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By-Law No. 1622.
A By-Law to Confirm By-Law Ho. 1258 of the Townshi] of
Bayham BeiI!8. a By-Law to Provide for Closing and St¡opping u] ~
Hortherly Portion of Road Between Lots 16 and 17, in the First
Conoession of the To~vnship of Bayham.
vVHEREAS the Counoil of the Township of Bayham on the 2nd
day of June, 1952, A. D., did pass By-Law Ho. 1258, for olosing and
stoþpingup the northerly portion of road between Lots 16 and 17,
rrf the First Conoession of the Township of Bayham, more partioularly
desoribed in the said By-Law, true oopies whereof are hereunto annexed.
AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Munioipal Aot
the said Township By-Law shall not have any foroe until oonfirmed by'
a by-law of the Counoil of the County in whioh the township is situate
passed at an ordinary meeting of the Counoil held not sooner than three
months nor later than one year after the passing of the By-Law of the
Council of the Township.
ANDm{ER~ applioation has been made to the Counoil of the
Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By-Law oonfirming said
Township By-Law.
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County
of Elgin enaots as follows:-
THAT By-Law Number 1258, of the Township of Bayham, being
By-Law to provide for Closing and Stopping up the northerly portion
of road between lots 16 and 17, in the First Concession of the Township
of Bayham, be and the same is hereby confirmed.
READ a first time this 26th day of Hoyember,', 1952.
READ a second time this 26th day of ','N9"vember, 1952.
READ a third time and finally passed this 26th day of
" Nov,ember, 1952.
-) L¿ ~ f; -
Clerk W
. ",...
Township of Bayh.am
J. D. V ALLEE, Clerk and Treasurer
Phone 46
July 16th. 1952.
Mr. J. D. Thomson,
Olerk of Elgin County,
st. ~b.omas, Ont.
Dear Sir;-
Rerewith enolosed, is a oopy of our By-Law NO. 1268,
providing for the closing of a road in this Township.
Notioes were duly posted and the by-law was advertised
aocording to requirements and no ob~ections were made against
the road closing. In fact, signed permission was obtained ~rom
ad~aoent owners before proceedings were started.
This road is along a cr.ek but aooording to the
original survey of the Township, it is a given road and thus
does not require the oonsent of the Lieutenant-Gove~orin
It would be appreciated if the oounty would pass a
confirming by-law indue oourse.
" ;-
I hereb1 certl~Y the abQve to be
of Township of Bayham By.iaw ~o.
Ii true
and 09'rreot C)opy
Signed) Qhas. F. iaokson.
J. D.,
By-Law No. 1268.
æownship of. Bayham.
Being a by-law to stop up and alose and sell the northerly portion
of road betvl(~en lots 16 an d 17 in tp-a :&'i1'st 0 On(.H~sa ion of the
~owl').ahip' of Bayham. (1)
WHEREJl.S seotj.on 469, aub-seotions/(a) and ((j,) provides tb.at the
oounQ;!,l of a munj,oipallty may pass a by-law for the purpose of
stopping up and selling any highway or part of a highway;
AND 1/IJi1Ji\REJl.S it is neoesaary 'tha t this northerly po:t'tion'tof add
road be stopped up and olosed in order that the oourse of Littœe
Otter Oreek may be ohanged to provide for a naw bri'ge over same;
AND WHEREAS a signed deßla~ation from the adjacent òwners has been
obtained to the affeot that they will not· OQject to the proposed
olos:J.ng ()£ sa! d road;
AND ìV,ffEREAS it is daemed necessary and expedient that aaid road be
stopped up and olosed and aold;
WHEREFORE BE Iæ ENACTED 1>Y the M'l1nioipal Oounoil of the Township of
Bayham as follows;-
1. That the northor13' 1400£e6t of TQwnship road between lots 16
and 17 in the First OonoesSion of the said Township of .!3ayham be an,
the same is hereby stopped up anð olosed.
2. That the portion of this r,od so stopped u.,P ~a alòsed shaUbe
sold and conveyed to one or more of the adjacent owners of land.
3. That the Heeve and Oler¡; are hereby autnorized to execute and,
deliver oonveyanoe of said lands under the Oorporate Seal of this
IVIllnioi pal! ty to the, afora~aid ad jMent owner or 'owners. Up011 £laymen
of said oonveyanoe in oonneotion therewith.
4. 'JJhis by-law shall oome into' foroe and offeot after bei.ng oonfitn:
b3 a by-law of the 001.1.nty of ])lgin and r'9Qei1l'ing approval of the
Lieutenant-Governor in Ooun(1)..
Read a first time this' 2nd. day of June 1962.
Read Ii saoond time this 2nd. day of Júne 1952.
Read a third time ~ld finally passed this 7th. day of