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By-Law No. l6l7
'To ApP?int Superintendent and Matron
:I!'or the Elgin County Home."
The Elgin County Council enacts:
1. rrhat George Lo Willson, be, and is hereby appointed
Superintendent, and his wife, Verna ,Willson, be, and is
hereby appointed Matron of the Elgin County Home, to hold
office during the pleasèœe of the Council.
2. That the combined salaries of the Superintendent
and Matron be, and are hereby fixed at Eighteen Hundred
Dollars per 8llmun, payable monthly.
3. That a Committee of three members of the Council
to be called the standing COmIllttee of Management of the
Elgin County Home be appointed annually at the first
Session in each year. ~
4. 'rhat By-Law No. 1408, and all amending By-Laws be,
and are hereby repealed.
Read a first time this 11th day of June, 1952.
Read a second time this 11th day of June, 1952.
Read a third time and finally passed this 11th day of
June, 1952.
& ~ - '~
Clerk Warden