1652 By-Law No l652. " A By-Law to Confirm By-Law NO. 1295, of the Townshi of Bayham, Being a By-Law to stop up, and Close, and Sell the Un-Used pprtion òf Talbot Road Throu&h pàrts of..tots.129 and 130 Between Conoessions Six and Seven, Townshi~ of Bay' :un. It WHERElIB the' Counoil of the Township of Bayham on the 7th day of June, 1954, A. D., did pass By-Law No. 1295, for Stopping up, and Closing, and Selling the Un-used portion of Talbot, Road through parts of lots 129 and 130, between oon- oessions six and seven, Township of Bayham, more particularly , described in the said By-Law, true copies whereof are hereunto annexed. AND -miillRElIB pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Aot the said Township By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a by-law of the Council of the County in which the township is situate passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not sooner than three months nor later than one year after the passing of the By-Law of the Council of the 'l'ownship. AND WHEREAS application has been made' to the Council, of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By-Law oonfirming said Township By-Law. NOW TliillREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follöws: THAT By-Law No. 1295, of the Township of Bayham, Being a By-Law to Stop up, and Close, and Sell the Un-used portion of Talbot, Road Through parts of lots 129 and 130 between Concessions 6, and 7, Township of Bayham, be, and the same is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 21st day of September, 1954. READ A seoond time this 21st day of September, 1954. READ a third time and fin~lly passed this 21st day of September, 1954. ~ , " ~ - ~ . / IL! . ~I I I! p ~, :4 , ,.,. ì?; ~b ,:" )\', ! ~ I, ,¡ !I r --,~ -" . ,.,~.::: :":.. ':i:': . . ...... ,'r:¡::::;_'-"~;~_~";i: " ;F.I \ I he~eby certify the above to Township of Bayham By-Law No. be a 1295 . true ,_,._,,__,__..____.O."·..T·_~ __n_____~ Signed) Walter D. Nelson - Reeve. Signed) J. D. Vallee. lerk June 1964 . Rl'aD READ RUD a Third time 3rd. b and finally passed of this 7th. day of a seoond time a ti,rst time $his this 3rd . aay day of May May 1964 1964 . . F f~ 4. This by-laW shall aOme into foroe ana effeot after being oonfirmé by a by-law of the Oounty of Elgin' 3. That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to exeoute and del er oonveyanoe of the said lands when sold, under the Corporate Seal this Munioipality upon payment of oosts of said oonveyanoe. surveyin and any other inoidental ohargest 2. That the portion of this road so stopped up and olosed may be sol and oonveyed to one or mO~e of the aajaoent lana owners. 1. That the following portion be and is 11p and olosed. nlimel,.. Being all and singular that oertain paroel or traot of land in the TownsJ¡,ip of Bayham, in the Oounty of Elgin. and Provinoe of OntaJ being all that portion of Talbot ROad East, lying North of a line whJ may be desoribed as follows:- OOMMENOING at a point in the Northerly limit of Lot 130, South on Talbot Road East or otherwise known as L01 22, Oonoession 6, of the said Township of Bayham, distant ONE HUND~ ANP ~WEN~Y S~VEN FEE~ (127 feet) measured Easterl, thereon from a po; in the North west angle of the East half ot said Lot 130: TliENOE WesterlY, along the Northerly limit of said Lot 130, a distanoe of EIGH!i! B.U1f.DRED AND SEWN FEET (807') morE! or lees to a point in the North east angle of Lot 129. South on !i!albot Road Eaet or otherwise known as Lot 21, Conoession 6: ~HENOE Southwesterly along the Northe: limit ot said Lot 129, a distanoe of FIVE HUNDRED AND SEVFÆ!i!EEN FEE!C ( 617') more or lese to its interseotion with the Norther1, 11mi t of 'ra1bot Road I<last, as éI1verted and as desoribedin Registered Deed # 28240; THENOE South 64 degreeS 04 minutes West along the Westerly produotion of the lands ,desoribed in Registered Deed , 28~40. a dist: ot ONE HUNDRED AND !CBlRTY SIX FEET (136') more or less t~ its inter- seotionwith the Northerly limit of Talbot Road East, the same all b formerly known as a portion ofOounty Road No. 30 and desoribed in Oounty By.taw NO. 1618 and aooompanying plan. AND WaEREAS it is neoessary that this road be a new diversion of road ia now in use in this AND WHEREAS adjacent owners thU un-used road: of roaa TR&REFOBE BE ¡T ENAOTED by the MuniQipal Counoil ot the Township of Barham as follows;- the same hereby stoP} ðe$ire that some disposition be stopped up ana Vioinity: olosed a made of WHEREAS Seotion 469, sub-seotion 1 (0) and (d) provides that the oOun ota munioipality may pass a by-law for the purpose of stopping up and selling any highway or part of a highway; Being a by-law to stop up and olose and sell the un-used portion of !Calbot Road through parts ot lots 129 and 130 between oonoessions six and seven. !l!ownship of Bayham. Township By~Law No. "of Bayham. 1295