BY-LAW NO. 1751
A By-Law To Amend the By-Law Adoptrung a Plan of County Road
Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the
County of Elgijl under the Highway Improvement Act.
The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts
as By-Law Number 1751 as follows:
l. The Schedule of By-Law Number m being the
original By-Law establishing a County Road System in
the County of Elgi~ as amended by By-Law Number 1052
being the last consolidating By-Law re-establishing
the said system and further amended by subsequent
amending By-Laws is hereby amended by removing there¡f'vóm
the roads designated and described as follows:
BEING that portion of Road Allowance known as County
Road No. 42A in the Village of Port Burwell, and being
a connecting link between County Road No. 42, and the
DESIGNATED King's Highway No. 19, also, being a portion of Erieus
County Road Street and Union Street, in the Village of Port Burwell,
No, 1.¡.2 A COMMENCING at the Westerly Limit of Victoria Street,
which is King's Highway No. 19, THENCE southerly and
Westerly along Erieus Street, and its continuation
known as Union Street, as shown on Registered Plan No.
12 and 98, to its intersection with Robinson Street,
(County Road No. 42) A DISTANCE of approximately
Three-eighths (3/8) mile.
BEING that portion of Road Allowance known as County
Road No. 42, in the Village of Port Burwell, COMMENCING
DESIGNATED at the northerly limit of Wellington Street, which is '
County Road Ktng's Highway No: 19, THENCE northerly along Robinson
Street to itsintersèction with Union Street, A DISTANCE
No. J+2
of approximately Five Hundred a.nd Fifty (550) feet.