By-Law No 1653.
'To Fix Salar of the Judge of the Juvenile and
FamiJy Court of the Coun~ of EIßin, and City of
St. Thomas."
~~REAS E. Donald Smith has been
appointed Judge of the Juvenile and Family Court,
The Council of the Corporation of the County of
Elgin enacts:
TliAT the salary of E. Donald Smith,
Judge of the Juvenile and Family Court be One
Thousand Dollars per annµm, payable quarterly.
The By-Law to take effect May 1st, 1954.
Tfu~T the Corporation of the City of st.
Thomas, be charged fifty per cent of th~ {ibove amount
and billed quarterly for the same.
READ a first time this 21st day of September, 1954.
READ a second time this 2lst day of September, 1954.
READ a third time, and finally passed this 21st day of
September, 1954.
~ ø:2
Clerk. Warden.