1593 i I I I I I I Ii , (se¡Ù) I I I IV. III. I. II. ---- ---- ........f.d: cOUN'~iuc 4k WARDEN READ a third time same are herebw repealed. ~~ READ a first time this l3th day of June " READ a second time this 13th day of June and finally passed this 13thiay of June A. D. 1951. A. D. 1951 , A. D 195]( PURSUANT to the provisions of The High Schooþ Act, R. S. O. 1950, I Chapter 165 and ,amendments thereto, the Council of the ,Corporation of the County ì \ of Elgin HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS; I THAT the Central Elgin High School District be discontinued on the First day of J'anuary, 1952, provided; (a) The Minister of Education gives the approval of the Province of Ontario thereto, and (b) A new High School District, to be lmOWJ1 as the st. Thomas-Central Elgin High School District, is duly established. I THAT there be established the High School District, to be lmownas I , the st. Thomas-Central Elgin High School District, mld tte same shall include: I (1) The Municipality of the City of St. Thomas. (2) The Municipality of the Village of Port Stanley. (.3) The Municipality of the TOmlShip of Southwold. (4) The Municipality of the TOmlship of Yarmouth, except the lots and parts of lots assessed annually to the Sparts Continuation School. THAT Paragraph II shall not be effectual unless cand until (1) The Minister of Education of the Provinée of Ontario gives his approval thereto. (2) The City of st. Thomas passes the necessary by-laws to make effective the inclusion in the St. Thomas-Central Elgin High School District of: the Municipality of the City of st. Thomas. THAT &1 by-laws or parts of by-laws inconsistent here,d th be and the ,... ,. 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE COmfI'Y OF ELGIN BY-LA,! NUMBER 1593 A By-law providing for the discontinuance of the Central Elgin High,Schoòl District and for the establishment of the st. Thomas-Central Elgin High School District. ~~".".n~",w"", 1\ il II II " ¡I II Ii --':'L:;iT':"~· 1:.J " . Messrs. Sanders and Sanders, Barristers, Solid tors, Noti:eies 14 Southwick Street, ST 'rHOMAS,onta:i-íd Acting Dêpl.lt;y M,inisterofEduclltion (sd) C. F. CíIDfiOn Yours Whe'ltheby-'-lIlW haS beèJl'passed by the Council of the County of Elgin, will you please send two certified coptes for the, records, ih'this:DepartmèJl t~ truly, As:,'providedunder subsection 1, section. 5 of, The High Schools Act, the Minister's approval is hereby givèJl to'thisby-'lllw. It should 'be, noted, however, that the by-law cannot become effective unless the Council of the City of St. Thomas passes a concurrent by-law as provided under (a), sub- section' (2), sectiön90f The:HighSchool'sAct. You!' letter of May, 30 >lith reference to the by-lav of the Council of the County of Elgin which provides for the discontinuance of the Central Elgin High School District and the establishment of the St. Thomas-Central Elgin High School Distrbt, has been·recei:ved~ Dear Sirs: Toronto May 31, 2, 1951 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ONTARIO