1555 By-Law Noo 1555. '1'0 Amend By-J.aw No. 13'76'!.. The Elgin County Council enacts: That the salary of Miss Jean Quigley Office Assistant to the County Cler'k and '~Creasurer be ]1'ifteen Hundred Dollarà per ffilllurn, cOII1mencing ]'ebruary 1st, 1949. 'rhat by-law No. 13'76 be and is hereby amended. Heªd 8. first time this 21st day of January 19490 Head a second time this 21st ò.ay of January 1949. Head a thirò~ time and finally passed thÜJ 21st day of J[u1lInry 194,9 J/ ;;Io;<j t'YPu-. :4 0.. .. Clerk Warden ".