1623 THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY LAW NUMBER 1623 Granting privileges to Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited. THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORA'l'ION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGm ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. WHEREAS by By-Law Number 1197 dUly passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the twenty-seventh day of January, 1933, a franchise was granted Southern Ontario Gas Company, 1imi~ed to construct and maintain a system of pipes for conveying and distributing gas ove~, along or upon such roads or highways, as provided, subject to the terms, condi- tions, agreements and regulations set out in Schedule nAn to said By-Law Number 1197 attached, in which franchise it was, among other things, provided: "The franchise hereby granted shall be for the term of ten years from and after the final passing of the by-law. Provided that if at any time prior to the expiration of said term of ten years or any renewal thereof, the Com- pany shall notify the Corporation in writing that it desires a renewal thereof for a fur- ther period of ten years, the Council may in its discretion renew the same from time t,o time for a further period not exceeding ten years at anyone time." 2. AND WHEREAS by letters Patent- issued December the twenty..seventh, 1939, under The Compan;tes Act (ontario) t Section 11, the property, rights. privileges and franchises of Southern ontario GaS ,Company, ,Limited became and are vested in Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited, an amalgamate corpor- ation composed of The Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited and Southern ontario Gas Company, Limited subject to all the liabil- ities, contracts, disab;tlitiesand duties of each of the Ðorpor- ations so amalgamated, !.J 3. .AND WHEREAS by By-Law Number 1402, passed the twenty- second day of January, 1943, the Council of the said Corporation , ~ 'fr.. ~ .'1" '-'~-'-'-'.- :-~..... -"-~-"_.......,-- 2. renewed B,y-LawNumber 1197 and ~he agreemen~ ~herein rererred ~o for a fur~her period of ~en years from and af~er ~he ~wenty- seventh day of January, 1943. I 4. .AND WIIIJ:BEAS Dominion Na~ural Gas Oompany", Limited, I I the said amalgama~e company, has duly no~ified the Oorpora~ion I I in writing that it desires a ,renewal of the said franchise j I granted to Southern Ontario GasOompany, Limited by said By-Law Number 1197 and of the agreemen~ entered in~o by ~he las~ named Company wi~h the ,Corpora~ion of ~he Coun~y ot Elgin pursuant to said By~Law Number 1197"for a further period of ten years from and after the twenty-seventh day of January, 1953. NOW TmmEFOHE the Council of the said Corpora~ion of the Oounty of Elgin hereby enac~.s: 1. The franchise granted by the said By-Law Number 1197 and the agreement therein referred to are hereby renewed for the period of ten years from and after the twen~y-seven~h day of January, 1953. . 2. The Warden is hereby au~horized, empowered and directed to execute and deliver on behalf of the Corporation of the Oounty of Elgin and under its corporate seal, counter- signed by, the Clerk, an agreemen~ in the form set for~h in ~he Schedule here~o annexed upon the delivery by Dominion Natural Gas Company, .Umi~ed of a counterpar~ of said agreemen~ under the seal of the said Dominion Na~ural Gas Oompany, Limi ~ed, and ~he hands of its p~oper officers in ~ha~ behalf. PASSED this 26th day of N'ovember , A.D. 1952 . 1.~ ~ ¿ ¡(:" 7/(~ - CIERK " WARDEN , fì ) ~- ~~ 'It' 0(3-33 THE SCHEDUlE ref'erred 'to in 'the f'oregoing by-1.aw. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT made the 26th day 01' November , 1952 . BETWEEN : DOMINION NATURAL GAS COMPANY, LIMITED, a body corporate and politic organized under the laws 01' the Province 01' Ontario, hereinafter called the "Company", of the First Part, and THE CORPORATION OF THE CœNrY OF EIGIN, herein- after called the "corporation" of the Second Part. WHEREAS by By-Law Number 1197 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the twenty-seventh day of January, 1933, a franchise was granted by said Corporation to Southern Ontario Gas Company, Limited, to construct and maintain a s~stem 01' pipes for, conveying and distributing gas over, along or upon such roads or highways, as provided, subject to the terms, o onditions, agreements and regulations set out in Schedule "A" to said By-Law Number 1197 attached. ANDWHERE.AS by I.