1672 Clerk Warden ./ '~~ READ a third time and finally passed this January 20th day . of January , 1956 READ a second time this READ a first time this 20t'h 20th day of day of January 1956 1956 , Township of Bayham , be , and the same is hereby confirmed. through Concession 4 , and, the northerly portion of same in Concession 3 , to stop up and close , and sell the sideroad between lots 25 and 26, THAT By-Law No. 1318, of the Township of Bayham being a By-Law Elgin enacts as follows: NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of By-Law. Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By-Law AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Council of the confirming said Township Council of the Township. months, nor later than one year , after the passing of the By-Law of the passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not sooner than three By-Law of the Council of the County in which the township is situate the said Township By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal , AND Act hereunto annexed . more particularly described in the said By-Law , true copies whereof are 4 , and the northerly portion of same in Concession 3 , Township of Bayham, closing , and selling the sideroad between lots 25 and 26 through Concession of September WHEREAS the Council of the Township 1955 , A D , did pass By-Law No . of Bayham l3l8, for stopping up and on the 6th day Townshi Through Concession " . and the and Sell the Northerl Bein sideroad between lots 25 and ortion of same in Concession By-Law to Sto 'A Bv-Law To Confirm Bv-Law No. u and Close 1318 of the Townshi a 26 ~ , , ' Clerk of Bayham Yours very Twp. passed at our meeting of October 3rd. Also enclosed is a copy of resolution duly course would pass the usual confirming by-law It would be appreciated if the County, i1Jî due Bayham By-Law No. 1318 closing up a certain road. Herewith enclosed is a copy of Township of Dear Sir:- Mr. J. D. Thomson, Clerk of Elgin County St. Thomas, Onto Township of Bayham ]. D. VALLEE. Clerk and Treasurer Phone 46 STRAFFORDVILLE, Oct. ONTARIO 6th. 1955. ... . . By-Law No. 13~ (~lrk~~--:- copy of Township of Bayham I, J. D. Vallee of Bayham, hereby Signed Walter D. certify the above to be Clerk '" Nelson ............... eeve. of the Corporation (Signed a true and of the Township Vallee ) J . D . correct . er:K. RiAD October a third time 1955. day of and fina.lly passed this Bept. 3rd. day of READ a second time RKA, ) this a first time this 6th. 6th. day of Sept. 1955. 1955. 4. 'rhat this by",1a.w E;ha,ll come into force and effect after' being confirmed by a. by.1aw of the Oounty of Elgin. 3. That the Reeve and Clerk are. hereby authorized to execute and deliver convêyance of the said lands when sold. under the Oorporate Seal of thé Township of Bayham and upon paymen1:; of costs of said conveyance. surveying and any other incidental charges. 2. That the said portions of this sideroad so stopped up and closed may be sold and conveyed to yhe res~ective adja~ênt landowners. 1. That the sideroad between 101:;$25 and 26. Concession 4. together with thø same in Concession ,. save and except the southerly 1270 feet. be and the same is hereby stopped up and closed. THEREFORE BE IT E!<JACTED Bayham as follows;... by the Municipal council of the Township of. above WHEREAS Sèction 469. Sub...section 1 (c) and (d) of The Municipal Act., 1950. provides that the council of a municipality may pass a by.law for the purpose of stopping up and selling any highway or part of a highway; . AND ·WHEREAS adjacent owners þa.ve expressed a desire that the mentioned road be stopped up and sold; and expedient AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary stopped up and sold; that sa.id road. be e Being a by.law to stop up and close and. sell the sideroad between lots 25 and 26 through Concession 4 and the northerly portion of same in Concession 3. To\~ship of Bayham. Township of Bayham. By·Lm<f No. l31S