1582 1 j I ,_::1 ,\,) I' I' BY-LAW NO. 1582. To Amend By-Law 1561. The Elgin County Counoil enaots: That the salary of Claybo\1.l'ne Gordon, County Weed Inspeotor be Seventy-Five Cents per hour ( . 75¢), and eight oents (. 8¢) per mile for use of oar while engaged in the duties of Weed Inspeotor. That By-Law No. 1561 be amended aooordingly. Read a first time this 20th day of January, 1951. Read a seoond time this 20th day of January, 1951. Read a third time and finally passed this 20thday of January, 1951. /..1P..v " Clerk