the date upon which the. Pension Pla.n comes into force. l. .mLIGIBILX1'Y (a) Each present permanentcemployee and each' .permanent i male employee and each· female employee allof..whose employment còmmences after' the effective tiMe oftheJ'lan,.will be eli gible.! t oJbecome a.memberiof the Plan. on; .thet \;Jffepj; iye date if they then: (i) as a pres,ent. permanent employee on the,effeQtiye date of the ·Plafi have fio.t. atts.ined l~OrmÐ.ld¡¡etire- ment Age as specified herein; (Li) have completed at least. one'·year ofpontinuQus employment with. the.llimployer, or whose salary or remuneration· has beenpaido.r contribut\;Jcj. to.,d.n wh.ole'or in ,. par·tbY the Empl.oyer for ,'8;1; least twelve continu~ngmonths.; (b) Each employee who is.noteligible tP:Þeco,me. ¡¡.... me~mb.er.of.. ,thePlafi .ontheeff.ectivecdàt e., willþe eligible .tto þe",; cbme a member .on the first day of the month iJJlJJ:1ediately f allowing the date .on which the condi ti ans applicable, as set fOI'thih paragraph (a) ar.e fulfilled. (c.) (i) Each male p.erson who .becomesan emploYee ;after theefi'\;Jc.tive.dat..e of the... Plan, must ,as a c.on- dition of empl.oyment, become a member .of the Plan .on the :i'irstday .of the firstJllonthimrlle4i.a1;ely follo~'ling~.the date on which the cQndi.tionsa.pplic- able as set forth in paragraph (a) are fulfilled, provided he has reached his 21st birthday. (ii ) Each female pers.on wh.o becomes án amployee after the effective date of the Plan, must, as a con- dHi on of employment , become a memÞe'r of the Plan an the first·. .da¡rof the! first month immediately fOllQwi.n.g .the .date onwhi.ph :éhecOIl(þtions.a.pplic- able as set farth ·in .par.agra,ph . (a) are, fUlfilJ,\;Jd, provided that she has. reached her 21st bir;tb,day. , ~ '! I' I !i of the Plan. determined by his years or' past service .up to the "effective date receive from the ".date of actual retirement the amount of annuity retired at a date t.o be determined ~ by the Employer, and will specified "herein, at the effect.ive date of the Plan , will be Each employee who is over l~,ormal .Hetirem0nt Age, as 3. .f!;],!Œ'LOYEES. OV:U:R. .NORM1\.L Age 55 and under Ag'{J 60 and over .HE1'1r{[j;]¡I1!:Nt AGE 60th ,Birthday 70th Birthday .Normal ri0tirement Age t b J Age J!'emale .l!;mploy'L~: on J3ecomin. a Member Age 60 and µnder Age 60 and over 65thbìrthday 70th birthday lj.ll.~ Age on B'{Jcomin a,Member .Normal l\etirement ( a. ) Mal0 Em loyees : Normal .Hetirem0nt Age, which is as follows: first day of the , month immediately folJ.owing the attainment of 1'11e, ,Normal.Hetirement .!Jat.e of a member will be the 2. ElvIPLOy.mFlS UNDER N ORl\'[AL H.ill'J.'l.1:{b.a\iLŒNT AGE Plan be made "bY him or by the .ffimployer on. his behalf 1JJlder ,this When an. employee so withdraws no further c ontrib,¡ tions will ~ r: r;: ['-' ;", as long as he is an employee and under rtetirement Age . exc ept with t11e.consent of t11e .ffimployer . withdr.aw. from it l' ) requir.ed payroll Any empJ.oyee who becomes a member of the Planma,ynot, appliC"ti Qn provided, deductions. sign the f.orm of and authorize the ------' (e J 1'0 become a·, member of the :Plan an eligi.bleemplo.yee must fOllowing completi9P- of the eligibili ty condi tions . the first day of the month following return to work, or service, w:i1.1 be, èligible to , b ec ome a lnember of the Plan on service within six months~ after his ¢!:ischarge from military Plan, orpri9r t o becoming eligible, and wl1or,eturns.. to ( d) for Eàch militarys.ervice prior employee who has volunteered !i}!) to the effective date of who has ~. been drafted " i;%)8" the . ~~ 4. GON1'RIBU1'IONS (a) For Future Service (i) EJiPLOYEE - Each member of the Plan will contribute 5% of his earni,ngs, but not to exc€ied .1~300.00 per $,nnum. .: , (ii) 1,MPLOYER - ]'or each raeniber of the Plan the l';mployer will ",": I," contribute an amouD¡t e,qual to .5% of his earnings for service rendered after the effective date of the Plan (hereine,fter referred to as Jj'uture Service Contributions) but !lot toexcee~$.300. 00 per annum. (b) JJ'or Past Service (i) ]''MPLOYJ1JE - Each member.of the Plan will have the PF~yi:leg€i of making contributi ons for the number qf years of , past service during which he was not a contributor to the Plan. The total contributions which an. employee ¡na,y make for past service will be .determined qn the. ba,sis of 5% of, his total remuneration received prior to becoming a. contributor to the Plan. The payments by the employee for' past service ·are entirely optional a.nd may be paid at s;nytime, or from time to time, before retirement, but .wust be paid through the Employer. " ", ¡.:'... " ," ....- ,.' ,.'. ". (ii) E]\ÆPLOYER - '.the Employer realizeâ that preeent older ,........,' .' ' " ,', -. ",' .' ',';' ,.-" employeea will not have chance to build ~p a reserve to prov~de a sufficientre,tirement income befqre res.ching I' eti rewent age. 1'he Employer therefore will also con- tribute such amounts as may be necessary to purchaS€i annuities in respect to serviee prior to the Effective ~ate of the Plan, and as herein provided (hereina.fter referred to as Past Service. Contributions). .' ... . (c) Xh~ contributions of. a member will be deducted from his ea.rnings þy the Employer and remitted to the LTovernme.nt , ' - " .' " at the end of eachtþree month'.s.period together with ]]mploye.;r, oontr'ib.utions for. t11;e. same period. rf the contri- buti ons made bY and on behalf of a meniber becoDly suffici ent , before.. his retirement date, to purchase the maximum annui ty ~ available to him from the GOvernment ($l,200.00 per year) , '..., ,- no further contributions will ~be ·payable to the Uovernment by the member or by the ~Œ91oyer on his behalf. ¡;',....',;':i ',', Cd) J:!'or ~ purposes of this Plan, the l!:mplo~erts determine,hon of ,n ,i a member's earnings and length of service shall be con- clusive. ïhe portion of a. member's earnings which exceed $6,000.00 per year shall not be taken into consideration for pUrposes of calculating contributions or benefits ",' under the Plan. 5. .AMOUNt ÒF RE'l'I RElvJEN l' ANNUI'l'Y ,.:) , (a) .