1725 By-Law No. 1725 It A By-Law To Confirm By-Law No. 1369. of the Townshi Bein .ä By-Law to Stop-up Part of an Alley in the Villa~e of Eden in the Town- ship of Bayham. It' WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham on the 30th day of May, 1958, A. D., did pass By-Law No. 1369, to stop up part of an alley in the Village of Eden, in the Township of Bayham, more particularly described in the said By-Law, true copies hereof are hereunto annexed. AND WHEREAS pursuant ,to the provisions of the Municipal Act, the said Township By~Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a By_Law of the Council of the County in which the township is situate passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not sooner than three months, nor later than one year, after the passing of the By-Law of the Council of the Township. AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By-Law confirming said Township By..,Law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT By-Law No. 1369, of the Township of Bayham, being a by-law to stop up part of an alley in the Village of Eden, in the Township of Bayham, be, and the same is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 16th day of September, 1958. READ a second time this 16th day of September, 1958. READ a third time, and finally passed this 16th day of September, 1958. f-M Z1d d:z Clerk Warden // ¡~~ I, J .D.Vallee, Clerk of the Tovmship of Bayhalli, hereby certify the above to be a true and CODrect copy of Tovmsh±p of Bayham By-Law No. 1369. ( 'x' Signed ;~v~ J. T) c1¡;;~1i Vallee - ~_m ~.ð è thÙ'd ti__ ftne1l1petflll$1ò\4 this 30 Signed ~~f)t: Eay .19$~ Be,sH ¡.jevill ~~-~. ) (Signed) BasH iX"'·"- 'j ,',' ~'11è~ Jo Signed . Nevill Hi \1.Ii~!I!n~ ~u_-, Vallee $fe'\1I (ibtad..t'llild. ~iì1d a 11"", aM aflìi'otd ti.. tbi.$ 5th·¡¡1~ ct &tal. 19;£1, h$øo:\\_yød to O~dl'$ ,:tn.. ~~1f. t.beI ~,.. øt tbel ld;ictn1ng llndð, ~nd 'hlllt t~ h~v. Ind Ch~k b~ t,tnd tb$y ~ h$"hyl::tthov!lIS~t' to øD~\\te aU MCf)$~~ (I~ViII1_eø¡¡¡ tot' tM$ FP~&. ,. 'l:'b£øay...;tîtw $~11 tô:~ Gtt.¢t .$ r¡(' tjn as thl'il uOn$\lfnt. Of th~ ~nt$t'u¡¡nt...Gov~:mœ' U (;cttnøU ì!Ul.4 th1í 1iI,~!i)v(¡ l ~t Cmwty øt ß~1n aayiUtll'lt 1. WiUtt p~ øt.tM øtJIlJt ot þ¡1tIí.:tn Stt'\\Ii$t .!.'IC~"d_ to V:111. øt ~~n. . in . t.þ\) 't'~~Þlp òf ÐIYh$ìII, ~~,..t:t.¢Ucl.t'ly d,,~~.d'bIiMl !n $Qhl!ldu~ 'IIA,'* to· thÎÙJ ß1...1IW..$.s bsvf)b1 ".'t0p~(Ì up" :It,,~bat; tllS p~$.-m ~tth~ IIW .11t.ly ölo$ii¡i1Ì by th$~ ~y.law .110y blf,lt)wtm Fir.t't I'!Ihd SêC\'md Stre$1a. ê'tld ~g1.l!Ite:red Plln ~rumb~u" 11) ot tbG ~t_ 'ffm:Ø'. r~ l'r I,~eat) 1$1 JJiy....l$w t1ttht 'f~nabip ~f ,dt;.b1t!t.bif¡l"'~í.'Jhip.. .liD W~IS.Ü ~t 1$ 4"~d 6_~:t..litnt tt'> .,t,t>"Up·,pet. ot tbit 611\'1.11 ~t~~ft .':b"$t,_$Ii')C~ 1iItr~~ø 1$~.lJ!èt.ôt F~.1n $trt~ .jØè111:W¡l:t~ t~ ftg:1$t$i'eli. Pltn t~:r 11) ~fthø 'ftU~t of N.øn. A&WlmMMi thei'~~;!.N~nu of S~ì)t;1<m 1t1~ U,) ();t 'fh$< l,'!I.tnloiplá Aut !