To Flepeal :QY-:-Laws J\Tos~_1;3'77 1280 and 1321
WmUI."EAS the Provincial Government has abolished
the local Old Age Pension and Moi;hers i Allowance
Board and. it is deemed advlsable to repeal the by-laws
pertalning the¡:'eto,
rnÅ’HEFOHE the following By-Laws are repealed:
1. By-Law No. 12'77 to appoint Members and secretary
of the Mothers' Allovvance and Old Age Pension 13m rd.
2. By-Law No, 1280 to provide payment of local
Municipal Cler.ks for èè.ppllcations for Old Age Pension,
3. By-Law No, 1~321 to provlde payment of local Municipal
Clerks for Mothers i Allowance applicn.tions,
That By-hqws Nos. 1;~7'7 , 1280 and 1321 are here by repealed
Read a first time this 21st day of January 1949.
Head a second tlme this 21st day of January 1949.
Head 8. third time and finallJT paRsed this 21st day of January 1949.
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Clerl{ Warden