éu.tureService (being servi ce rendered by a member after the effective date oft1iePi~). Each member of the Plan will . . , , receive at .Normal Retirement Date, sUbject to the terms of this Plan, the amount of annuity purchased by the contri- buh onsÍnade bytÎ1e meniber himself and by the .b;mployer on h{sbeÎ1å,Ufor J:!'uture Service. (See attó,ched copy of .Annu~:{ Pre~l¡n¡ Aàtes). (b) Past Service (being service rendered by a member prior to the effective date of the Plan). (i) l!:ach eligible employee who becomes a member of the Plan wil:J.receive, commencing at .Normal Hetirement Date, , subject to the terms of this Plan, a Past Service annui ty equal to $12.00 for each e.ompleted year of service up to the effective date of the Plan. (ii) In calculating the number of years of Past S.ervice of employees who have been or who are absent on military service, and who subsequently become members of the Plan in accordance with Paragraph 4 hereof, credit shall ,¡' àls01:ie givé'ji fOr the period in military service up to thee:ffecqve date of the Plan. (iii) l;;mployees who are eligible for Past Service contributions '. ' '.'..' " I. ~..' . ,. .- on the effective date of the Plan and who. do not particip- ate in the Plan within the period as specified in paragr- aph 1 of the ltegulations under the Plan, may participate later without payment by the employer of Past Service Contri buti ons. 5. (c) If· at his .J)Jormal Retirement Date, the contributions at the credit of a mEilllber,·including :!lis own and those ~d~ by the Employer on his behalf, are not suí'ficient to purchase for him an annuity of @10.00 Del' year, such contributions will be . . paid to the member in a lump sum. (d the maximum annuity th<:¡-t may be received by a meniber under this Plan from the Government or an Insurer is $1,200.00 per year. xhe maximlXID annuity available from the Govern- ment on the life of a member is also $1,200.00 per year, in which will be included the amount of annuity to which a member may be or may become entitled under an individual Government Annuity Gontract on his life at the time of becoming a member of the Plan, and if he is thereby ~precluded -: '; ~ i. . from receiving the maximum annuity under the Plan fro111 the Govermnen t , contributions under the Plan will be remitted () , to the Government, until the maximum annui ty available to the mffinber from the Government has been purchased, and thère- after contributions will be remitted to such Insurance . , Company, licensed to do business in Can<;¡.da, as the ,!!illlployer ¡nay designate, until the maximum annuit! undep the Plan has been p'-lrchased, . or until the member attains Nor~l Retirement Age, whichever occurs first. 6. PAYlV!illN1' Q}j' Rill 1'IHElIŒŒf l' ANNUITY The Retirement Annuity will commence on the retirement date of the member, and will be payable in monthly instalments as long as he lives, provided that sixty monthly it1stalrnents will be paid as an annuity in ru1Y event. 7. OPTION.AJ~ 'l'Y:I?ES OF Al.ifNUHY In place of the Normal 'i.'ype,~ of. Annui ty, as descr.i'bed in paragraph 21, a memb er may, at any tirne~ more than fiveY€Jars b€J- fore his retirement at1nuit,y c0111mence:;¡, or 'I'd thin six months from <, ' '. his date of registration with the Government or Insurer, choose anyone of the fOllowing types provided the cost to .illmployer is not hereby increased: ',,,,,<,"''''_'.;'Y',~,,-!(,;;,,,;,'W,;~,'''''''''_', ~'",~~;)":~¥""'''''i!'<~ (a) JÓint and. Survi vorshipAnnuHy providing a smaller annuity, but:¡Jayable during. the lifetime of the me¡¡¡be:r ancÌ anôther:¡Je:rsorugeneraHy¡his Wife,ancÌ c9J;ltinµing ,. --",,- , .,..........,.. ". until theA.eath9f, th.el3u:¡:,vivor. (1:» Annuity payable fprJife, bµt 1:;:0 ar:lUui,1;y~j1s~i'1J.meJ:lÞs guaranteed in any event. (c) Annuity.' payable f9r .1.i:tìe, ,and Ceasij1g vv~ th the;J,¡¡',st instalment due before the~date,ofdeath. , 1__---' (Inf ormation will be supplied., onreques1; þy,tl1e GOVernment or the Insurer, approximate amount of annuHy that would be receivedÜ!J.der any,;one. of. thes.e ·op~i9nS)o:., 8. 'l'ERliÆINA'rI Ol~ OF, .li.'MPJ:'OY]¡lEN'l'" (a) If f9r any r.eason 9tl1er than his death. 9p· ear,ly ,re.t;i.rer¡Ìent (see paragraph 10 ),a member sh@lcÌce8)Se to. beemploy.ed. by the liimployer pri or~t 0, hi sNo:r.rnalßetirement. .l.)a.te "tl1<a',,Jotal of thecontribut;Lons, w;h:ichl1e b,as.;¡na,de under ,the.].'lan, Will remain at his 'credit. 1¡vith· the GOVerm.Ìlen~ 9:¡:' Ini3µre;¿,to provide him with an Annuity commencing at Normal Retirement Date. (b) In additi9n, if at d<Jiteof 'termination;of l3,ervice,. the. member has ..c9mpleted. at le.ast twentYYe<JirS of'ßeryiQs' l1e will receive atl~orm¡¡;l ~J:(etirement.l)¡¡;te·the amoµntpf annuity pUI'chasèdby jj;utur~e i5er;vice c.ontri butions. made by .the .ltmployer on his ,behalf. 9. RE-EIvIPLOYI!D£NT Any member w)J.9se employmentþ.as been terminated and who is subsequently re-empl.oyed by .the '!!;mployer, will, for purpQses of this Plan be considered", new.emp:Loyee. 