1548 By-Law N_~._l548. :ro He-appoint a Nember to ~ st. ~:'Ì1Ql!1as· So b1J:r'ban i\~x:.ft.ª-Cornmi ss ~ 'l'he Elgin County Council enacts: rrl1o..t George TI. Cross be and is hereby re-appoint(~d to the .st. 'Choroas .suburban Road Conmission for a term of five years and until a successor is appoi.nted. Head a fb'st time this 21st day of January 1949. Head a second time this 21st day of January 1949. Head a third tÜne and finaLLy pas,sed this ;nst day of JamV3.ry 1949. ;..4. ~ Á ¿ ~ . Clerk Warden