1668 r :.;r ~' ....·,~'.......,.,....,.....,.,,.,.,....--..,,-,,·~.......'c~"V'~- ,.~. .,J <. THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1668 A By-La.w t.o amend t.he By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement. and Est.ablishing a Count.y Road Syst.em in t.he County of Elgin under the Highway I~provement Act. The Council of t.he Corporat.ion of the Count.y of Elgin enacts as By-Law Number 1668 as follows: 1. The Schedule of By-Law Number 897 being t.he original By-Law est.ablishing a County Road Syst.em in t.he Count.y of Elgin as amended by By-Law Number lO~2 being the last consolidating By-Law re_establishing the said system and further amended by subsequent amending By-Laws is hereby amended by removing there from the roads designated and described as follows: DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION I, County Road j,; No. 36 BEING t.hat portion of the existing County Road [, Number 36 or the deviations thereof in the Ii Township of Yarmouth, COMMENCING at a point in the Westerly limit of the Road betwen Lots 18 and 19, Concession 8, distant SIX HUNDRED FEET (600t) measured Northerly thereon from its intersection with the Southerly limit of said Lot 18; THENCE Southerly, along the Westerly limit of said road and its Southerly extensiont a distance of SiX HUNDRED AND SIXTY SIX FEET (666t) to its inter- section with the Northerly limit of Concession 7; THENCE Easterly, along the Northerly limit of Concession 7, a distance of SEVEN HUNDRED AND T\tŒNTY M NINE AND FIVE TENTHS FEET (729.5t)j THENCE North westerly, in a straight line, a distance of TWO , HUNDRED AND FORTY SEVEN AND NINETY TWO ONE~HUN- DREDTHS FEET (247.92t) more or less to its intersection with a point in the Southerly limit of Concession 8, distant FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY ONE FEET (44lt), measured Easterly thereon from 'f, its intersection wit.h the Easterly limit of t.he road between Lots 18 and 19, Concession 8; :'1 i,i I I] i\ í ;lL ~\ :, ·)¿f", :~" Æ¡lT~';'§\'. )i? County No. Road 36 ':'; .""':~~-.".. -'"" THENÓEWESTERLX, . å.iong'<i>he ..' 'Southerly ),:i.IIl'i.t:. .of' Concesæion $, a distance of FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY ONE FEET (441'); THENCE Northerly, along the Easterly limit of the road between Lots 18 and 19, Concession 8, a distance of FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY ONE FEET (441'); THENCE North westeriy, in a straight line, a distance of ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY SIX AND' FIFTY THREE ONE_HUNDREDTHS FEET (166.53') more or less to the place of beginning. BEING that portion of the existing County Road Number 12 or the deviations thereof in the Town- ' ship of Yarmouth, COMMENCING at a point in the Northerly limit of said Lot 20, distant SIX HUNDRED AND FORTY AND NINE TENTHS FEET (640.9'), measured Westerly thereon from its intersection with the Westerly limit of the road laid out between Lots 20 and 21: THENCE South 0° 15' East, a distance of SEVEN FEET (7'); THENCE South easterly on a curve to the right, the radius of which is SEVEN HUNDRED AND SEVEN AND NINETY FOUR ONE-HUND- REDTHS FEET (70fl.94') and the long chord of which has a length of SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY FOUR FEET (664') on a bearing of South 62° 17' East, a distance of SIX HUNDRED AND NINETY ONE AND ELEVEN ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (691.11'), arc. m.easurement; THENCE South 34" 19' East, a distance of THREE THOUSAND AND TWENTY ONE AND FORTY SEVEN ONE-HUNDRED- ~HS FEET (3021.47'); THENCE South easterly on a curve to the right, the radius of which is ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY TWO AND SIXTY NINE ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (1432.69') and the long chord of which has a length of EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVEN