By-Law No. 1549.
~ oint a County Hoad Committee.
As required by the Highway Act the J~lgin COLJ~nty Council
That the followinl'; five members of this COLlDcil
constitute a Committee for the purpose of dLcect-
ing tb~e work to be done on the County Hoad System:
Clarence Taylor for ~L'erJ1l of One Year
Archie Coulter JPor rrerm of rj:wo Years
Arba Johnson For 'l'erm of 1'hree Yea:cs
Clarence Orchard For 'reI'm of J!'our Years
Char.lie Johnson For Term of Five Years
'rhat By-Law No. ·1520 be and is hereby røpealed.
Head a first time this 21st day of Januar:' 1948.
Read a second time this 21st day of January 1949.
Read a thircl time and finally nassed this ;nst day of January 1949.
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Clerk :larden