10. EARLY RETIREJVŒl'IT. .A.'memÞermayþe. .permitt e4 .to. .retireon~t)J.e .first day of ,.... ',." ,... '.... any month ·f'or reas onsof si ckneE!s.ór..disabil,:i. tY<;3;s deterr¡Ùneqby the ßm.ployer.. 'Ihe amount.,of anJ;luity thereupon p¡¡,ya.ble to the Member will be on a reduced scale. j J ~ 11. DEA1'.1i BE1'fE./!'1'J.:S (a) Bef erti~Ji rernent (i) It: ~. member dies befer'e the. f'ir~t~n,stalm§ntef ,his Retir.ement AnJ¡1u:ity is dUe" w;b.§therer,;notþe is in the empley .of the EmplQyer at the date .of. death, an ameunt eqµa.lto the cQntributier¡s he has made und,er the Pl¡¡.n.,~ill. b,e p¡¡,idtQ his . designated " d...·.··. Benefi ciary in ¡¡,lUlilp sura, tegether wi th interest " '. ,- . ~ .----- thereon up to the date .of death, at 3% per annum cempeunded yearly. , (ii) IJ¡1addiU.on"if¡¡.t da~eefdeatl')., therr¡e¡nÞe:r;>i,has. net termina.t.ed hi e empley¡ner¡t,·· but llasJe ss'.than'. 20;¡rears ,and has mere than 5 years .of such emplQY- ment, theamour¡t eqµal tQ t!16 .ii'utu:r;>e Seuioe Cen~ri- buti.ons paid .on. hie behalf by. the .llimpleyer,together , . - ,..,:.' ',' ", - " ,... ". '. wi~h intèreet thereen ae deecribed in paragraph 11 ,(a) (i), will be paid tQ hisdeeignated.Benef{c:i,ary in a lurap ,sum. (H i) Or, in add.i tion. if at date .of death, the member has terminated his emplQyment after the cQmpletien .of at. least 20 years .of empleyment, an ameunt equal te the Jj'uture Service, Cqntribut:i,ens made by the J.J;mpleyerenhis ~behalf,tegether with interest there en as. described in paragraph 11 (a) (i). will be,paid te his designated Beneficiary in a lump sum. (i v) Or, in¡¡,dditien. if .at the date .of death the member h8,S net terminated his empleyment ¡¡,nd h¡¡,s cempleted at least 5 years .of such empleyment, .an amountequàl. te ,the Past Serviceand.I!'utµreService. Pent:r;>:i,buti Qns made by the J:!;mployer en his behalf ,.teg§ther <with inter.est, thereen as describe,d in, paragrap;hl.1 (a) (:i,) . w:ill be pa:id tQ his des:i,gnated Beneficiary. ·'. ) 11.. (b) Afte:r;..Ji.etirement ¡f'ame.mberq.ies aft.erthe. first instalment of hi s i'· .. ,....' Betiremen.t .AnmÜtyhas become d"e, and before sixty monthly .: . .- ":, .- .:. ..-. '.""'_'. '.', :<'.'-' .' ..,-, ' '. ~ ;, " i'-'- ,''', .- ,,', .- ..... ",., ,.';" ·C·.-."< ·..·i "'. ','" '. .: , . , annui.ty P;¡¡'YJrlen tshavel:¡e etl ,.recei ve,q., th.e annu~ty paymEu:lt s , ".... 'J"" .,....;...,...,,' '..'._" "_";.,,'.',> '.:;.:"::'.:',, ,.','.:'.'_." '.' ........ "'i;'·,,"';·' ," ( will be continued t9 .his q.esigtlai;eli .ßeJ:leficié]-r;y as, i;1:J,ey . ¡, ,- ... , ";' . become due, until siJ¡:t;ymonthly p~;yments, in all have been ma.de.. ffOYleVer, if a metllber has elected an opti onal t:ype '.' ....:. 'j..' --.' ". ,- , . ". .,--, I of annuity, the death ~benefi t s, if any, wi 11 be determined '," - ¡, c'.'·,',' ,,' '.,,- ..' , ---- accordinglY. \ ....'. .' ,..:.... .; 12.. ABSENCES Jj'R01ì1. WORE: Author~zed a.bfjençes from1f{()r:tc shall not consti t"te .."'.'," - ~.- '. ,;.; ternlÍnation of. employment for p¥rposes of this Plan,bt~t will be gOVerneq. afj fOllows; (a) If the member receives pay, contrib,¡¡ti0J:ls will continue. af,ld he will be enÜtled to an benepts ~s th0l.lgh he were actually I3.t W9rk. (b) If the member does not receive pay, contributions will cease but any benefits previously purchased will not be affected. Upon return to active service, contributions will be resumed. 13. LIlVIITATION 0.iJ' ASSIGNlvillN1' (a) The Retirement Annuity and other benefits under the Plan are not assignable, whether by voluntary action or by operation of law. (b) A menibèr may not borrow against his contributions nor withdraw them at any time. 14. J:tI GHT TO EMPLOYMENT º..l'- BENE.iJ'l'l'S ,Participation in. this Plan will not give any member the right to be retained in the service of the Employer, or any right ø~ claim to benefits, unless the right to such benefits has specifically accr¡¡ed under the terms of this Plan. 15. ADMI I~I.STliAtlQJ'L0.!!' ",)'I:IE,)?LAN The Employer reserves the right to decide all matters arising in the adÍllini st:rationa.ndinterþretati ondf the Plan. It·· wil1 be· the obligati'on of the J¡¡mployer'to þayoverto' the' Governmeht ,or the Insurer, the contributiohScollectedfro!Ìl the members, together. wHh 'the contriÌJutidhsrequired,to be made by the .t!ìmployer llnderthe :PlaÎl, and it will be the bbligationof' the Governnlent, or the Insurer,t ()pay benefit s in a.cc ordance withcontriblltions received. 16. CHAJ:WE OR 'MODH'ICATION ---.,. :J.'he Jtïríþld;yer hopeB'a:nd 'eXpect s to cont:i:nue the Plan indefini t ely, but reserves the right to êhange or modify it'at" any time, subject fothe .approva.l of the'Departraentof Municipal Affairs, :J.'or'c:mto. Any cha.nge or mÓdifica.tiÒrC in the Plá.il shall not affect thetei'ras of payment of, or the âradllh.tof, Üetirernent Annuity purchased pri.or ,t 0 the date öf'such cha.ri'geor modifi ca t i on. REG~lqS UNDER ï;liE :PU..N 1. PRESElJ.:t. ;H;l\fPLOYEES'·OPl'ION 0]' BECOMING lVJE!iIBEHS 0]'· 'l'I-Œ.:PLAN (Ii) A:Ll,employees on the Effective Date of the Plan, who are or whÖwill be èligibleto'becomernembers of'the:Plan, will be 'required, if males , t b decide within9Ôdåys" and if females, to decide vdthiri 90 days of the date they become eligible, whether 'or not they deSire tobeconieråeínbers of thè Plan. "'. l'hedecisi'orJ. in ê81cb.caseshall be final aridbinding,and.' thoseeinployeeswhd'elect ndt tÓb'edornemeinbers;sha.ll ¡sign a wai vel' and shalF 'not oePer.rni ttêd't Ô become members, ·frmales, after a period of 90 days has elapsed, or if femaleS,a.fter ai'pèriod-of 90 days'b.a.'s'elapsed, 'exdeþt as provTded:by clau.se( b} of tb.is'Ì'è'gulation.' (0) Ahyernþloyee who has signed a waiver as provided for in Clause (a) of this regulation, and does not become a member within 90 days wi'llforfeit· ånyri'ght t'01'äst' Servide Benefits. 