AND TWO ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET ($07.02') on a bearing of South 17° 57' 30ft East, a distance of EIGHT HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN AND NINE ONE~HUNDREDTHS FEET (818.09'), ar& measurem~nt; THENCE North 88· 24' East, a distance of SEVENTY THREE FEET (73') to a point in the Easterly limit of the road allowance I: J ;¡ ;1 ¡i ~¡ d 11,0 , County No. Road 46 .. ""THENCE North 2° 30' West, a20ng the Easterly limit of said road a12owance, a distance of ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY FIVE AND THIRTY FIVE ONE~HUNDREDTHS FEET (145.35'); THENCE North westerly, ona curve to the left, the radius of which is ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND TWELVE AND SIXTY NINE ONE~HUND~ REDTHS FEET (1512.69') and the long chord of which has a length of SEVEN HUNDRED AND ELEVEN AND FORTY FOUR ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (711.44') on a bearing of North 20° 42' 50" West, a distance of SEVEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN AND THIRTY THREE ONE~HUNDRED- THS FEET (718.33'); THENCE North 34° 19' West, a distance of THREE THOUSAND AND TWENTY ONE AND FORTY SEVEN ONE~HUNDREDTHS FEET (3021.47'); THENCE North Westerly, on a curve to the left, the radius of which is SEVEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTY SEVEN AND NINETY FOUR ONE~HUNDREDTHS FEET (787.94') and the long chord has a lengt~ of SIX HUNDRED AND f' ' FITY FIVE AND-'EIGHT ONE~HUNDREDTHS FEET (655.08) on a bearing of North 58ò 52' 46" West, a distance of SIX HUNDRED AND ¡SEVENTY FIVE AND FIFTY NINE ONE~HUNDREDTHS FEET (675.59') more or less to a point in the Northerly limit of the road allowance between Concessions 7 and 8; THENCE South89ð 45' West, along the Northerly limit of said road allowance, a distance of NINETY THREE AND FORTY ONE~HUNDREDTHS FEET (93.40'); THENCE south 0° 15' East, a distance of SIXTY SIX FEET (66') to the place of beginning. BEING that portion of the existing County Road " Number 46 or the deviations thereof in the Town- ship of Bayham, COMMENCING at a point in the North east angle of said Lot 5; THENCE South along the East limit of said Lot 5, a distance of THREE HUNDRED AND THREE AND THIRTY ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (303.30'); THENCE South easterly in a straight line, a distance of TWO HUNDRED ANI> NINETEEN AND \ ( ~ ~ I I II 'I II 'I !i I ¡: , i' I j .~··c:·_··,~-,.-..~,...~~.,...· ._i·-"''''~~_· FORTY EIGHT ONE_HUNDREDTHS FEET (219.48') ~o a poin~ in ~he Westerly limit of said Lot 6, distant FIVE HUNDRED AND THREE FEET (503'), measured Southerly thereon from a point in the North west angle of said Lot 6; THENCE North along the West limit of said Lot 6, a distance of FIVE HUNDRED AND THREE FEET, (503'); THENCE Westerly, in a straight line, a distance of SIXTY SIX AND SEVENTY TWO ONE.HUNDREDTHS FEET (66.72') to the place of beginning. 2. The roads as designated and described in paragraph 1, 2, 3. are hereby removed from the County Road System of the County of Elgin. 3. This By-Law shall come into force upon the approval thereof by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. FINALLY PASSED at the City of St. Thomas, in the County of Elgin, this 23rd day of March, 1955. VÁ Warden ~, Clerk. '" '.,þ." COUNTY ROAD II 36 PORTI ONS OF ROAD TO BE REVERTED TO THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH. . ~. ROAD between Concessions 7 and 8~ in rear of Lot 20t Concession 7 ~ying East of the hereinafter described parce~. 2~ RO.AID laid out between Lots 20 and 21, lying North of the hereinafter described parcel. 3';: TrIOSE PORTIONS of the Roads Laids out by the Board of ~uarter Sessions under By~laws 83 and 151, dated April 12th.' 1831 and October 9th. 1837, which lie outside the boundaries of the hereinafter described parcel. 