1611 'To Raise Amounts for Count Rates During the year. 1952." WHI!:REAS an estimate has been made sho.wing that the sum. o.f J!'our Hundred and Sixty-Nine Tho.usand, Six Hundréd and Nine: ;y-Five Dollars is required to. be faised in the several municipalities fo.r the lawful purpo.ses o.f theCo.unty during the year, 1952, o.n the basis of the equalized assessment as determined in 1951: Municipali ty To.tal Equalized Value A1dbo.ro.ugh 3,582,3'73. Dunwich 3,653,074. So.uthwo.ld 4,696·,675. Yarmo.uth 5,723,567. Malahide 3,867,501. Bayham 2,562,866. So.uth Do.rchester 2,216,482. Ay lm.e r 2,462,216. po.rt Stanley 1,542,402. Dut ton 500,549. Rodney 500,049. West Lorne 500,666. Springfield 185,303. Vienna 141,54'7. port Burwell 25'7,489. 32,392,759. THEREFORE the Co.uncilo.f the Municipal Co.rpo.ratio.n o.f the Co.unty o.f Elg enacts:: That a rate o.f 14.5 mills o.n the do.llar be levied on all rateable pro.perty in the several municipalities in the Co.unty of Elgin as abo.ve set fo.rth for the year, 1952: Municipality Co.unty Rate Aldborough 51,944. Dunwich 52,970. So.uthwo.ld 68,102. Yarm.outh 82,992. Malah:id e 56,079. Bayham 3'7,l62. South Dorchester 32,139. Aylmer 35,702. po.rt Stanley 22,365. Dutto.n 7,256. Rodney 7 ,251. West Lorne 7,260. Springfield 2,687. Vienna 2,052. Port Burwell 3,734. ,., 469,695. 1,) Read a first time this 26th day o.f March, 1952. Read a seco.nd time, this 26thday o.f March, 1952. Read a thi~d time and finally passed this 26th day of March, 1952. &>c ?~ml '¡J ,¡ Clerk Warden