1658 ~,,': )'j ;d Clerk " '-14'~ØfT,L----" c.='C"~ v' Warden £:1/-'/ ~~ -,._~-- ^"..----".-.. I r: ! , Ifill" ~r') , .,. By-Law No. 1658. "To Prohibit Parkin~ on County Road No. osite ROYAl Canadian Air Force Station." WHEREAS the Commanding Officer, of the Royal Canadian Air Force Station, Aylmer, has re- quested the prohibition of parking opposite main entrance òf station. AND WHEREAS Section 486, Subsection (6) of the Municipal Act provides fþr the same. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: THAT no vehicle shall be parked within one hundred feet south of the main entrance of the R. C. A. F. Station, on County Road'No. 40AA, between Lots 15 and 16, Concession $, Township of Malahide. THAT signs be erected when approval is received from the Department of Highways, Toronto. READ a first time this 24th day of November, 1954. READ a second time this 24th day of November, 1954. . READ a third time, and finally passed this 24th day of November, 1954. I"·,·, I ". /"·1 '; It,' " r>' I '~'. g,_.;,\ I, C,'," 'I, I , as to 'I'SC :DP ,~:. " Y,OU, rs J;:t:.u~y, /'¿' /, //;:, ··'·fi/~/0 /.", ~ 1< / .> ,/·e(j.··t", ,-"j/~c"~,ctv'--l'/'L/ l-:. ./ '~.s.c~í~~e.l.l ",:4.. a/I! DistrJ.c'G !V!uniciyáT Engine er I would suggest( that oLlis Ülclude the c11anges sugges '1; by-law be ed by Mr. re-enac'ted so Biokell. Any person viola'ting any 01' one provisions of tIlis by-law snaIL be Subjeot to a penalGY 01' not more than Ten Dollars f'or' tne 1'irst offence and ~ot more tnan Twent~-five dollars for every sUbsequent of'fence, exclusive of costs, am all such penalties shall be recoverable UnCleI' the n.tario Sununary Convictions Act 'l'he by-law does not conoaJ.n Such a clause snould, of the following being ohe by-laws 01' 'this king .~-'. a penalty cJLaa.se cOULse, be incluaed SoanClara clause usea in 2 ) In the seconè paragraph 01' ·the preamble referenc e is made to sect10n 486, subsec'tlon (6) 01' the Munici pal Act as the au tnorlty under wLlich the by-law is passed, but that sectlon merely provlCles the authority for the placing of' signs for guiding or Clirec'ting traf'f'ic. The secti on number of' 'tile MuniciiJa 1 AC1; under wnich oounties are autnorized to pass traí'f'ic by-law ls section 402, subsec·tJ.on 10 (c) II 'I !I /, 1 I return herewith a copy 01'your by-law. #1658 whio h has been re·Gurned from our Toront ) Of'1'loe by Mr. Bickell, Registrar 01' Motor Vehicles for the following reasons [il I" Ii Dear Mr. J .D.'rho1Jlson ClerlC-Courrty 01' Elgin County BId g . St.Thomas, Ontario ONTARIO - DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS London---Ontari 0 Dec. 6 l'íJ54 , P. O. Box 217 Sir r" "--..,."...--.' ,!"r,:';,':-; ...... '.'~ I '"-JC'.:;,r,"c."..< Enc~osu.re ,~',..""