1566 )':i,'Ï'\AU :'~ THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1566 WHEREAS by Deed dated the lOth December, 1945, and registered 11th December, 1945 as #25981 for South"old, the Uorporation of the County of Elgin did convey to Edgar S. D01Vtl, of the Village of Shedden, in the County of Elgin Thresher, certain lands and premises in the TO"WIlship of South"old, in the Count of Elgin; .AND WHEREAS in said deed, there "as error made in the description of the lands firstly described therein, in that the point of commencement was described as "Commencing on the North side of the North .oranch of Talbot Road" in lieu of the correct description, namely, IICommencing on the West side of Union Road"; .AND W!ŒREAS there has been no question as to the proper description of the said lands since said date, and tre said Edgar S. Down has been in open, exclusive, continuous, undisturbed and undisputed possession and occupation of the said lands and every part thereof, and has applied to the Corporation of the' County of Elgin for a quit claim deed to correct1;y describe the said lands; NOW, THEREfORE, THE CORPOHATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ENACTS AS E'OLLOWS: THAT QuitClaim ..Deed be executed by the ~larden and the Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, to the said Edgar S. Do"WIl, with respect to the foUo"ing lands: "ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being composed of a part of Lot Fifteen, North of the N%rth Branch of Talbot Road in the 'fOIIDShip of Southwold, in the Coun if of' Elgin, which may be more particularly described as follo"s: COMMEi'lCING on the West side of the union Road at a point "hich is North from the South-easterly angle of said Lot a distance of Fifty- five and one-half feet; THENCE South-westerly parallel with the North branch of the Talbot Road a distance of One hundred and Eight feet; THENCE Northerly parallel to the Union Road a distance of' b'ifty-five and one-half feet; THENCE North-easterly parallel "i th the Nªrth B:mnch of the Talbot Road a distance of One hundred and Eight eet to the Union Road; THENCE Soutnerly along the Westerly limit of the Union Road a distance of Fifty-five and one-half feet to the place of beginning. " READ a first time the 24tlw.ay of November RJ;~AD a second time the 24 day of November third time and finally passed the 24th day of November. .~ :ð~...... i·4 ... Warden erk .