4. THAT PORTION of the RoadAllowan~e laid out between Lots 21 and 22, whioh lies North of the hereinafter desoribed paroel, ALL OF WIITCH ARE SHOWN on the attaohed plan outlined in red. ALL .AND SJNG'ULA.:Rthose certain þarcel or traots of land in the Township of Yarmouth. in the County of Elgin and provinoe of Ontario, being composed of Parts of Lots 20 and 21, in the 7th. Conoession of the said Township of Yarmouth and whioh may be more particularly deso:ribed as follows:~ PREmSINGtha:t the bearing of the Northerly limit of Lot 20, Conoession 7 is North 89" 45' East. COtWŒNCING at a point in the Northerly limit of sai<l Lot 20 t distant SIX HUNDHED AND FORTY .AND NI:ÞTE TENTHS FEET (640.9¡!), measured Westerly thereon from its intersection with the Westerly limit of the road laid out between Lots 20 and 21; TEENCE south 0" 15' East, a distance of SEVEN F1!:ET (7'); THENCE South easterly, on a ourvetothe right, the radius of whioh is SEllEN HUNDRED .AND SEVEN .AND NINETY FOUR QNE~HUNDREDTHS FEET (707.94~) and the long ohord of whioh has a length of SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY FOUR FEET (664') on a bearing - of South 62° 17' East, a distanoe of SIX HUNDRED .AND ~tETY ONE AND ELEVEN ONE-É."uN'DREDTHS FEET (691~,ll')' arc. measurement; TrrmNCE South 34° 19! East, a distance of THREE THOUS.AND JiID) TWEN'TY ONE .AND FORTY S],'VEN ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (3021.47') ; , l~: .~'1c,. I I "",:;--.""", <-. COUNTY ROAD # 36 Portionsto be reverted ...2- THENCE South easterly on a curve to the right, 'the radius of which is ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY TWO AND SIXTY NINE OJli!E-HUNDlTh""DTHB FEET (1432~69') and the long chord of which has a le.ngth of EIGHT HUNDRED AND S1!.'V'EN AND TlVO ONE- HUNDREDTHS FEET (807'.02') on a bearing of South 17° 57~ 30" East, - a distance of EIGHT HUNDRED AND EI:GHTEEI'I AND NINE ONE...HUNDREDTHS FEET (818.09'), arc measuremeD,t; THENCE Horth 88° 24t East, a distance of SEVENTY THREE FEET (73') to a point in the Easterly ]¡imit of the road allo'wance .. between Lots 21 and 22, Concession 7; T.l-IENCE North 1° 30' west, along the Ea.sterly limit of said road allowance, a distance of ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY FIVE AND EU.RTY FIVE ONE-HUJ:;.TDRJ1!>T.l-IS FEET (145~35'); THENCE Horth westerly, on a Cì.U'V6.. to the left, the radius of which is ONE THOUSAND FIVEHUNDlTh""D AND TWELVE AND SIXTY NDŒ QN1!]-HUNDREDTHS FEET (1512.69') and the 101llg chord of which has a length of S:E:V'EfNl HUNDRED AND < ELEVEN AND FORTY FOUR 01\1E-HUNDREDTHB FEET (1'/;3;'1.44t) on a bearing of North 20° 42~ 50" Wes't.adistance .. of SEVE!.\! <HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN AND THIRTY THREE ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (718..33!) ; THENCE North 34° 19' West, a distance of THREE THOUSAND AND '~WEN'fi ONE .AND FORTY sEVEÑ ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (302l~47<'); - TI:JENCE North westerly, on a curve to the left, 'the radius of which is SEVE!.\! HUNDRED AND EIGHTY ,SEVEN AND NINETY FOUR ONE- HOlilDREDTI-IS FEET (787.94') and the long chord haS a length of SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY FIVE AND EIGHT ONE-HUNDRE:DTES FEET (655,,08) on a bearing of North 58° 52' 46" West, a distance of SIX HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FIVE·m FIFTY NINE ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (675~59,t) more or less to a point. in the Northerly limit of the road allowance between Concessions 7 and 8; -¡"'-~_'!""'''C',,::,,~~CF:,.:'!:_ '''''''I:~~.' .