1730 THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN . BY-LAW NO. 1730. A By-Law to restrict and regulate the destruction of trees by cutting, burning or other means. WiEREAS it has become expedient for the general welfare of the County of Elgin to maintain and improve the forest, soil, game and fish resources of the County by preserving and improving the woodlands of the County; and WiEREAS, under Section 3 of The Trees Act, the council of a county is empowered to pass by-laws, (a) restricting and regulåting the destruction of trees by cutting, burning or other means; and (b) providing for the appointment of officers to enforce the provisions of any by-law passed under this section; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin , enacts as follows: 1. (l) Except as hereinafter provided, no living tree of the species listed below that shall not have attained to the measurements specified below shall be destroyed by cutting, burning or other means: l4 inches in diameter or 44 inches in circumference. PINE - White, Red SPRUCE - Norway, Colorado, White OAK - White, Swamp, Burr, Chestnut, Red, Black MAPLE - Hard, Red, Silver, Black POPLAR - Cottonwood WALNUT - Black, White HICKORY - ShagbarkR Pignut, Mockernut ELM - White, Red, ock ASH - White, Black TULWP, BASSWOOD, CHESTNUT, COFFEE, CUCUMBER, GUM, HACKBERRY, SYCAMORE, HEMLOCK BEECH, EUROPEAN ALDER 8 inches in diameter or 25 inches in circumference. TAMARAC, LARCH PINE - Jack, Scotch 6 inches in diameter or 19 inches in circumference. BIRCH - White, Gray, Black CEDAR - White, Red CHERRY, LOCUST POPLAR - Balsam, Trembling Aspen (2) Measurements referred to in subsection (1) above shall include the bark and be taken at a point on the tree eighteen inches above the highes,t point of the ground at the base of the tree. 2. This by-law shall not apply to (a) trees that are to be cut for use or sale as Christmas / · , By-Law No. repealed. 6. 1499 of the County of Elgin is be paid an allowance for salary at the rate of $1.00 per hour when engaged in the enforcement of this By- Law and an allowance for travelling expenses at the rate of ten cents per mile travelled in the enforce- merrt of this By-Law. hereby b c hold office for such term resolution of the Council as may be specified by @d ( ) a That officers to enforce the provisions of this By-Law may be appointed by resolution of council and an officer so appointed shall not be a member of council for the County of Elgin 5. Any person who violates the provisions of this By-Law shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a penalty of not exceeding $500.00 or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding three months. 4. apply to trees growing in a woodlot having an not exceeding two acres. ( e ) apply to trees growing opened road allowance; area d upon any highway or upon any interfere with the rights or powers of the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario or any other Board or Commission which is perfoTIning its functions for or on behalf of The Government of Ontario; ( c ) Interfere with any rights or powers municipality by The Municipal Act: (b conferred upon a interfere with the right of a person who has been the registered owner of land for at least two years to cut trees thereon for his own use; I ( a ) 3. This By-Law trees that should be cut or removed to provide access for cutting other trees that are to be cut. shall not ( f ) trees growing on locations or logging trails for fire guards skid-ways, ( e d ) trees of poor form and quality that should be cut to improve thê health and develpment of the remaining trees in the stand c) trees that have been damaged by disease, insects, wind, ice, fire, lightning, or other cause to an extent that the content of merchantable timber in such trees is not likely to increase diseased or insect infested trees or removed to prevent disease or spreading to other trees that should be cut insects from b ) trees 2 ~,. ., ,. , . .' -'--- -- .-'.-- ~'.~:"'.:....'. -.".,-"...-.,....,.,..,.",...,..---..-...,.,...-..-.-------. ."'--- . ..,'!}':-J_">:f"'.{::""-"-..';-:..,-.)"G,';::,.:·:'_"::;·.,·'··ô·.·..·,·-,r 'it,:"""-,, :.":~. '-:-__-c__ ,--_. :3 7. This By-Law shall come into force and take effect immediately upon the passing thereof. PASSED in open Council lst reading the 19th day of November, 1958. 2nd reading the 19th day of November, 1958. :3rd reading the 19th day of November, 1958. \ ~ ~b--L Clerk Warden