1602 I i 11': I: , ::.j: il: , II j I !¡ :' 1 II I l ,II I , } J J! ,I !I :i , 1602 A By-law to amend the By-law Adopting a Plan of countr RO'ad Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in he CO'unty of Elgin under The Highway ImprO'vement Act. The Council O'f the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as By-l~w Number 1602 as follows: l. 'rh, Schedule of By-law Number 897 being the O'riginal by-law establishing a CO'unty RO'ad System in the County of Elgin as amended by By-law Number 1052 being the last cO'nsO'lidating by-law re-establishing the said system and further amended by subsequent llillending by-laws is hereby llillendedby adding theretO' the rO'ad designated and described as fO'llO'ws: DESCHIPTION DESIGNATED COURTY ROAD l~JING that pO'rtiO'n of the rO'ad O'r the deviations NU1JiBEH thereO'f in the Village of PO'rt Stanley, and 20 being an extensiO'n of the existing County RO'ad Number 20; COMlvíENCING at the intersection O'f ,. , CO'urtty RO'ad NO'. 20 (CarlO'w RO'ad), and Warren Street, in the Village of Port Stanley, THENCE easterly on Warren Street, to' the intersection of Kingts Highway Number 4, and Warren street, A DISTANCE of apprO'ximately 1,250 feet. 2. 'rhe road as designated and described in paragraph 1. is hereby added to and included in the County RO'ad System O'f the CO'unty O'f Elgin. 3. ':Chis By-law shall come intO' f.O'rce upon the approval thereof by the Lieutenant-GO'vërnO'r in Council. FINALLY .l'ASSKD at the City of St. Thorl1.9.s in the County of Elgin "this l8th day of January, 1952. ". Íí" '--' 1-'-- £2 ~ Clerk EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OFFICE OC - 8$$152 Copy of an Order~in~Còunci]. app~oved by His Honour '(¡he 11eut,enani;;,.Governol'p dt.;\i«~d t11e :t7'&h day of Ap~i1. A.D~ 1952. Upon the recommendation of the HonOUl"able G~ H. Dùhbar Acting Minister of HighwaYå. the Committee of Council advise thai; pursuant tic subsection 1.7 of: sec'l;ion 1;1. or The In.gbwa,y !rnþ¡-";vemer. Act, app~ov&¡ be given to the following by~law8 whj,¢h were Þa$ßé0 to $mend the county road sY$temsof the counties namêd~- ~o. 1602 of '(¡ho Cou~ty of Elgin No. 80*13 o£"the County 01' Frontenac- No. 1385 of the CO'Unty'of: Haldi~and Nos. 151¿ and 151; of the' COUh.ty ot Hastings No.14J3ot the County oJ;. Lana.rk Nö..'236~of the CQunty of' Simcoe lJò.. ,2,¡:90t~he'Coun't>y:ò:r York Cert:J,fiéd ~ ~ ~ Z , Clerkg Executive Council. '" ,,! ~j ''2~ .~-