2. J:1'i9°Jj.:....QJL~ (a) At the time of joining the Plan, or as soon thereafter as possible, a'member will send to the Government, or insurer, a'birth or baptismal certifica.te, as proof of . his date of birth. l'he birth or. baptismal certificate will be returned to the mel1íber. (b) If a birth or baptismal certificate cannot be obtained the member will submit astatuto:£y-Declaratioh' as to the date of bi'rth by parent ,bra copy of ., the entry of his· date' df blÌ'th iÙthè Jj'áiaÚy Bible ,êEÙ'tif'ied to be a.truè 'copy by a Lawyer, J~ustice of the :Peace, Notary Public or üOÍ!li1lÎssi oller 'f'or. taking Oaths. c} If suchcarlnÒt be bbta:i.riedj the merabèr will submit a I;Jtat utþry'.Qe_ç:ßrati onbYàresp ol1sible pèr s on having càuse to know of his date of birth, stating that no other docu- mentary proof of age can be obtained. i~ f( 'I i! (d) If such cannot be obtained, the member will himself submit a Stat1l.tQ£X J;ecl~:ration as to. his date of birtl¡., stating that nO other proof of age can be obtained. 5. Bßl'f.ill)j'LGIARY Each .Jj;nll:J;Loyee, On beqoming, a raember.of,.thePla,n I. may designate .a,ny person as his .Bene:J;'iciary to receive such SU!JlS as may be payaþleon or ai'ter. his death; :reserving the. ri,ght to change the. Beneficiary .fromtim(3 .to tim.e with the. assent of the Governmen t. ,If, on the,dea,th of the member, there should ~be no liyii1g,designated Beneficiary wi th respect to himself, such sums as would otherwisE)) 'be p",yable to his dE)signated.!3eneficiary, will ,b.epa,yablet 0 the I ega;L represen tativ(3fjQ;ftJ;J.emenibe:r. 4. J.!JVIDJi:1icji: 0]' :tiŒIVD3.um.SHIP J.!Ja.ch member of the Plan will receive from the Govern- ment, or Insurer, evidence that he has been included as a Member . of the Plan. J$. 'l'J~miiINATlON O)j' ..ßEHVIGE A member shall be. de~emed to have finally terminated his service when, ·in the opinion of the J.!Jmployer, he has terminated his employment without reason t.o believe that he will be further empl.oy·ed. 6. StfSPRNSlON Qjj' SERVIC':'1il A member shall be deemed to have suspended his servioe when he is temporarily off duty without pay for any reason other than on account of illness or accident, except as otherwise pro- vided herein 01,' in the Plan. 7. SßRVI_9Ji: TO COUNT :l'OWARDS EJvfPLOY.G:R' S SlicUm 0]' Wfl'IHBJyfPHT .'\J,'!l'WI'I'Y In computing a member's period of service towards the .u;mployer's,share of Betirement Annuity, the following regulations shall prevail':, Serv:h£.Lt9 b'L,.included (a) All time worked wi th any or all Depari;ments of the Ji;mployer or all time worked and paid or c.ontributed to in whole or in part bY the Employer. .)- .~, :i .. b') AHtitàe:tost on aC:co1.Mt ofå.bssnce for:r.ea:~'¿riâ(:'6:tiiin.èß~ ", '::,¡),;,'.-".-'-,,; >-,¡.",,' , where a member is paid for such absences. ('6'; <'Al,].,' t im'è 'ros1; (hi abH6hHt' of' a.b ~n!è6i f(br'iréas6h~! 'of"i ih{é~ å , , :', ," ',' ", (" "',".' ....,.J '.:' :':;', "; >, " '.',-.., .' "':. ,,'::(,: '.': '.' '.'_ ;," _.'" '_'. '~.' . ·wllEire\3.meiab'er:ì.å''''nÔt .lja~d! fo:¡:~ubh ab's:e,né~:\Qùt ',:1.s ~ C:oÍ1- Side;red a.s' being on sick 1eav:e; (d) All time lost oÍ1 account of seas onal la,y'''offs where a. member is not paid for such absences, but who qualifies as a per!!k'1.nent employee.. 8. m SABII,Pl'Y "Disability" as set out in the Plan shall be inter- preted to mean that a member has furnished medical testimony satisfactory to the mmployer, that he is unable to continue further at his employment. ,-----....... --....-. ~""_~.__~ ___.___ _" ·"··C_"'·'_ ---- 11. This By-law shall not be amended so as to adversely effect the benefits or rights of the member employee, or any of them, or be repealed unless s~ch amendment or repeal shall first have been approved by a two-thirds vote of all member employees; nor shaE the said By-law be repealed ¡Wi thoutthe apprg.val of the Department of Municipal Affair:' or amended ~,JJ, Ij, 10. The municipality shall provide such printing, office and filing equipment as urer to carry out their duties under this clerical assistance, may be necessary to By-Law. stationery, postag~, enable the Clerk and Trea~- 9. Any member employee who claims to be entitled to be retired before his normal or earlier retirement age on acwunt of disability shall make his claim to the treasurer who shall consider the claim and report thereon to council. Generally to do all things necessary Plan. in connection with the administration of thù e 3 The names of all member employees who have retired from municipali ty or have died during the last calendar year. The salary or wages of each member employee at the time of his death. The cause of retirement 2) retirement.or 1 the service of the d To report to the council on or before the first day of February To keep required in each year. such other statistical and other records relative to the Plan as may be c b) To keep a co·rrect list of all member employees and former member employees who have retired or who have terminated their employment or whose employment has been terminated and the amount of the annuity to which each became or will become en- titled to under the Plan To keep a li$t of all member employees under the Plan in which shall be set out the name and age of each, ·the time when he entered the service of the municipality a cumulative record of his service, the amount of his salary or wages from time to time, the name, address, age and relationship of eacll beneficiary nominated by him under the Plan, his Normal Retirement Age and his earlier retirement age ac- cording to the Plan. a 8 7. Every employee who joins the Plan shall be deemed to and conditions contained in this By-law It shall be the duty of the Treasurer have 6. Every person who becorres an employee after the effective date required as a condition of his employment to join the Plan as joined of the Plan shall be provided therein it upon the terms 5. this Every employee by-law at the who applies for membership time of application. in the Plan shall be given a 4. Every employee who elects to join the Plan shall sign a form of application for membership in the Plan and authorize the municipality in writing to deduct from his salary or wag es his payments under the Plan. copÿ of 3. The Municipal Treasurer shall keep the payments by members ate account and shall pay same to the Government or the Insurer of the Plan 2. The Council annually shall provide in the current estimates the annual sum re- quired to pay for the annuities to be purchased by the municipality under the Plan for those employees who from time to time become members of the Plan; and annually shall pay the said sum in quarterly instalments to the Government or the Insurer. in a separ- 1. The municipality shall enter into an employees' Retirement Annuity Contract with the Government pursuant to the Government Annuities Act (Canada) in the form set out in the Plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law, and the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute all documents, and do all things necessary in cónnection therewith, and the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to affix the seal of the municipality to all such documents. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of COUNTY OF ELGIN ENACTS WHEREAS Faragraph 41a of Section 404 or 5h3 Municipal Act, provides that .by-laws may be passed by all municipalities for providing pensions for employees of any class thereof. AS FOLLOWS Being a By-Law OF'I'HE BY-LAW No.1541 to provide Pensions for CCBHJRATION Employees of the COTmTY 01" ¡,;LGIN 1\unicipali ty. I " ~ , Il ~ READ a ~irst and second time this 25th day o~ November, 1948 READ a Third time and finally passed this 25th day of November 1948. ( signed) J. C. Jenkins, Warden. A r:""'~i""""'1I'" -'1..r:.."'''''>',\'''''']·I'--~O'''_ ;,':'::1;-',";";"1 , <1. IÍ""~.. ,.¿\'~\J;" ;:,:,'~ P""~ ( signed) J. D. Thomson, )T ,. . 'C"C,.._, . . f¡!Jur o",,~!\ 1. >Jj';Jif- "L AFFAlnS Clerk. --------- ---_RW_______~___.._, DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ~~/-4t.tJ~ MINJSTER THE PLAN DEFINITIONS: (a) Wherever used herein, "Employer" means County of Elgin, Ontario. ( b) "EMPLOYE]:" shall mean any salaried officer, clerk, wo rkman, servant or o- ther person in the employ of a municipality or of a local board, and as des- ignated by the Department shall include any person whose salary or remunera- tion is paid or contributed to in whole or in part by the municipality or local board thereof whether or not appoihted by the municipality or local board. ( c) "GúVERNMENT" means, His Majesty the King, represented by the Minister of La- bour for Canada, for and on behalf of the Annuities Branch, Department of Labour, Canada. (d) "INSURER" shall mean an insurance company licensed under The Insurance Act. (e) The masculine pronoun wherever used includes female employee, unless the context indicated otherwise. (f) "DEPARTMENT" means The Department of Municipal Affairs for Ontario. (g) "PERMANENT EMPLOYEE" shall mean any employee who serves at least the e«uiva- lent of 75% of a year in a year. (h) "MEMBJ!R :EMPLOYEE" shall mean an employee registersd with the Government or Insurer under the terms of the Retirement Annuity Contract issued in resps ct of the Plan. ( i) "CaVIMENCEMENT DATE" shall mean the date upon which a member commences pay- ments under the Plan. ( j) "EFFECTIVE DATE" shall mean the date upon which the Pension Plan comes into force. 1. ELIGIBILITY (a) Each present permanent employee, and each permanent male e~mployee and each fem- als employee all of whose employment commences after the effective date of the Plan, will be eligible to become a member of the Plan on the effective date if they then: (1) as a present permanent employee on the effective date of the Plan have not attained Normal Rstirement Age as specified herein¡ (2) Have completed at least one year of continuous employment with the Employer, or whose salary or remuneration has been paid or contributed to in whole or in part by ths Employer for at least twelve continuing months; (b Each employee who is not eligible to become a member of the Plan on the effect- ive date, will be eligible to become a member on the first day of the month im- mediately following the date on which the conditions applicable, as set forth in paragraph (a) are fulfilled. c 1 Each mals ¡;e rson who becomes an employee after the effective date of the Plan, must, as a condition of employmsnt, become a member of the Plan on the first day of the first month immediately following the date on which the conditions applicable as set forth in paragraph (a) are fulfilled, pro- vided he has reached his 21st birthday, 2 Each female psrson who becomes an employee after the effective date of ~~he Plan, must, as a condi tion of employment, become a member of the Plan on ths first day of the first month immediately following the date on which II I: I Ii Ii For purposes of this Plan, the Employer's and length of service shall be conclusive which exceed $6,000.00 per year shall not . detennination of a member's earnings The portion of a member's earnings be taken into consideration for pur- d The contributions of a member will be deducted from his earnings by the Employel and remitted to the Government at the end of each three months' period toge·the:' with' Employer contributions for the same period. If the contributions made by and on behalf of a member become sufficient, before his retirement date, to pur- ohase the maximum annuity available to him from the Government ($1,200.00 per year) no further oontributions will be payable to the Government by the member or by the Employer on his behalf. c EMPLOYER - The Employer realizes that present older employees will not have a ohanoe to build up a reserve to provide a suffioient retirement income before reaching retirement age. The Employer therefore will also oontribute suoh a- mounts as may be neoessary to purchase annuities in respect to service prior the Effective Date of the Plan. and as herein provided (hereinafter referred as Past Service Contributions). to to 2 b} For Past Service (1) EMPLOYEE - Each member of the Plan will have the privilege of making contribu- tions for the number of years of past servioe during which he was not a ",. contributor to the Plan. The total contributions whioh an employee ITillY make far past service will be determined on the basis of 5% of his total rffinunera- tion reoeived ~ior to becoming a contributor to the Plan. The payments by the employee for past servioe are entirely optional and may be paid at any time or fram time to time before retirement, but must be paid through the Employer EMPLOYER - For eaCh member of the Plan the Employer will oontribute an maount ~ual to 5% of his earnings for servioe rendered after the effective date of the Plan (hereinafter referred to as Future Servioe Contributions) but not to exoeed $300.00 per annum. 2 CONTRIBUTIONS a) For Future Service (1) EMPLOYEE - Eaoh·member of the Plan will oontribute 5% ñDt to exceed $300.00 per annum. of· his earnings but 4 Each employee who is over Normal Retirement Age, as specified herein, at the ef- feotive date of the Plan, will be retired at a date to be determined by the Employer and will receive from the date of actual retirement the amount of annuity determined by his years of past servioe up to the effective date of the Plan. 3 EMPLOYEES OVER NORMAL RETIREMENT AGE . on Beoomin Age 55 and Age 60 and over !!..Member under Normal Retirement.Age, 60th Birthday 70th Birthday A e b Female Em loyees Normal Retirement A 65th birthday 70th birthday ~e on Becomin a Member Age 60 and under Age 60 and over e a Male Em loyees The Normal Retirement Date of a member will be the iately fOllowing the attainment of Normal Retirement Age first day of the month which is as follows immed- 2 EMPLOYEES Any employee who becomes a member of the Plan may not, except with the consent of the Employer, withdraw from it as long as he is an employee and under Re- tirement Age. When an employee so withdraws no further contributions will be made by him or by the Employer on his behalf under this Plan. UNDER NORMAL RETIREMENT AGE f To become a member of the Plan an eligible employee must sign the lication provided and authorize the reQuired payroll deductions. applicable as set ~orth in paragraph has reached her 30th birthday, ~. . .,(J ..,J.. Each employee who has volunteered or ho has been drafted for mili tary service prior to the effective date or the P an, or prior to beooming eligible,and who returns to service within six months after his discharge from military service, will be eligible to become a member of the Plan on the first day of the month following return to work, or following completion of the eligibility conditions. e form of app- ~¡~~"9,~,"g;1"<'Yj' . ..,- d N';~ , the conditions vided tha t she >'i~ "r<' a are fulfilled pro- , a If for any reason other than his death or early retirement see paragraph 10 . a 8. TERMINA TION OF" (Information will be supplied on re~uest by the Government or the Insurer, app- roximate amount of annuity that would be received under anyone of these options EMPLOYMENT . Annuity payable for life date of death c and ceasing with the last Annuity instalments guaranteed in any event. instalment due before the b Annuity payable for life Joint and Survivorship Annuity _ providing a ing the lifetime of the member and another person tinuing until the death of the survivor but 120 smaller annuity, but payable dur- generally his wife and con- a In place of the may, at any time more in six months from his one of the following types Norn~l Type of Annuity, as described in paragraph 21, a member than five years before his retirement annuity commences, or with- date of registration with the Government or Insurer, choose any provided the cost to Employer is not hereby increased 7 The Retirement Annuity will commence on the retirement date of the member, will be payable in monthly instalments as long as he lives provided that sixty ly instalments will be paid as an annuity in any event 9PTIONAL TYPES OF ANNUITY anð. month-· ô l' AYMENT The maximum annuity that may be received by a member under this Plan from the Government or an Insurer is $1,200.00 per year. The maximum amluity available from the Government on the life of a member is also $1,200.00 per year, in which will be included the amount of annuity to which a member may be or may be- come entitled under an individual Government Annuity Contract on his life at the time