1601 FORM A BY-LA';! NO 1601 --..--.-- il BY-Liúf TO PHOVIDE YOH THE TOTAl, 19 52EXPEliDITUHE ON THE COlrl'-J~PY HO.~'w 3YSTEÎ\'~ EST_:J3LISHED linDEH Ti~rE HIGrrJ.t'iY II,~PHOV~lvilinT J~CT ..:'J:;rD ON COŒiTY BHIDGb6 ni TIn.: Com,'rY OF ELGIN VIREHE,:,S The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on county rÞads and bridges be provided for annually by county by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEIŒJ1'ORE the Council of the Corporation of the said County enacts as follows:- (l) 'rhe sum of ~y 436,OOOoOŒ.s hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy for total expend- iture upon construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 19 52as follows:- BlìlDGES &; ~iO <\])9. CD1NEHTS }'OTAL CO;¡STRDCTION .o..............o . 11'116 000.00' ¡. 20 000.00 ~ ._136,090,00 _,_,_.1.._,_.___ 4P,.,.,_,.._1.,__.__ Jl:IAINTENÞJWE . . . . . . . . . .. 1? £?9 .200.00 ~,_--1..200. 00__ 'w 233,200.00 tilE',\[ J\ilACHINIŒY ..,...... ~L-12 ,OOQ...OO ' 12 000.00 - ii' _~___ ¡HSCbLL.!J.J]WUS .................... . ,w,.,..£h~OO ~Q5L..--- ~ -.24,800,00 *~.- . '-' 'l'OTALS ~/~2E,-2~s..~~~,__-=;ll ~~! ?00~2.~__"" 1.. 4.3 ~, 000 . 00 ,- (2 ) 'rhe said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed county road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with' The Highway Improvement Act. (3 ) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Hoads Branch, Department of Highways of Ontario, not later than the ,31st of January of the said year. Passed at~t. Thomas this ~8t~ßay of January A.D. 19 52. ( SEA I, ) -r'- dP. ___/if£ 777 (' n<-d --- Clerk--:- ;Jarden T J, D. 'Thomson, "'11 >,' Clerk of the Corporation of the . -, ._____0___· . .~--, Elgin {{j County of , do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 1601' passed by the Council of the said 'Jorporation on the_l:8~_daY of Ja±l1d¡g',X__, 19 52. r-o~; ~ lerk ¡¡Iii I'"~I I~" " . , I Ii " , ONTARIO - D5PARTMENT OF HIGHWAY$ Toronto 2, November 21st, 1952. Mr. J.D. Thomson, Clerk, County of Elgin, Court House, ST. THOMAS, Ontario. Dear Sir: HE - Cou~t! of El~in - Within the appropriation approved for 1952 road activities to transfèr $12,000.00 from road maintenance to bridges and culv~rts. Please be advised that the wish of the committee with respect to the above cited matter, as expressed in a covering resolution, is in order for Department approval. This approval is in keeping with the recommendation of our District Municipal Engineer, Mr. T.S. Caldwell, London, Ontario. Yours very truly, .M. MacInnes, Chief Municipal Engineer. JMM/DD "If{ I,! ¡", , 'il ,.:'1 I' i I!,!I' Iii Y DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Toronto 2, February 18th, 1953. Mr. J. D. Thomson, Clerk, County of Elgin, Court House, ST. THOMAS, Ont ario . Dear Sir:- BE: County of Elgin Within the appropriation approved for 1952 røad activities to transfer ~6,373.78 from Roads to Bridge and Culverts Please be advised that the wish pf the Committee with respect to the above cited matter, as expressed in a covering resolution, is in order for Department approval. This approval is in keeping with the recommendation of our District Municipal Engineer, Mr. T. S. Caldwell, London, Ontario. Yours ~ry trolL .m·~ ' JMM/SJ .M. MacInnes, Chief Municipal Engineer. "".~ " :&,.i It: