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1685 ON THE COUNTY ROAD ROAD SYSTEM ESTABLISHED UNDER THE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT AND ON COUNTY BRIDGES IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. a Supplementary , WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that ~EXEX expenditure i on county road,s and bridges be provided for ~ by county by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. AND WHEREAS the expenditure for the said purposes last year was $.............0'.......... which required a levy of ...... G." mills on the assessment of$... It".... It"..... ti...,,·· AND WHEREAS the. Council of th~ corporat58n08ö 8ae said County desires to expend for the ,saJ.d purposes thJ.s year $...,...~............ ',~" for which it ,i,s ,prepared to levy an, estimate of ......... mills on the assessment of $ (I & . " . co 0 . . . . . . . . . . " . .' . . .. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said County enacts as follows:- ( 1) The sum of $50,000.00_ is hereby appropriated ;~~~fg~~ê r raised by levy, debentur~s and government subsidy for expen~J.ture upon construction and maintenance of the roads:xæxk~ under its jurisdiction during the year 1956 as follows:- BRIDGES & ROADS CULVERTS TOTAL CONSTRUCTION.................... $ 50,000.00 $ $ 50,000.00 - MAl NTENANCE. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. $ $ $ NEW MACHINERy......... G . . . . . . . .. $ $ MISCELL'ANEOU8.. . .. . ... . . . .. .. .. .'. $ $ - ..........-.-' - TOT A L S .$ 50,000.00 ~ ~ 50,000.00 ( 2) The said moneys shall be expended under the supervision of the duly I appointed county road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways. I I Passed at~.~ Thomas, 21st. November A.D.19~ ' ' this day of ! ( SEA L ) ~ P(}~ .-J ¡~~/ ¡j7~ (I ,;. /' Warden I, J. D. Thomson. ._~, Clerk of the Corporation of the Count y of Elgin, ~ .----, , do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 168$, passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 21st day of November 19 56. v' "';';'. ,I i' " ~ II ~ HIGHWAYS Toronto 2 December 19th, 1956 Mr. J.D., Thomson, Clerk, County of Elgin, Coùrt House, St. Thomas, Ontarie Dear Sir: Re: Supplemental Hoad Appropriation By-law No. 1685 ___¿illQ un t -=---JS.o..,.oilll...OO- Please be advised that the above cited by-law has re- ceived consideration as a charge against the allotment for Special Capital Projects contained in the Department's estimates for the current fiscal year. The Honourable Jas. N. Allan, Minister of Highways, has approved of the proposed expenditure, for subsidy purposes to a limi t of ,I. 50,000.00 for construction, <Ii' é3ubject to the following conditions: l. That the appropriation shall be used for the purposes set out in the by-law and supporting programme and shall not be diverted to any other purpose, 2. That the individual works of road construction and bridge construction and the purchase of each unit of equipment or ma chinery and the award of contracts for same shall be subject to approval, 3. That the District Municipal Engineer shall be informed and his consent obtained before the proposed work or purchase is advertised or any commitment j,s made by the ¡V¡uni cipality. A copy of the by-law as approved is returned herewith Yours very truly, ('\ '1 \ ' I Jt_~¿~,-,"-JJ--q ø...JC,~ j, V. Ludgate, Municipal Engineer JVL/GB Attach. " November 26th Date 1956 If insufficient room attach additional -Bheets giving the data in the ".~. form , ~¡;) /:' J <: /, ,ß..c)J . t ./f/l c I'-.flf' County Road Supefintendent indicated County contributions, under Sections 28 and 28AH.I.A.) GRAND TOTALS l So' Bø-r;> (5) (6) URBAN IMPROVEMENT ( ..;;-e'~ SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (4) CONTINGENCIES AND MISCELLANEOUS (3) NEW MACHINERY " Bridges and Culverts Winter (Minor Guardrails, Signs, Control - Snow Fence. Marking Plowing, Repairs) Sanding, Salting TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE Zone Ditches, Weed Spraying, Drains, Cutting, Catch Basins, Curbs, Brushing, Fence Bonus Tile Gutters, Drainage Assessments Dust Laying - Calcium, Patching, Salt, Dragging, Oil, Prime Stçme or Gravel Blading Pavement Patching, Crack Filling, Sweeping ORDINARY Bridges and Culverts (Major Repairs) Surface'I'reatment Miles Resurfacing (Gravel or Stone) Miles Resurfacing (Pavement) Miles (1) CONSTRUCTION ROADS (County & Location :3 :¿ """, ,lctJ¡/vI,(Jy ,. Cf rl/f Sla.rLéßA-6 In 0( í"7.M.. L.:., þ 'n¡A-~'¿f.~ ~ !J>",rYl.41. (2) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS (County & Suburban) TYPE & LOCATION MAINTENANCE EXTBAQRDI¡.[ARY BRIDGES NOT ON COUNTY ROADS (Section 23 TYPE & LOCATION H, I. A ) TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCTION fí) A.ðl..ot~ a-7I1vl-",~:--' Nature of (¿-L a !; fl, 1..1.. ,Ú. ii· / I e' I,," , Work ,~ ,~ '-'Lfl.V'"'' .L;, ~-q &>,C> 0 é.> c?'lpo ,tp.t::;> o 6'-&'-'" ' tH:> , 111nJcf? p-t> , /1 ~.~O , ~2~>ø.cè) ) -.22-00,0<;> , <f ~ -=L0' OOL' - ,jrð-o-O ) Op Suburban) Miles COüNTY OF~ ROAD PROGRAMME FO~ THE YEAR l~ ESTIMATED COST - - COUNTY SUBURBAN