1686 By-J"aw No. 1686 A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting a ~lan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin under the Highway Improvement Act. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as By-Law Number 1668 as follows: 1. The Schedule of By-Law Number 897 being the original By-Law establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin as amended by By-Law Number 1052 being the last consolidating By-Law re-establishing the said systßm and further amended by subsequent amending By-Laws is hereby amended by removing there from the roads designated and described as follows: DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION County Road BEING All and Singular that certain parcel or tract No. 13. of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Village of Dutt,on, in the County of Elgin, and Province of Ontario, being composed of Part of the Road between Concessions A and 5, South of A, opposite Lot 14 and Part of the travelled road on Lot 14, Concession A, connecting Shackleton Street and the Road between Con- cession A and 5, South of A, in the Village of Dutton, which may be more particularly described as follows:- PREMISING that the bearing of the Southerly limit of Lot ll~, Concession A is North 450 East. COlVJlVIENCING at a point in the Southerly limit of Lot 14, Concession A, distant FOUR HUNDRED AND TWENTY-THREE AND TWENTY-FIVE ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (423.25'), measured Westerly thereon from a ",point in the South east angle of said Lot 14; THENCE North 690 East, a distance of ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY TWO AND TWENTY THREE ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (162.23') to a point in the Northerly limit of Lot 14, Concessj,on 5, South of A; THENCE South 45 West, along the Northerly limit of Lot 14, Concession 5, South of A, a distance of ONE THOUSAND AND FORTY FIVE FEET (lOl~5') to its intersection with the Westerly limit of the said travelled road on Lot 14, Concession A THENCE road, a distance of THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-THREE FEET (353') more or less to its intersection with the Southerly limit of Shackleton Street; THENCE Easterly, along the Southerly limit of Shackleton Street, a distance of SIXTY FEET (601) mor,e or less toitsint-ersection with the Easterly limit of the travelled road; THENCE South- erly, along the Easterly limit of the said travelled road, a distance of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY SEVEN FEET (2$7') more or less to its intersection with the Soutrr er1y limit, of said Lot 14, Concession A; THENCE Easterlym along the Southerly limit of said Lot 14, Concession A, a distance of EIGHT HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SEVEN FEET ($37') more or less to the place of beginning. THE ROADS intended to be described above are outlined in red on the accompanying plan. County Road ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of No.4 land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town- ship of Aldborough, in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario, being composed of Part of the Road Allowance laid out across Lot 1, Concession 7, immediately Northerly of the Right of Way of the New York Central Railroad (Canada Southern Railway) inthe said Township of Ald- borough and which may be more particularly described as follows:; PREMISING that the Westerly limit of said Lot 1 has a bearing of North 41° 22' West, CO~~4ENCING at a point in the intersection of the Southerly limit of the said road allowance and the Westerly limit of . . sa:Ld Lot 1; THENCE North 55 33' East, along the Southerly limit of the said road allowance and along the Nort,herly limit of the said Right of Way of the New York Central Railroad, a distance of SEVEN HUNDRED AND FORTY SEVEN AND NIN~TY ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (747.901) . , THENCE North 34° 27' West, a distance of T~ŒNTY SIX AND EIGHTY ONE HUNDREDTHS FEET (26.$0'): THENCE South 85° 18' West, a distance of Seventy Nine Feet (79') to its intersection with the Northerly limit of the said road allowance; THENCE South 55' 33' West, along the Northerly limit of said road allowance a distance of SIX HUNDRED FEET (l6.74'), measured Easterly there on from its inter- section with the Westerly limit of said Lot 1; TRENCE South 26' 55' East, a distance of SIXTY SIX AND FIFTY SEVEN ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (66.57') to the place of beginning, CONTAINING by admeasurement ONE (I) ACRE BE the same more or less. County Road ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of No.4. land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Aldborough, in the County of Elgin, and Province of Ontario, being composed of a part of the road between Concessions 7 and 8, and Part of the road used in lieu thereof, across Part of Lot D, Concession 8, in the said Township