of becoming a member of the Plan, and if·he is thereby precluded from re- ceiving the maximum annuity under the Plan from the Government, contributions under the Plan will be remitted to the Government, until the maximum annuity a- vailable to the member from the Government has been purchased, and thereafter contributions will be remitted to such insurance Company, licensed to do busi- ness in Canada, as the Employer may designate, until the maximum annuity under the Plan has been purchased, or until the member attains Normal Retirement Ag3 whièhever occurs first OF RETIREMENT ANNUITY d c If at his Normal Retirement the contributions at the credit of a member, including his own and those by the Employer on his behalf, are not suffic- ient to purchase for him an annuity of $10.00 per year such contributions will be paid to the member in a lump sum. Date, made Employees who are eligible for Past Service contributions on the effective date of the Plan and who do not participate in the Plan within the period as specified in paragraph 1 of the Regulations under the Plan, may participate later without payment by the employer of Past Service Contributions. 3 In calculating the number of years of Past Service of employees who have been or who have been or who are absent on military service, and who subse~uently become members of the Plan in accordance with Paragraph 4 hereof, credit shall also be given for the period in military service up to the effective date of the Plan 2 Each eligible employee who becomes a member of the Plan will receive, COTIrrGenc- ing at Normal Retirement Date, subject to the terms of this Plan, a Past Ser- vice annuity e~ual to $12.00 for each completed year of service up to the ef- fecti ve date of the Plan 1 Past Service the Plan). " b being service rendered by a member prior to the effective date of Future Service (being service rendered by a mænber after the effective date of t1Ê!P~~n). Each member of the Plan will receive at Normal Retirement Date, sub- ject to the terms of this Plan, the amount of annuity purchased by the aontribu~ tions made by the member himself and by the Employer on his behalf for FutUre Service. (See attached copy of Annual Premium Rates a r!"!'li\",~·*,¡¡¡""··"y,, /."" .. , ~ ø ;,1 ~ ~ > . , " poses I I 5. ANIOUNT 01' RETIREMENf AI~ of' cálcuJ.ating contributions, or bene:fi ts under the Plan -'-"'-'-"7·' b A member may not borrow against his The Retirement Annuity and other benefits under the whether by voluntary action or by operation of law. contributions nor withdraw them at any time a Plan are not assignable 13. LllVlITATION OF ASSIGNMENT If the member does not receive pay, contributions will previously purchased will not be affected. Upon return tributions will ·be resumed. cease but any benefits to active service con- b If the member receives pay, contributions will continue and he to all benefits as though he were actually at work. a Authorized absences fram work purposes of this Plan but will be will be entitled shall not constitute termination of employment governed as follows tor 12 ABSENCESFROM If a member dies after the first instalment of his Retirement Annuity has become due, and before sixty monthly annuity payments have been received, the annuity payments will be continued to his designated Beneficiary as they become due, un- til sixty monthly payments in all have been made. However, if a member has elec- ted an optional type of annuity the death benefits if any will be determined accordingly. WORK b After Re~!.'1lli 4 Or, in addition, if at date of death, the member has terminated his employment after the canpletion of at least 20 years of employment, an amount e~ual to the Future Service Contributions made by the Employer on his behalf, together with interest thereon as described in paragraph 11 (a) (1), will be paid to his de- signated Beneficiary in a lump sum. fJj. Or, in addition, if at the date of de~he member has not terminated his em- ployment and has completed at least 20years of such employment, an amount e- ~ual to the Past Service and Future Service Contributions made by the Employer on his behalf, together with interest thereon as described in paragraph 11 (a) (1), will be paid to his designated Beneficiary 3) amount ployer, will be In addition, if at date of death, the member has not his employment, but has less than 20 years and has more than 5 years employment, the equal to the Future Service Contributions paid beµalf by the Em- together with interest thereon as described in paragraph 11 (a) (1) paid to his designated Beneficiary in a lump sum. terminated of such on his . ( 2 DEATH BENEFITS a) Before Retirement (1) If à member dies before the first instalment of his Retirement Annuity is due whether or not he is in the employ of the Employer at the date of death, an amount e~ual to the contributions he has made under the Plan will be paid to his designated Beneficiary in a lump sum, together with interest thereon up to the date of death at 3% per annum compounded yearly. 11 A member may be permitted to retire on the first sickness or disability as determined by the Employer, payable to the Member will be on a reduced scale day of any month for reasons of The amount of annuity thereupon 10 Any member whose ed by the Employer EARLY RETIREM!J~NT employment will, for has been purposes of terminated and who is subse~uently re-employ_ this Plan be considered a new employee 9 RE-EMPLOYMENT In addition, if at date of terrr,ination of service, the member has completed at least twenty years of service, he will receive at Normal Retirement Date the a- mount of annuity purchased by Future Service contributions made by the Employer on his behalf. b . member should cease to be employed by the Employer ment Date, the total of t~he Contribut'ions which he remain at his credit with the Government or Insurer uity cœnmencing at Normal Retirement Date. prior to his Normal Retire- has made under the Plan will to pròvide him with an An~_ Each member of the P+an will receive fram the that he has been included as a Member of the Plan .