ßtters Patent issued under The Companies Act (Ontario) the franohises, rights and privileges of Southern Ontario Gas Company, Limited became and are vested in Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited, an amalgamate company made up of the sSoid Southern Ontario Gas Company, Limited and The Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited, and the said Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited has requested So renewal 01' the said franchise and agreement. AND WHEREAS by By-Law Number 1402, passed the twenty- second day of January, 1943, the Council of the said Corporation " i,l ii , " ¡, I', l' I I , I I I , ,I ;¡ I , 'I , ii, iii, :ii :1 ¡I; l' II :11 ,I I I[ ,II 1\ Ii II II ;i , i' ) -' :l'- .....,..~....~..,..,,_.- ''''.=0, 2. renewed By-Law Number 1197 and ~he agreemen~ ~herein referred ~o for a fur~her period of ~en years from and after the twenty- seventh day of January, 1943. AND WHEREAS by By-Law Number 1623 passed the 26th day of November , 1952 , the said franohise and agreement has been renewed 1'01' the further term of ten years from the twenty-seventh day 01' January, 1953; and these presents are in furtheranoe 01' the said By-Law Number 1623 . NOW THEREFORE the parties hereto, their suooessors and assigns respeotively hereby oovenant, promise and agree eaoh with the other as follows, that is to say: 1. The franohise granted by the said By-Law Number 1197 and the agreemen~ therein referred to are hereby renewed 1'01' the period 01' ten years from and after the ,twenty-seventh day 01' January, 1953, upon the terms and oonditions mutatis mutandis set forth in said By-Law Number 1197. 2. The Oompany doth hereby deolare its aooeptanoe 01' the said renewal, and for itself, its suooessors and assigns, oovenants and agrees with the Oounty, its suooessors and assigns that it will perform, observe and oomply with all the agreemen~s, obligations, ~erms and oonditions in the said renewal by-law oontained, and on i~s part to be per- formed, observed and complied with, and the ,Oounty agrees to observe and perform the said renewal by-law and conditions so far as the same relate to them. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Company has hereunto affixed its oorporate seal under the hands 01' the President and Seore- tary 01' the Oompany and the Municipal Oorporation has hereunto Ai rl .' II " ;i! affixed its corporate seal under the hands of the Warden and Clerk of the Corporation. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) DOMINION NATURAL GAS COMPANY, LIMITED in the presence of ) ) By president ) ) ) By ) Secretary ) ) THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY ) OF ELGIN ) ) Íf." Y/1Uv1 ~ Warden n ) ) ) " ''',,~ " 7'.;:¡;~~~.~_.---' ~'~. 3. ',,"',' ~!',I ,¡! I LM p~ ';.,. ."N ~ . .... ~ ~'\",,'-'-' --'-'--"": c , .....;¡: _.....--....~- DCMINICN NATURAL GAS COMPANY, LIMITED 22D DELAWARE AVENUE BUFFALO 2. N. Y. Oct ober 15, 1952 The Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin On January 27, 1933 the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin duly passed By-Law Number 1197, said by-law being a franchise granted to Southern Ontario Gas Company, Limited, in which franchise it was provided among other things: "The franchise hereby granted shall be for the term of ten years from and after the final passing of the by-law. Provided that if at any time prior to the expiration of said term of ten years or any renewal thereof, the Company shall notify the Corporation in writing that it desires a renewal thereof for a further period of ten years, the Council may in its discretion renew the same from time to; time for a further period not exceeding ten years at any one time." On December 29, 1939 under The Companies Act (Ontario) the property, rights, privileges and franchises of Southern Ontario Gas Company, Limited became and are vested in Domin- ion Natural Gas Company, Limited, an amalgamate corporation composed of The Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited and Southern Ontario Gas Company, Limited. In conformance with the provisions of said By-Law Number 1197, Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited hereby advises you that it desires a renewal of said By-Law Num- ber 1197 for a further period of ten years from January 27, 1953. DOMINION NATURAL GAS COMPANY, LIMITED - J.R.REEVES ( HLR/SS " /