of Aldborough and 'l'rhich may be more particularly described as follows:-COMMENCING at a point in the intersection of the Easterly limit of Lot D, Concession 8, and the Southerly limit of the road used in lieu of the road between Concessions 7 and 8; THENCE South 55' 51' West, along the Southerly limit of said road, a distance of THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN AND FORTY SEVEN ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (315.47'); THENCE North 85' 47' West, a distance of ONE HUNDRED AND SIX AND THIRTY THREE ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (106.33') to a point in the Northerly limit of said road; THENCE North 55' 51' East, along the Northerly limit of said road, a distance of THREE HUNDRED AND NINETY ONE AND ONE TENTH FEET (39l.1') to a poi~in the Easterly limit of said Lot D; THENCE SOUTH 66' 46' East, a distance of SIXTY SIX AND FORTY SIX ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (66,46') to the place of beginning. County Road BEING that portion of County Road No. 46, in the No. 460 " Township of Bayham, which may be more particulary des- cribed as follows: - CO~[ENCING at a point in the Easterly limit of Lot 5, Concession 10, a distance of ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY TWO AND TWENTY FOUR ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (l192.24'), measured Southerly thereon from a point in the North east angle of said Lot 5: THENCE Northerly, along the Easterly limit of said Lot 5, a distance of ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY T1¡iO AND TWENTY FOUR " ì , ~' I, I ,- ~ , along the Southerly limit of the Town Line between the Town- ships of Dereham and Bayham, a distance of SIXTY SEVEN AND SIXTY TWO ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (67.62') to a point in the North west angle of Lot 6, Concession 10; THENCE , ' Southerly, along the Westerly limit of said Lot 6, a distance of ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND TWO AND SIXTY TWO ONE.HUNDREDTHS FEET (1502.62'); THENCE North westerly in a straight line, a distance of THREE HUNDRED AND TWO AND NINETY THREE ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (302.93') to thew place of beginning, CONTAINING BY ADMEASUREMENT TWO AND FOUR ONE-HUNDREDTHS (2.04) ACRES be the same more or less. 2. The roads as designated and described in paragraph 1, 2, 3, and 4, are hereby removed from the County Road System of the County of Elgin. 3. This By-Law shall come into force upon the approval thereof by the LieutBnant-Governor in Council. FINALLY PASSED at the City of St. Thomas, in the County of E1gin, this 21st day of November, 1956. ~rM-C¡ Warden. 7-L1 >= Clerk. " PORTI ON OF COUNTY ROAD # 4 TO BE RJNlER'l'E'D BY 'TIm COUNTY OF EI.GIN TO ~'HE ~'OWNSHIP OF .AI,DBOROUGH. ALL AND SINGULAR that cértain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Tovmship of Aldborou~l, in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario, being composed of a part of the road between Concessions 7 and 8, and Part of, the road used in lieu thereof, across Part of Lot D, Concession S, in the said Township of Aldborough and whj.ch may be more particularly described as follows:- C01~~CING at a point in the intersection of the Easterly limit of Lot D,Concession 8 and the Southerly limit of the road used inlieu of the road between Concessions 7 and 8; TrTIillfCE South 55° 51f West, along the Southerly limit of said road, a distance of THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN AND FORTY SEVEN ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (315.47'); TrTIillfCE North 85° 47' West, a distance of ONE HUNDRl'-':D AND SIX AND THIRTY TrIREE ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (106.33') to a poin't in the Northerly limit of said road; Tffi~CE North 55° 51' East, along the Northerly limit of said road, a distance of THllillE tTIlliIDRED AND NIln~TY ONE AND ONE TENTH FEET (391.11) to a point in the Easterly limit of said Lot D; THENCE South 666 46' East a distance of SIXTY SIX AND FORTY SIX ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (66.461) to the place of beginning. .- ~,.(Jfl} Ajwß'O " ST. Thomas, Ontario. ONTARIO L.J\J'J1) SURVEYOR. February 6tho 19560 ;\ I\! " '. PORTION OF CO~rTY RO"1D # 46 TO BIG Hß"VERTED BY 'nm COUNTY OF ELGIN TO THE TOíVNSHII) OF BAYHAlVl: ~ WEICH MAY BE MOREP.AJ1TICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLI.OWS:- COMMENCING at a point in the Easterly limit of Lot 5, Concession 10; a distance of ONE THOUSAND ONE HD~RŒD .AND NINillTYTWO AND TWE1TTY FOUR ON.IT:-HfJ1\mREDTHS FEET (1192.24'), measured Southerly thereon from a point in the North east angle of said Lot 5; THENCE Northerly, along the Easterly limit of said Lo'b 5, a distance of ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY TWO AND T1¡\IJ1"NTY FOUR ONJTI-HL'NDREDTHS FEET (1192.24'); THENCE Easterly, along the Southerly limit of the Town Line between the Townships of Dereham and Bayham, a distance of SIX17 SEVEN "~ SIXTY TWO ONE-EruNDREDTHS FEET (67.62') to a point in the North west angle of Lot 6, Concession 10; TIillNc]~ Southerly; along the Westerly limit of said Lot 6; a distance of ONE THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED.AND TWO .AND SIXTY TWO ONE-IruNDRlTIDTHS FEET (1502.62'); TfOl~CE North vresterly in a straight line, a distance of THREE HUNDRED .AND TWO f\.ND NINETY THREE ONE- HONDREDTHS FEET (302.93') to the place of beginning. CONTAINING BY ADMEASURI1'J1JŒNT TWO AND FOUR ONE-l-ruNDHEDTHS (2.04) ACRi1:Sbe__thesame more or less. ~.