--- ---~ " TlillNCE South 8go 4~' West, along the Northerly limit of said road allowance, a distance of NINETY THREE AND FORTY ONE-HU:m)REDTBS FEET (93.40'); TlillNCE South 0° 15,' East, a distance of SIXTY SIX FEET (65~) to the place of beginning~ .oPP I ((}ß // ONTARI 0 LAND SURVEYOR. ; st. Thomas, ontario. February 7th. 1955. -3- COUNTY ROAD # 35 Portions to be reverted i \) 'I~ í, . ,j' ''.' ~ ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin and province of Ontario, being composed of a portion of the Road allowance between Lots 5 and 6, Concession 8 in the said Township and which may be more particularly desoribed as follows:- I I , ! COMMENCING at a point in the.North east angle of said Lot 5; THENCE South along the East limit of said Lot 5, a distanoe of T.HRHII!: HUNDRED AND THR.t1~ AND THIRTY ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (503,.30'); THENCE South easterly in a straight line, a distance of TWO HUNDRED AND NINETEEN .AND FORTY EIGHT ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (219.481) to a point in the Westerly limit of said Lot 6, distant FIVE HUNDRED .AND THREE FEET (503'), measured Southerly thereon from a point in the North west angle of said Lot 6; THENCE North along the West limit of said Lot 6, a distance of FIVE HUNDRED .AND THREE FEET (503'); THENCE Westerly, in a straight line, a distance of SIXTY SIX.AND SEVENTY TWO ONE--HUNDREDTHS FEET (66.72') to the place of beginning. TEŒ PORTION OF ROAD described above is outlined in red on the attached plan. oJ!~ ~ ~. ' //i ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR.. st. Thomas, Ontario. February 18th. 1955. I~ . I ! .~"~~"W'~f)!;""'~"'~N ,""~,tt.,>,,,·~,\·",. COUNTY ""'Pf'.';'I!'~-P''''' ROAD '"'iM';;''''(\~':'.''''',":/N;:' If 46 PORTION OF R01ID ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 5 and 6, CONCESSION 8, IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYIDIM, TO BE REVERTED BY THE COUNTY OF ELGIN TO THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM~ 'PIC <"-"',"; oW ë,ry , ~l~1\<1! ¡i: ~: , ! GOUNTY ROAD # 36 Portions of Roads to divert to the Township of Yarmouth 1'rom the County 01' Elgin. ALL .AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and preI\lÌses situate, lying and being in the Township ot Yarmouth, in the County ot Elgin and province of Ontario, being composed ot Part ot the Road between Concessions 7 and 8 and part ot the Road between Lots 18 and 19, Concession 8, in the said Township and which may be more particularly described as follows:- CONIMENCING at a point in the Westerly limit of the Road between Lots 18 and 19, Concession 8, diS'tant SIX HUNDRED FEET (600'), measured Northerly thereon trom its intersection with the southerly limit of said Lot 18; THENCE Southerly, along the Westerly limit ot said road aEld its Southerly extension, a distance ot SIX HUNDRED .AND SIXTY SIX FEET (666') to its intersection with the Northerly limit of Concession 7; TID~CE Easterly, along the Northerly limit ot Concession 7, a distance ot SEVEN HUNDRED .AND TWDTY NINE .AND FIVE TENTHS FEET (729.5'); TI-œCE North westerly, in a straight line, a distance of TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY 1SJ£V,l!;l'¡j! 1\ND NINETY TWO ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET , (247~92') more or less to its intersection with a point in the' Southerly limit of Concession 8, distant FOUR HUNDRED .AND FORTY ONE FEET (441'), measured Easterly thereon trom its intersection with the Easterly limit of the road between Lots 18 and 19, Concession 8; THENOE Westerly, along the Southerly limit ot ooncession 8, a distance ot FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY ONE FEET (441'); THENCE Northerly, along the Easterly limit ot the road M between Lots 18 and 19, Conces~ion 8, a distance ot FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY ONE FEET (441'); THENOE North westerly, in a straight line, a distance ot ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY SIX .AND FIFTY THREE ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (166.53') more or less to the place of beginning. ~ . of;;# - ST., THOMAS, ONTARIO, ONTARIO L.AND SURVEYOR. January 27th. 1955.