~.._--.. -~.",---~_._.,,--~-.-------~-~. .--.-- ......-." .. . ", Government or Ins urer evidence 4. Each Employee, on becoming a member of the Plan, may designate any person as hib Beneficiary to receive such sums as may be payable on or after his death, reserving the right to change the Beneficiary fram time to time with the assent of the Govern- ment. If, on the death of the member, there should be no living designated Benefic- iary with respect to himself, such suns as would otherwise be payable to his designa,~· ted Beneficiary, will be payable to the legal representatives of the member. EVIDENCE OF .ŒMBERSHIP 3. BENEFICIARY If SUch .££.IL as tained. cannot be obtained, the member will himself sub1µi t a Statutor Decla~-.. to his date of birth, stating that no other proof of age can be ob~ d If such cannot be obtained, the member will submit a Statutor responsible person having cause to know of his date of birth, other documentary proof of age can be obtained. Declaration by e stating that no c) If a birth or baptismal certificate cannot be obtained the member will submit a Statutory Declaration as to the date of birth by parent, or a copy of the entry of his date of birth in the Family Bible, certified to be a true copy by a Law- yer Justice of the Peace Notary Public or Commissioner for taking Oaths b At the time of joining the Plan, or as soon thereafter as possible, a member will send to the Government, or Insurer, a birth or baptismal certificate, as proof of his date of birth. The birth or baptismal c~rtificate will be returned to the member. a 2 PROOF OF AGE Any employee who has signed a lation, and does not become a Past Service Benefits. waiver as provided for member within 90 days in Clause (a) will forfeit of this regu- any right to b The decision in each case shall be final and binding, and those employees who elect not to became members, shall sign a waiver and shall not be permitted to become members, if males, after a period of 90 days has elapsed, or if females, after a period of 90 days has elapsed except as provided by clause (b) of this regulation All employees on the Effective Date of the Plan, who are or who will be eligible to become members of the Plan, will be required, if males, to decide within 90 days, and if fe~ßles, to decide within 90 days of the date they become eligible whether or not they desire to become members of the Plan. a 1 PRESENT EMPLOYE:¡;;.§.:._OP~IO!LOF BIf.COMING MEMBERS OF THE PLAN ,_ø_'.. ._ REGULATIONS The Employer hopes and expects to continue the Plan indefinitely, but reserves the right to change or modify it at any time, subject to the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs, Toronto. Any change or modification in the Plan shall not affect the terms of payment of, or the amount of, Retirement Annuity purchased prior to the date of such change or modification -----~-~ UNDER THE -"'LAN 16. The Employer reserves the right to decide all matters arising in the administra- tion and interpretl~on of the Plan. It will be the obligation of the Employer to pay over to the Government, or the Insurer, the contributions collected from the Dlembers, together with the contributions required to be made by the Employer under the Plan,and it will be the obligation of the Government or the Insurer to pay benefits in ac- cordance with contributions received CHANGE OR MODIFICATION 15 Participation in this Plan will not give any member .the right to be retained in the service of the Employer, or any right or claim to benefits, unless the right to such benefits has specifically accrued under the terms of this Plan. AIMINISTRATION OF THE PJ..!N RIGHT TO 1!MPLOYMEI,T O_R BENEFITS 5. TERMINATION OF SFJ<VlCE A member shall be deemed to have rinally terminated his service when, in the op- inion of the Employer, he has terminated his employment without reason to believe that he will be further employed. 6. SUSPENSION OF SERVICE A member shall be deemed to have &uðpended his service when he is temporarily off duty without pay for any reason other than on account of illness or accident, except as otherwise provided herein or in the Plan. 7. SERVICE TO COUNT TOWARDS EMPLOYER'S SHARE OF RETIREMENT ANNU:1TY In computing a member's period of service towards the Employer's share ot Retire- ment Annuity, the following regulations shall prevail: Service to 'be Included (a) All time worked with any or all Departments of the Employer or all time worked and paid or contributed to in whole or in part by the Employer. (b) All time lost on account of absence for reasons of illness where a member is paid for such absences. ( c) All time lost on account of absence for reasons of illness, where a member is not paid for such absence but is considered as being on sick leave. (d) All time lost on account of seasonal lay-offs where a member is not paid for such absences, but who ~ualifies as a permanent employee. . 8. J2lê.!!3ILITY "Disabili ty" as set out in the Plah shall be interpreted to mean that a member has furnished medical testimony satisfactory to the Employer that he is unable to continue further at his employment