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BY-LAW NO. 1733
A By-Law To Amend the By~Law Adopting a Plan of County Road
Improvement and Establishing a 'County Road System in the
County of Elgin under the Highway Improvement Act.
The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts
as By-Law Number 1733 as follows:
1. The Schedule . of By-Law Number ~ being the
original By-Law establishing a County Road System in
the County of Eldn as amended by By-Law Number ~O52
being the last consolidating By-Law re-establish1ng
the said system and further amended by subsequent
amending By-Laws is hereby amended by adding thereto
the road designated and described as follows:
BEING that portion of the Road Allowance between
the townships of Yarmouth and Southwold, and the
DESIGNATED road established in lieu thereof, COMMENCING at
COUNTY ROAD the Southerly limit of the Road Allowance between
Number 25A.
Range I South of the Edgeware Road and Concession
IX Yarmouth, which is the Southerly limit of
County Road No. 25, THENCE Southerly along the
Boundary Road and deviations thereof, between the
townships of Yarmouth and Southwold, and South-
Westerly through Lots B and A, Gore Concession,
Township of Southwold to the easterly limit of the
King's Highway No.4, a TOTAL DISTANCE of approx-
imately, '1'.0 miles.
2. The road as designated and described in paragraph 1,
is hereby added to, and j.ncluded in the County Road
System of the County of Elgin.
3. This By-Law shall come into force upon the approval
of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council.
FINALLY PASSED at the Cit~ of ~ Thomas, in the County of Elgin,
this 22nd day of January, 1959.
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)Æ,~ eXI.!· ,'!tf4/'I/C
Copy of an Order-in-Co~nci1 approved by His
Honour the Lieutenant-Governor, dated the 26th day of
March, A.D. 1959.
Upon the recöw~endation of the Honourable the
Minister of Highways, the Committee of Council advise that
pursuant to subsection 6 of section 40 of The Highway
Improvement Act, 1957, approval be given to the following
by-laws which were passed to amend the County Road Systems
of the Counties named.
Nos. 1594, 1595 and l600 of the County of Bruce
v/No. 1733 of the County of Elgin
Nos. 289, 290 and 291 of the County of Lambton
No. 2675 of the County of Middlesex
No. 1043 of the County of Norfolk
Nos. 2849, 2850 and 2851 of the County of York.