WHEREAS Subsection 3 of Section 41 of the Highway Traffic Act
prøvides that;-
The driver or øperator of every vehicle, or car of an electric
railway shall before entering or crossing a Through Highway bring the
vehicle or car to a full stop immediately before entering the nearest
crosswalk, ør if none, at a clearly marked stop-line or if there is no
crosswalk or stop-line, then immediately before entering the travelled
portion of the Through Highway.
"THROUGH HIGHWAY" shall mean any highway or part of highway
designated as such by the Minister or by By-Law of a municipality approved
by the Department of Highways, and every such highway shall be marked to
comply with the regulations of the Department of Highways.
NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the
County of Elgin enacts as follows:
1. The following County Roads as shown colored hi"", on the map
attached hereto and numbered and described in Schedule A of Consolidated
By-Law No. 1052, which was passed on the 27th day of June, 1925, and
approved by the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council on the 9th day of September,
1925, to conso1idate and revise the By-Law establishing a County Road
System in the County of Elgin, and amendments thereto, shall be "THROUGH
HIGHWAYS," namely:
County Road No. 1 - Throughout.
County Road No. 2 - Throughout.
County Road No. 3 - Throughout.
County Road No. 4 - Throughout.
County Road No. 5 - Throughout.
County Road No. 6 - Throughout.
County Road No. 8 - From the Village of Dutton, to Thames River, and
from County Road No. 16 to King's Highway No.3, at Wal1acetown.
County Road No. 9 - Except where it intersects County Roads No. 1 and
County Road No. 10 - Throughout.
County Road No. 12 - From County Road No. 14, to County Road No.8,
and also from County Road No.8, to Tait's Bridge on Thames River.
_··~·-~··_·C'2""'- ,.---..---:--
County Road No. 13 From the Village of Dutton to the intersection
with" County Road No. 14.
County Road No. 14 - Except where it intersects King's Highway No.3
at lona.
County Road No. 16 - Throughout.
County Road No. 17 - Throughout.
County Hoad No. 18 - From County Road No. 14 to County Road No. 19
County Road No. 19 - From King's Highway No. 3 to County Road No. 17
County Road No. 20 - EKcept where it intersects King'~ Highway No. 3
and County Road No. 16.
County Road No. 22 - Throughout.
County Road No. 24 - Throughout.
County Road No. 25 - Throughout.
County Road No. 27 - From the intersection at County Road No. 36, at
Sparta, to the Village of Union, and from the Village of Union, to Port
Stanley, except where it intersects King's Highway No.4.
County Road No. 30 - Throughout.
County Road No. 33 - Throughout.
County Road No. 34 - Throughout.
County Road No. 36 - Throughout.
County Road No. 37 - Except where it intersects County Road No. 47.
County Road No. 38 - Except where it intersects King's Highway No. 19,
at Straffordvi1le.
County Road No. 40 - Except where it intersects King's Highway No.3.
County Road No. 40AA - From King~s Highway NO.73, to the Ay~ner Airpor
County Road No. 41 - Throughout, in the Village of Vienna.
County Road No. 42 - Throughout.
County Road No. 45 - Except where it intersects King's Highway No. 73,
and County Road No. 40. M
County Road No. 46 - Except where it intersects King's Highway No.3,
to Eden.
County Road No. 47 - Throughout.
County Road No. 48 - Throughout.
County Road No. 49 - From County Road No. 52, in the Village of
Springfield, to County Road No. 48.
~--""'-,'~";''''-.- ".",
No; 50 - Throughout.
County Road No. 51 - Throughout.
County Road No. 52 - Throughout.
County Road No. 53 - Except where it intersects John Street, in the
Town of Aylmer.
2. That all By-Laws inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.
3. This By-Law shall not become effective until approved by the
Deparil1Ì!1ent of Highways, and until signs have been erected, and are on
display in compliance with the regulations of the said Department.
READ a first time this 15th day of June, 1955.
READ a second time this 15th day of June, 1955.
READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of June, 1955.
(i~ ß 7'{A/-4,
Clerk Warden