~ ~øR- ~ /~ . ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR. st. Thomas, Ontario. February 7th. 1956. , ROAJJS TO BE REV'.J:HTED BY THE COUN'l"I OF ELGIN TO TIm VILLAGl~ OF DlJTl'TON ALL lJND SINGuLJill that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Village of Dutton, in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario, being composed of Part of the Road between Concessions A and 5, South of A, opposite Lot 14 ~1d Part of the travelled road on Lot 14, Concession A, connecting Shw(leton Street and the Road between Concession. A and 5, Sou'bh of A, in tho Village of Dutton, which may be more particularly described as follows:- Pffii~jVITSING that the bearing of the Southorly lim.it of JJot l4, Concesslon A is North 450 JEast~ COllillŒNCING at a ]Joint in the Southerly limit of Lot l4, Concession A, distant FOUH HDNDR¡m 1\.1'1D TWENTY nIRfGE AND 'rVIIiIT:TTY FDnTI O1'1E-HTThIDHIIDTl-IS F,KE'r (423.251), measured Westerly thereon from a point in the South east angle of said Lot 14; Tl-illNCE North 69° East, a distance of ONE lWNDlmD AND SIX'I'Y TWO AND 'l'VJENTY THRil:E OJ.\T.Œ-ITIJ"NDR8DrmS ]!'EJ£T (162.231 ) to a point in the Northerly limit of Lot 14, Conoession 5, South of A; TIiJ<iNC:I£ South 45° West, along the Northerly limit of Lot l4, COnCeSf)j.on 5, South of A, a distance of OI\[fG 'I'IIOTJSlllTD ,A1\lD FOHTY FIVJ3; FI~Err (10451) to its intersection with the Westerly limit of the ßaid travel1ec] road on Lot 14, Concession A; TITIL~CE Northerly, along the Westerly limit of ~.~ the said travelled road, a distance of 'l1iREE InTI\[DRED !~ID JŒB"l'Y 'rHRí~E ]'m:T (3531) more or less to its intersection with the Southerly limi t of Shalcleton Street; ~IßNCE Easterly, along the Southerly limit of Shakleton Street, a distance of SIXTY F]!:ET (60 I) more or less to its intersection with the 'Easterly limit of the'bravelled road Revert to Village of Dutton -2- THENOI~ Southerly, along the Easterly limit of the said travelled road, a distance of ~NO fTInTDllliD AI'ill J~IGHTY S::NEN F'l!-:lTIT (287') m,ore or less to its intersection with the Southerly limit of said Lot l4, Concession A; ~n~CE Easterly, along the Southerly limit of said Lot 14, Concession A, a distance of EIGHT I{Ü11Dm~D iJ'ID ~rrRTY SIWEN FI~I~T (837') more or less to the place of boginning. THE nOA.DS intenð,ed to be described above are outlined in red on the accompanying plan. rJP,ø , ~... " ON'rARIO LAND SURVgYOR, sto Thomas¡;¡ Ontario. February 29th. 1956. ONTARIO BJ1: the same more or less. (l~úU . LAND SlJRV1I:YOR . . CONTAINING by admeasurement ONE to the place of beginning SIXTY SIX .AND . TtIillNCE South 26~ 55t Eâst, FIFTY SEVEN ONE.,.HUNDREDTHS FEET ( 66.57 t of ) a distance the Westerly limit of said Lot 1 . , (16.74t), measured Easterly thereon from its intersection ;rlth a point distant SIXTEEN .AND SEVENTY FOUR ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET SEVENTY .AND FIFTY IUGHT ONE-HUNDREDTHS FEET ( 670.58 t ) to limit of said road allowance, a distance of SIX HUNDI&'D .AND TIŒNCE South 55° 33 t West , along the Nörtherly limit of the said road allowance , SEVENTY NINE FEET TtIillNCE South 85~ 79t ( ) to its intersection with the TWßNTY SIX THENCE North 34° AND EIGHTY l8t 27t West, ONE-lruNDREDTtIS FEET west, 26.80t) a distance ( . , of of Northerly a distance a distance , IruNDREDTHS FEET 747.90 t) . , of SJ!iVEN HUNDRED .AND FORTY SEVß'N .AND NINETY ONE- of the said Right of Way of the New York Central Railroad, limit of the said road allowance and along the Northerly limit THENCE North 55° 33 t East, along the Southerly the Westerly limit of said Lot 1 . , of the Southerly limit of the said road allowance and COMMENCING at a point in the intersection has a bearing of North 41° 22 t west. PREMISING that the Westerly 1 imit of said Lot 1 particularly described as follows :- Of the in the said T01lIDShip of Aldborough and which may be more New York Central Railroad ( Canada Southern Railway) Lot 1, Concession 7, immediately Northerly of the Right of Way being composed of Part of the Road Allowance laid out across of Aldborough 'in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario, of land and premises situate, ALL .AND SINGULAR OF lying and being in the Township ALDBOROUGH. that certain parcel or tract Thomas, Ontario. February 3rd. 195