1681 ¡~ -" I !! :i ~ Clerk The Elgin County Council enacts: THAT the salary o£ Mr. Fred A. Bell, County Engineer, and Road Superintendent, be Four thousand, £our hundred Dollars per ~nnum, payable monthly, and e£fective ,]Mar 1st, 1959. THAT By-Law No. l6~7 be repealed. I THAT By-Law No. 1352, be, and is hereby amended. READ a £irst time this 13th day o£ June, 1956. READ a second time this 13th day o£ June, 1956. READ a third time, and £ina1ly passed this 13thday o£ June, 1956. ~~,. {;y , Warden .. r.." ,000¡f.rA~~'W\!Wi@ÔW~~$''4<;iW.¡~!1:·~:mÆ*,ìÞÞ?f-f.;J&'J.k~*W;'''ß;Sßfi'i·'~1)\':;,,*)Wïl~W~Mf},,,g>Ø~k\,!\~V:IiJ.';T\"'~'w"""'~~·'r::o·''''''~rnt'~1f.c¢.t'j.':ffiI)W,\1~'**1iØ¡;t"'\~~*.i:t{'_11!ij ,,'i}'>.::':""";',':""·· .__.,k., "--,"',,_. '.'. . .,;:, ." """':,.., . ·D;T.....ua. .''¡''. '. .,,·,;.J..UO'-L·········· .. . ... ........J , , "To Amend Bv-Law No. :1 . "3 ¡;-:> f:~{.¡¡i""':.J~!;~:ff:t'ií.;.;'#%,,"'::-,¡;<::ìfðr~"'~\'%,~'t'i.W;Ii;;.'Wi;AAW:ffl!>~·~ ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Toronto 2, July 18th, 1956. Mr. J.D. Thomson, Clerk, County of Elgin, Court House, St. Thomas, Ontario. Dear Sir; RE County of Elgin By-law No. 168], This is to inform you that the Honourable Jas. N. Allan, Minister of Highways, has approved of the attached By-law No. 1681 of the County of Elgin, increasing the salary of the Engineer and Road Superintendent, Mr. Fred A. Bell, from $3,600.00 per annum plus 5 cents per mile to $4,400.00 per annum, effective the 1st day of May, 1956. Yours very truly, ~. vy ~~~~'¡¡., t!..V. Ludgate >1' 1 /(j/J, Municipal En ineer. JVL/MF Attach. If."".-);,,'.., ,<,;,' !~" 1/: ';" '~).>' .r" , \., \(': v' , /, '-.,/':." M on the 13th day of June, 1956. ,...,. , c~ '~' ':.11 &.:/.__ ·,'n.:; .,~.:~ ~ ,,'oUDty: :erk ~ AfFPROVED. ~ ~ ~ ~·;..'I,' ·ลก 1\ l\~ i i "T-o, . Amend Jh...La\',' No IJ,5;?,',.'~ The Elgin County Oouncil en~cts~ 'I'lll'I' the salar'Y ot Mr. Fred A. Ball. CóuníYEnl:';ineer. and Roi\\d, Superintendent. be Four thousand. tour hW1drad Dollars per annum. payable ¡nonthly, a.nd etfeet.ive tP~ '¡May: 1st. î9Sp. TUN!' ~y..Law.No. 3.647 bl$¡ repealed. THAT By..¡'aw No. 13;2. be. Imd is het'eby amended. :READ a first t.ime this 13th day of' .rUl1.é, 1956. READ iii. second time this 13th day of June, 1956. READ a thi~d time, and finally passed this 13thday . 01' June. 1956. { ,dft~" ~/~ 7 c~erk \\)¡u'den , I, J. D. Thomson, Clerk of the Co~poration of the Countyof Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-Law No.16$±, passed by the Council of the said Corporation ..;." on the 13th day of June, 1956. /oun1; ~ erk. Alf'PR0VED ;1 <¡"