By-IB'V lIo. 1567.
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~Che SUIn of JTour Hundred. rl1housanc1
The Elgin Oounty Cou.nci1 enacts:
'J'hat the ¡'[ard.en ¡{nd. 'J'reasurer be ancl are hereby
authorized to borrow the stJJn of lTour Hundred 'i'housand
Dollars from the Bank of l,lontreal as it may be required
to meet the expemJ.U;ures of the Corporation of the County
of lngin during the year 1950 and to give as security
therefore notes of One 'J'housand Dollars OJ: multiples
Head a first time this 20th day of January, 1950.
Head a second time this 20th day of Janua:~y 1950.
Head a third time and finally paßsed this 20th clay of
Janua:~y . 19500
;.!!.d - r;
. . .".
Clerk Warden