Î~l!Il~ 'With thì?l ~bn~ltlðn f/Jt tt~t!.Ç!/)ì$Ðt 1:.~ '~"'¢IP( $~,t . n:v....1~ hl_ bl!løndUl1 tío_l~l.dt;h pI$. ßt> ~i'ltIønw<tl~. I__1i} 11\!!itht bitt .ff~<:t..~ ~i'fjbr hal'i éppUQdtc ~ h$~· 01'" vtil1.$$Q en.,ôb3øct1on Þ :r~'~Qt t~Hfjt" ØUA.tt \)1" virtue of Sa($S.<m 4(;; u,.) C«r)ot ~e ~1t.t~~,~1 Aft. !~'II'!'fj.d ~lIIitul~~Ö of OnttWl0.19'O. eh.~t~J' j¡!4.3 thil ~.pwðt,S.øn t~ 01'11p~ft4 to íi1t~ uppl1irt <!it âh~~â' A ,lJ;¡r",1âw to $t.,p~ up ~rt of $'I. âlløv ~n th~ V~:uq1!J ø Id,øu. ¡in th~ f~$h$.P of' :8~/h.. F""""""'"""'''''''''e ',\:!'/":;-::',"""'::::".' 'Xo;U,\~;ii7J¡' ''1.'m? " GMPor~AT.ION OJ!' Tim TOMfSIIIP By-law No.. 1369 0111 BAY/tAM I" erot- '-' ----~ rmJ OORPÐ1tATIOO OF THS '.1'OWNSHIPÐF B./\Yli,AM . ." 11!Y''':l.~v r~ø.. , :~ $chìJQul~ "Aft AtZ. "Á'I'3' SXNI)UUn that øørtð1n 1'(¡\røe1 ø~ tJ:",ø'ti øt laM . IiIndp1"I!ui1i$ea $ltuatill.ly!n.!!)1!m4 b0:1ng¡ in tb~ V1U~e (Jf Ed-øfl.,1n , ,. . tblt '.!.'øwn$h:tJ;l at :aéY~lìIjint.hQ (lèW1t.}' øf :¡¡¡lgin P,<S blííliU$o!Ztti\p()$I!IÙ øt 1\ '1':Irt.10n 01' th$ ~1EIY between 'i~st 1M ~t}ØM St~$t$~d. ea$t "t Main St"~t .øe~¢i~; tø ~$gbta:r.d J>1~ N~'be:r 11J øt th$ . 'l,l'Ul$t!!;iIí of lWEI", ìII€í~~$:II't1eu1î11:rlY' dGscdbø:4 .$ fðUI!IWØ# ,. aøWimNCD:a ,tat the nørth W$$tødy ang1e \':If totQn~ Ø1'1 thè aast. dli1$ at ~~n $1:.:II'$$t änd tbe nœth $$4. øf rÛ'1ft $t)J'eli.tt <!a(lø":t'd:1ng to ¡¡¡aid J>1.nNutll~r 111J; 'rlÐ1JNQ! èþt.dyal.mgthø $óuthe:r1Y Und,tattbø $.tI.id ~løy to tI, pøint th.~eøn d1$ttAnt IØ"y f$ét 1\10~$ured.wt)$ttrl}' trom the n.o:t'th ~a$t~3I'1ytAngl~ (It Løt fwø. ~n. tbø n.()~b sid, of , F:t\l:'f¥t. $t:røet ànd !\itM(}t;. .of ~~tn $t:ll'$$t âèCIn"dingtØ $$14P1$n.; '1'm!:Ntm no~t;.berlYr.ït· \l:'1gb,t þgJ.$$ to tb~ aontbøf'1y limit of iu\!d alley " d1!\i1ttAnoQ øt 19.$ 1'..t t,øtih$ n()!'tbedy :u.fd':~ (It I'ud,d IJIl1¢iy. 'J,'}tENtm WI1I3te\l:'ly al¢n$ the uØ;rthíiil\l:'ly ltr1!b øt tU!ìid,*11$y " to th¡¡¡¡ wstlítt'ly ø~\I:'$lIIlty t}u;t:rootjb$:tng tl~$øut.h W¡iu~t$1"1}'~l$ øt~t Twó QU tho eaatddøòt _1.1.'1. $tt'$et ~n.d n.œt;h øf F:I.\I:'$1> Str'øøt a~( oX'd;tnl5tø $I\1:1.d PÛnf '1'íWNOi sc>uthø:r1yøt right _J.Øå . d:l.$t@óø of 19.13 fl4løt tot-h. pln.øø ot bø~1nn1~. 1'" ~"I,l." ,.' 1 ~. n ,~ '1 j! ~ Clerk of Bayham Twp . Yours very truly.; Thanking you I remain this matter on behalf of the Township. Messrs. Gibson and Gibson of Tillsonburg have handled office as v¡ell as our Tmvnship Solicitor advised of same . irming by-law by the County of Elgin would be passed and this In due course it would be appreciated if a conf- close a port i on of an alley in t he Hamlet of Eden I am 1 . enc_oslng a copy of our By-Law No. 1369 to Dear Sir;- Mr. J. D. Thomson, Clerk of Elgin County, St. Thomas, Onto ( r,._'n.,~"", ...":....,..,~..'.., 'i'i!;!?;<,; June 3rd Township of Bayham ]. D. V ALLEE. Clerk and Treasurer Phone 46 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO ~ , '-~,_."_. 1958. .-~